The blackest and most evil painting in the world. In pursuit of its mystery, Rohan Kishibe, a manga artist with a special power, visits the Louvre in France. There, a number of horrifying events await him...
In the first half of the Naruse part, a man who has become a bra because he loves bras has withdrawal symptoms from his sister's big breasts, and is treated with his sister's small breasts. And in the second half of the Kondo part, a man who likes panties so much that he ends up in panties is severely punished by an S beautiful girl.
Mai, who has been withdrawn since her mother's death, spends her days playing games and sleeping. Her father is worried about his daughter's habits but he doesn't know how to deal with it and asks for advice online.
영화감독이 꿈인 청년 ′신고′ 앞에 대학 시절 영화 동아리 선배이자 1년 전 자살한 ′카와시모′가 유령이 되어 나타난다. 못 다한 한을 풀고자 돌아왔다는 ′카와시모′의 소원은 다름 아닌 대학 후배 ′아오이′와의 하룻밤. 그 웃픈 마지막 소원을 이뤄주고자, ′신고′는 ′카와시모′와 함께 과거로 타임 슬립을 감행한다. 어쩌면 ′카와시모′가 ′아오이′와 맺어질 수도 있을 지도 몰랐던, 그 시절 어느 하루로.