Céline Loiseau

참여 작품

On the Adamant
The Adamant is a unique day-care centre. A floating structure located on the Seine in the heart of Paris, it welcomes adults suffering from mental disorders, offering the kind of care that grounds them in time and space and helps them to recover or keep up their spirits. The team running it tries to resist the deterioration and dehumanisation of psychiatry as best as they can.
Les petits maîtres du grand hôtel
De cendres et de braises
The poetic and political portrait of a working-class suburb undergoing transformation, "De Cendres et de Braises" invites us to listen to the words of the inhabitants of the Mureaux housing project, near the Renault-Flins factory. Whether they are gentle, rebellious, or sung at the foot of the project's tower blocks, at the factory entrance, or beside a fire, these words take us through the night until a new day rises.
L'Adieu à Solférino
Associate Producer
Shot on super 8, the film appears like a journey, a dream along the Narmada river in India, between myths of Progress and myths of the river. "Dams are the temples of modern India", claimed Nehru after the country's independance. Soon, one of the largest complex of dams ever conceived will be completed on the Narmada. A social struggle is getting organized. We travel on the river until the ocean, on our way to meet inhabitants, beliefs, and convictions that cohabit and are brought into conflict as this valley undergoes major transformations.