Marcela Marambio

참여 작품

Dialect Coach
가난한 이민자 출신으로 런던 교외에서 3남매를 키우며 살아가는 벨라. 어느 날 청각장애를 가진 딸의 몸에 난 멍자국이 정부 당국의 오해를 부르고 벨라의 아이들은 강제입양 당할 상황에 처한다. 자신의 가난과 남편의 실직, 그리고 딸의 장애에도 침묵하던 사회 시스템은 한 순간에 나타나 그녀와 가족의 삶을 아프게 흔들어 놓는다.
First Light
Dialogue Coach
Marco, a cynical and ambitious young lawyer, lives in Bari with his partner Martina and their eight-year-old son Mateo. Martina had left Chile and moved to Italy when she met Marco. Their relationship has run its course, however, and Martina longs to go back to her country with Mateo, but Marco, the loving father left out of the equation, is adamantly against the idea. The couple clash for weeks on end, until Martina abruptly leaves the country with their son, goes back to Chile and virtually vanishes. With no news of Mateo, time seems to stand still for Marco. Anguished and unable to cope, he finally rallies and sets off in search of his son.