Paul Beeson
출생 : 1921-11-16, Hammersmith, London, England, UK
사망 : 2001-07-19
Director of Photography
Unfazed by ridicule from fellow scientists, professor Challenger (John Rhys-Davies) leads an expedition to investigate rumored sightings of prehistoric life still thriving in the unexplored African jungle. He's joined by a thrill-seeking journalist, his archrival and a beautiful adventurer on a perilous trek through mysterious and uncharted territory, filled with danger and deception. David Warner, Eric McCormack and Tamara Gorski co-star.
Director of Photography
Bonnie and cousin Sylvia, two very young children, are left at home in Willoughby Hall while their parents travel overseas. Only the servants and the prowling wolves are their companions. News arrives that Lord and Lady Willoughby are missing and an evil looking governess suddenly arrives at the hall...
Additional Photography
자신이 재직 중인 바네트 대학으로 돌아온 인디는 몇 달만을 비워뒀던 대학 연구실에서 오래 전에 도착한 아버지의 일기장을 발견한다. 고고학에 관심 많은 학생들을 피해 겨우 창문으로 빠져나온 존슨 박사는 윌터 도노반이라는 사람을 만난다. 도노반은 자신이 앙카라 북쪽에서 발견한 반쪽짜리 신의 석판의 탁본을 보여주며 헨리 박사의 일기장을 참고로 나머지 반쪽 석판과 예수가 최후의 만찬 때 사용했다는 술잔 성배를 찾아 달라고 부탁한다. 인디아나 존스는 아버지 헨리 존스 박사가 나치에게 납치 되었다는 소식을 듣고 베니스로 달려가는데...
Director of Photography
When a small Irish town is terrorized by a corrupt business syndicate, a lone hero wages an all out war.
Jane and the Colonel must journey to Africa to the lost city to retrieve the diamonds before the Nazis do. Comedy based on the popular wartime comic strip.
Director of Photography
An Englishwoman travels to South Africa in 1906.
Facing his parent's impending divorce and emotional upheaval, a young boy runs away and joins a gang of London street urchins who live by their wits, begging, and thievery.
Additional Photography
1936년 남아메리카. 인디아나 존스 박사는 험난한 밀림 지대를 헤치고 독거미와 온갖 부비트랩을 뚫고서 고대 문명의 동굴에 보관된 보물을 손에 넣는데 성공하지만, 마지막 순간 악덕 고고학자 벨로크에게 빼앗기고 만다. 대학으로 돌아온 인디에게 정보국 사람들이 찾아온다. 정부로부터 성서에 나오는 성궤를 찾으라는 명령을 받는은 인디는 단서를 하나하나 찾아가며 성궤의 행방을 추적해 나간다. 그런데 나치군들도 역시 전쟁에 가지고 나가기만 하면 모든 전쟁에서 승리를 거둘 수 있는 무서운 힘을 지닌 성궤를 찾아나서는데...
Visual Effects
Hawk the Slayer, after seeing both his father and bride die at the hands of his malevolent brother, Voltan, sets out for revenge and the chance to live up to his title. Tooling himself up with the "mind-sword" and recruiting a motley band of warriors: a giant, a dwarf, a one-armed man with a machine-crossbow and an elf with the fastest bow in the land; Hawk leads the battle against Voltan to free the land from the forces of evil and avenge his loved ones.
Director of Photography
Hawk the Slayer, after seeing both his father and bride die at the hands of his malevolent brother, Voltan, sets out for revenge and the chance to live up to his title. Tooling himself up with the "mind-sword" and recruiting a motley band of warriors: a giant, a dwarf, a one-armed man with a machine-crossbow and an elf with the fastest bow in the land; Hawk leads the battle against Voltan to free the land from the forces of evil and avenge his loved ones.
David Essex stars as Nick Freeman, a motorcycle racer who, following the death of his brother, inherits a revolutionary prototype motorcycle, and is determined to race it at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
Director of Photography
우주 경찰을 피해 광 속으로 도망친 스텔라(Stella Star: 캐롤린 먼로 분)와 앤톤(Akton: 마조 고트너 분)은 레드 몬스타의 공격으로 파괴가 된 우주선에서 유일한 생존자를 구해낸다. 곧이어 우주 경찰에 체포되지만 우주의 존립을 위협하는 대분쟁 상태에서 그들에게 중요한 임무가 내려지는데.
양부모와 함께 살고 있던 LA의 10대 소녀 케이시. 여느 때처럼 불량 친구들과 어울리며 동네를 쑥대밭으로 만들며 말썽을 피우고 집에 돌아왔더니... 어라? 양부모가 왠 낯선 사람을 데리고 있다! 이 낯선 사람, 젠킨스의 손에 끌려서 영국인 해리 번디지에게로 인도되고, 번디지는 케이시를 귀부인 세인트 에드먼드 여사의 실종된 손녀, 마거릿이라고 속일 계획과 함께 영국으로 귀국한다. 번디지와 여동생 클레라 (클레라는 세인트 에드먼드 여사가 사는 '캔들슈'저택에서 한때 일했었다.)가 교육시킨 대로 행동하는 케이시를 보고 귀부인은 마거릿이 맞다며 반가워하지만, 사실 이 귀부인의 작고한 남편이자 캔들슈의 전주인의 조상은 해적선장으로, 그 조상이 모아둔 스페인 황금을 영영 찾지 못하면 저택을 통째로 팔아넘겨야할 형편. 번디지가 케이시를 끌고 온 진짜 이유는 처음부터 여기에 있었다: 금화를 챙겨서 한탕 하려는 속셈! 하지만 이것도 모르고, 캔들슈에 입양되서 살아온 아이들 (클루니, 피터, 애나, 보비)은 때론 다투고, 사과하고, 힘을 합치며 점차 케이시/마거릿과 가까워지는데...
Director of Photography
A mad scientist (Donald Pleasence) crosses plants with people, and the results wind up in a sideshow.
Director of Photography
Widower Dr. Matt Younger and his daughter go to London for a month of dirt-bike racing. While there, Dr. Younger is surprised by finding himself attracted to Catherine, a charming but elusive woman who seems to have some mysterious men following her. A romance slowly develops between the doctor and Catherine, but there are complications to their happiness.
Scottish orphan David Balfour is betrayed by his wicked uncle Ebeneezer, who arranges for David to be kidnapped and sold into slavery so that he cannot claim his inheritance. The boy is rescued and befriended by Alan Breck, a Scottish rebel fighting on behalf of his country's independence from the British.
Director of Photography
Jane Eyre is an orphan, sent to Lowood school, and eventually becomes a governess at Thornfield hall to a girl named Adele. While she is there, many strange things happen and eventually she and Edward Rochester, owner of Thornfeild and Adele's guardian, fall in love. Suddenly, when Jane is about to win the happiness she deserves, a dark secret comes to light, and it will take all of her courage, love and understanding to triumph.
Director of Photography
An innocent project transforms into a perilous nightmare when researcher Susan Roberts arrives in France in search of information on a deceased composer. She contacts his widow whose mental deterioration, precipitated by the death of her husband, manifests itself in psychotic dementia. The young woman's arrival triggers an obsessive desire to marry her crippled son to Susan, ensuring by this union that the genius of the father will be passed on to future generations.
Director of Photography
On the Moon in the year 2021, a former-astronaut-turned-salvager helps a millionaire space industrialist capture a 6000-ton sapphire asteroid, while also assisting a woman in finding her missing miner/prospector brother
After losing a submarine and fifty crew in a battle with a German ship during WWII, a Royal Navy officer gets a second chance in a daring raid with midget subs.
Director of Photography
An eclectic group of characters set sail on Captain Lansen’s leaky cargo ship in an attempt to escape their various troubles. When a violent storm strikes, the ship is swept into the Sargasso Sea and the passengers find themselves trapped on an island populated by man-eating seaweed, giant crabs and Spanish conquistadors who believe it’s still the 16th century.
마크 색커리(Mark Thackeray: 시드니 포이티어 분)는 아프리카 기니 출신의 흑인이다. 그는 전직 통신 기사지만 새로운 직장이 생기기 전까지 교편을 잡기로 한다. 그가 발령을 받은 곳은 런던의 빈민촌, 생활고에 찌들려 교육에 대해서는 통 관심을 보이지 않는 사람들이 사는 곳이다. 그러다 보니 학생들은 하나같이 말썽꾼들이고 그들의 관심사는 어떻게 하면 교사를 골탕먹일까 뿐이다. 하지만 무엇보다 견디기 힘든 것은 이런 현실에 방관적인 자세를 취하고 있는 동료 교사들. 심지어 교장은 자기의 원칙에서 벗어나지만 않으면 된다는 전제 아래 모든 것을 교사의 재량에 맡기는 안니한 태도를 보인다. 아이들에게 시달리던 색커리는 아이들이 인생의 목표도 없고 자신이 처한 현실을 변화시키려는 의지도 없이 학교를 그저 냉혹한 현실에서 도피할 수 있는 공간정도로만 생각하고 있는 것을 알고 아이들을 교육시키는데 뭔가 색다른 전략이 필요함을 느낀다. 그는 우선 교사의 권위는 잊고 아이들에게 성인 대우를 해주면서 서로가 동등한 위치에서 자기 이야기를 하도록 유도하며 서로에 대한 경계심을 푼다. 그리고 아이들의 피부에 와닿지 않는 교과서에 적힌 내용들을 접어두고 인생, 죽음, 결혼, 사랑 등등 친밀하지만 어려운 주제들에 대한 진솔한 얘기를 이끌어나가면서 아이들의 불신의 벽을 무너뜨린다. 이런 대화는 무리를 지어 다닐 땐 강하지만 나약하기 그지없는 아이들에게 교실밖의 세상은 냉혹하며 생존을 위해서 변화해야만 한다는 교훈을 주고 색커리는 점차 아이들의 신임과 존경을 얻는다. 시간은 흐르고 아이들의 졸업식이 다가온다. 아이들은 졸업 후 취업 문제에 당면하면서 포기하지 않고 자신들을 바른 길로 이끌어준 색커리에게 감사하게 되고 한편 색커리도 원하던 통신기사 일자리를 얻는다. 졸업식 댄스 파티. 세상으로 나갈 준비가 된 아이들은 색커리에게 감사의 마음을 전하고 색커리는 그런 아이들의 모습에 눈물을 흘린다.
Director of Photography
A young man visits his fiancé's estate to discover that her wheelchair-bound scientist father has discovered a meteorite that emits mutating radiation rays that have turned the plants in his greenhouse to giants. When his own wife falls victim to this mysterious power, the old man takes it upon himself to destroy the glowing object with disastrous results.
Additional Photography
알프스의 아름다운 자연에 둘러싸인 오스트리아의 잘츠부르크 수도원. 음악을 사랑하는 말괄량이 견습 수녀 마리아는 원장 수녀의 권유로 해군 명문 집안 폰 트랩가의 가정교사가 된다. 마리아는 좀처럼 마음의 문을 열지 않는 폰 트랩가의 일곱 아이들에게 노래를 가르치며 점차 교감하게 되고, 엄격한 폰 트랩 대령 역시 마음의 문을 열게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 마리아는 자신이 폰 트랩 대령을 사랑하고 있다는 사실을 깨닫게 되고, 자신만의 비밀을 간직한 채 아이들의 곁을 떠나 다시 수녀원에 들어가기로 결심하는데...
Director of Photography
Young English girl Nikky and her aunt arrive at the Moon-Spinners, a hotel on Crete, to a less than enthusiastic welcome. The coolness of the owner is only out-done by the surliness of her brother Stratos, recently back from London. But then there is nice English lad Mark to make friends with, at least until Stratos and his pal take a shot at him one night. When Nikky helps him hide she finds the Greeks are after her too.
Director of Photography
Thomasina is the pet cat of Mary McDhui, the daughter of Scottish veterinarian Andrew McDhui. When Thomasina falls ill, McDhui declares that the pet should be put down. But when Mary and her father try to bury the cat, Lori MacGregor (Susan Hampshire), who is said to be a witch, shows up and attempts to steal it.
Director of Photography
English vicar Dr. Syn becomes a scarecrow on horseback by night to thwart King George III's taxmen.
Director of Photography
Two teenagers, Mary (Hayley Mills) and Robert (Keith Hamshere) are lead by Professor Paganel (Maurice Chevalier) on a search expedition for the children's shipwrecked sea captain father. This Disney film was based upon Jules Verne's 1868 adventure novel Captain Grant's Children.
Director of Photography
In the London of 1537, two boys resembling each other exactly meet accidentally and exchange "roles" for a short while. After many adventures, the prince regains his rightful identity and graciously makes his "twin" a ward of the court.
A suave art thief romances a wealthy duchess, only to enable him to steal a priceless painting from her collection. Complications ensue.
Director of Photography
In Scotland 1865, An old shepherd and his little Skye terrier go to Edinburgh. But when the shepherd dies of pneumonia, the dog remains faithful to his master, refuses to be adopted by anyone, and takes to sleeping on his master's grave in the Greyfriars kirkyard, despite a caretaker with a "no dogs" rule. And when Bobby is taken up for being unlicensed, it's up to the children of Edinburgh and the Lord Provost to decide what's to be done.
Camera Operator
Kidnapped and cheated out of his inheritance, young David Balfour falls in with a Jacobite adventurer, Alan Breck Stewart. Falsely accused of murder, they must flee across the Highlands, evading the redcoats.
An Englishman in France unwittingly is placed into the identity, and steps into the vacated life, of a look-alike French nobleman.
Director of Photography
A professional thief is sprung from prison with the assistance of a new partner who wants to know where he's hid his loot.
Director of Photography
A British Corporal in France finds himself responsible for the lives of his men when their officer is killed. He has to get them back to Britain somehow. Meanwhile, British civilians are being dragged into the war with Operation Dynamo, the scheme to get the French and British forces back from the Dunkirk beaches. Some come forward to help, others were less willing.
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
Director of Photography
Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.
Director of Photography
Game warden Bob Payton (Anthony Steel) tracks a ivory smuggling ring through some of the most treacherous passages of the Zanzibar territory.
Second Unit Director of Photography
When British Railways announce the closure of the Titfield to Mallingford branch line a group of local residents make a bid to run it themselves, backed by a monied member of the community who is attracted by the complete lack of licensing hours on trains. Unfortunately the local bus company starts to use methods that can hardly be seen as fair competition.
Second Unit Cinematographer
2차대전 당시 상선의 선원이었던 에릭슨(Lt. CmDr. Ericson: 잭 호킨스 분)은 구축함인 '컴패스 로즈'의 함장에 임명된다. 하지만 에릭슨을 제외한 다른 선원들은 바다에 대한 경험이 전혀 없는 사람들이다. 에릭슨은 3주간의 훈련을 마친 이들과 함께 독일 잠수함의 공격을 막는 임무를 받고 대서양으로 나간다. 한편 비열한 성격의 소유자인 베넷 (First Officer Bennett: 스탠리 베이커 분) 대위가 떠나자 록하트(Sub-Lt. Lockhart: 도날드 신든 분)가 대위에 임명되어 에릭슨 함장의 오른팔이 된다. 어려운 일이 있을 때마다 록하트는 에릭슨에게 진심으로 위로를 했고, 서로에 대한 신뢰감은 굳어진다.
Camera Operator
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
Camera Operator
The true story of the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to try to be the first man to discover the South Pole - only to find that the murderously cold weather and a rival team of Norwegian explorers conspire against him
Director of Photography
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.