Lucien Prival
출생 : 1901-07-14, New York City, New York, USA
사망 : 1994-06-03
Joe - Ramirez Saloon Bartender (uncredited)
1870년 서부의 작은 마을 헤이드리빌의 어느 일요일 아침, 세 명의 무법자들이 마을 역에서 서성거리며 시계를 본다. 이들의 보스 프랭크 밀러가 탄 기차가 12시 정오에 도착하는 것을 기다리고 있다. 이날은 바로 헤이들리빌 마을의 보안관 윌 케인이 보안관직을 은퇴하여 아름다운 신부 에이미와 결혼식을 올리고 마을을 떠나려하는 날인데, 5년 전 그에게 체포되어 투옥된 밀러가 복수를 하러오고 있는 중인 것이다. 이미 보안관직을 사임한 윌에게 더 이상의 책임은 없지만, 그는 밀러가 마을에 큰 피해를 줄 것을 알기에 고뇌에 빠지는데...
A society sleuth sets out on the trail of a society matron's lost jewels.
Capt. Mueller - German Submarine
Ship engineer Jim Taggert is rescued from a torpedoed tramp steamer by Joe Morgan, an American gangster that found New York too hot for him, and has become a fisherman operating from an out-of-the-way island off of the coast of South America. Morgan makes his headquarters at the Halfway House run by the parents of Maria Styx as a bar and dance resort catering to the planters and traders of the island. Taggert finds himself practically a prisoner along with a group of American girls acting as entertainers at the resort. Taggert shadows Morgan in his activities in a remote cove and finds that Morgan is supplying German U-boat commanders with torpedoes, but does not know that Morgan has rigged the torpedoes with clock devices that explode when at sea and sinks the U-boats.
Maj. von Pless
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
Hans (uncredited)
Sailors and spies mingle in between the acts at Hattie's nightclub in the Canal Zone.
U-499 Commander
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Zeppelin Captain
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
세계적으로 유명한 사냥꾼이자 영국 귀족인 알란 손다이크는 자신을 시험해 보기 위해서 히틀러 암살을 시도해본다. 진정한 암살이 아닌 자기 자신을 시험하기 위해서만 했던 행위지만 그는 나치에게 체포를 당하고 그로 인하여 거짓 심문을 하는 것을 강조 받는다. 영국국민으로써 상당한 위치에 있는 그는 영국정부의 의뢰로 암살을 시도했다는 심문을 하지 않자 여러 종류의 고문을 당하고 결국 탈출을 감행한다. 그는 운 좋게 탈출을 하여 영국까지 도망을 오지만 나치의 끈질긴 추격이 시작된다.
Secret agent Roger Pryor is dispatched below the border to protect an important scientific formula. Believe it or don't, this mixture has the ability to render things invisible.
Storm Trooper Officer (uncredited)
세계대전에서 패배한 토매니아국에 힌켈이라는 독재자가 나타나 악명을 떨친다. 한편, 힌켈과 닮은꼴 외모의 이발사 찰리는 국가의 유태인 탄압정책으로 인해 곤경에 처하지만 병사로 참전했던 전쟁에서 우연히 구해줬던 슐츠 장교의 도움을 받아 위기를 모면한다. 독재자 힌켈의 악행은 갈수록 도를 더해가고, 찰리는 유태인 수용소에 끌려가게 되지만 기지를 부려 탈옥에 성공한다. 하지만 이발사와 똑같은 얼굴을 한 힌켈이 탈옥범으로 오해 받아 감옥에 잡혀 들어가게 되는데…
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
The Canadians have discovered a valuable substance called Compound X, which can cure infantile paralysis. When a country at war with Canada learns that Compound X also contains magnetic properties that could aid them in their warfare against the British, they send agents to infiltrate Canada and steal a large quantity of the substance. It's up to Sgt. King (Allan Lane) and his Mounties to track down the agents and put an end to their scheme.
Passport Official on Train
The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Brietner, a family friend is caught up in the turmoil.
Hans Memling, a young intellectual, patriotic German, is secretly opposed to the Nazi regime. With the aid of Gustav Schultz, Father Pommer, Anna Wahl and others, he is gleaning accurate information from foreign radio broadcasts and distributing it through Germany with an underground-press operation. He convinces his brother-in-law Karl Bach, the brother of his wife Elsa, that Hitler is leading Germany toward a second world war. Karl, in love with Anna, joins the movement, determined to restore German culture and save the people from the brutality of the Storm Troopers and the Gestapo. The group has an inside link through Albert Stalhelm, a Storm Trooper and one of Hitler's Elite Guards. Albert is sickened by the brutalities he sees and wants to resign and flee Germany, but Hans persuades him to remain until they can find a replacement. He agrees, but warns the group that he is forced to join in the Nazi orgies and liquor loosens his tongue...
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
Lt. Schmidt
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Kranz (uncredited)
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
A chemical manufacturer is killed just after asking detective James Wong to help him. So Detective Wong decides to investigate this as well as two subsequent murders.
Mr. Panzer
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
Granite-jawed Jack Holt performs a dual role in Columbia's Trapped by G-Men.
Private Detective
미국인 부호 브루스 베일과 결혼한 아이린은 남편의 의처증을 견디다못해 이혼을 결심한다. 브루스가 자신의 새 선박인 '프린세스 아이린'의 처녀 항해를 앞두고 흥분하고 있는 사이 아이린은 이혼 수속을 밟아가고, 이에 광분한 브루스는 운전수를 매수해 파리의 한 호텔에서 아이린의 외도를 꾸미려 한다. 하지만 그런 브루스의 계획은 폴 듀망드라는 프랑스인의 도움으로 수포로 돌아가고 아이러니컬하게도 브르스의 계획으로 인해 만난 아이린과 폴은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 브루스의 기행은 여기서 멈추지 않고 폴을 살인범으로 몰아 아이린으로 하여금 폴을 보호하기 위해서 어쩔 수 없이 자신과 미국으로 되돌아가게 만든다. 이때부터 영화는 아이린을 찾아 미국으로 떠나는 폴과 남편에게서 도망친 아이린, 그리고 남편 브루스의 끈질긴 추적을 보여주는데 이 과정에서 아이린을 찾기 위해 미국에 정착하는 폴의 모습이 로맨틱하다. 결국 두 연인은 재결합하고 사랑을 재확인한다. 아이린은 폴의 살인혐의를 피하기 위해 타히티로 도피하자고 하지만 결국 두 사람은 파리행 '프린세스 아이린'을 타고 정의의 심판을 받기로 한다. 한편 브루스 베일은 두 사람의 '프린세스 아이린' 승선 사실을 알게 되고 두 사람을 빨리 만나기 위해 '프린세스 아이린'의 선장에게 무리한 명령을 내린다. 급기야 프린세스 아이린은 빙하에 부딪치게 되는데. 그들의 사랑은 이런 거대한 재난앞에서도 승리하고 브루스 베일은 자신의 죄를 뉘우치면서 생을 마감하며 영화는 끝을 맺는다.
A 15-episode serial in which Beatty goes to darkest Africa to rescue the Goddess of Joba, who is being held by the high priest.
Al Schultz
A wealthy man relates how gambling had tragic consequences for his family.
프랑켄슈타인 박사는 오랜 시간의 연구 끝에 그의 두번째 창조물로 아름다운 여인을 만들어 낸다. 첫번째 창조물인 빅터와, 두번째 창조물인 젊고 아름다운 에바는 모두 인간 신체의 각 부분들을 프랑켄슈타인 박사가 조합해 새로운 생명체로 만드는 과정을 거쳐 탄생했다.어느날, 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 집과 연구실에 불이 나고 폭풍우가 치면서 그들의 거처가 파괴되는 사건이 발생한다. 빅터는 혼자 힘으로 트랜실베니아로 가서 살기 시작하고, 에바는 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 인도 아래 그와 함께 살게 된다. 프랑켄슈타인은 세상에 대해 아무것도 모르는 에바를 교육시키면서 마치 상류계급의 젊고 매력적인 숙녀처럼 만들어 나가는데...
William Neer, a film director
A young woman who works in the movie business buys a sweepstakes ticket that turns out to be a winner. Her stroke of luck changes her life around--and not necessarily for the better.
Vindhyan, High Priest [Chs. 1-4]
Chandu consults his crystal ball and sees that Nadji, Princess of Egypt, is in danger. She is about to be sacrificed by the black magic cult of Ubasti. Headed for the magic island of Lemuria, he is shipwrecked , washed ashore and captured. He becomes invisible, escapes and after numerous detours is able to rescue the princess.
An actress is murdered in the midst of shooting a dance sequence for her latest picture, with Inspector Steve Trent on the case.
Sgt. Probert
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
Hungarian Soldier (uncredited)
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Jenks, the Butler
A man known to be a mute is suspected of committing a murder, as he was noticed at the scene. However, witnesses saw and heard him talking as he was leaving the scene of the crime. The police must determine if he is the actual killer or if he is being framed.
Von Sternheim
Thelma wins a screen test with a Hollywood studio, but trouble ensues on the train trip out there.
Baron Lomzoi
A burglar is recruited by the French Surete to help find his kidnapped girlfriend, who has been kidnapped by a deranged White Russian to impersonate the missing Princess Anastasia Romanoff while under his hypnotic spell.
A fancy masquerade party is the scene of a jewel robbery, and later several suspects in the robbery are discovered to be aboard the same train.
Frederick Landau
The darkest side of Tinseltown is depicted in this drama that centers upon a Hollywood columnist determined to reveal the awful truth about entertainment business.
The Baron (uncredited)
After running their car off the road, a society matron insists that the girls spend the evening at her mansion.
Chief Detective
Long lost German language version of the Laurel & Hardy film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case" When Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies and leaves behind a large estate, they think their days of living off the fish they catch are numbered. But they soon learn that Ebenezer has been murdered. All relatives, including Stan, are under suspicion.
Baron von Konitz
The reckless son of a millionaire struggles to find a positive outlook on life, so he turns to a hard-nosed trainer for help.
German Officer
The comic and musical adventures of Charley Chase as he fights in the great war.
Baron von Kemper
A derogated prince hopes to restore his wealth and power by marrying off his daughter to royalty. Unfortunately, she has fallen in love with a young man who has been hired to fix the plumbing in their run-down castle.
Baron Von Kranz
참고 사항. 하워드 휴즈의 전기 영화 에도 표현되어 있듯, 현재까지도 비행 전투 장면에 있어서 최고의 장면으로 기록된다. 3명의 조종사가 촬영 도중 사망했고 '유성 영화'가 등장하자 처음부터 재촬영을 했던 전설적인 영화다.
In this entry in the Lone Wolf series, the first to have a soundtrack, the jealousies of the King and the coquettish Queen are chronicled. When His Majesty learns that his wife has given the ring he gave to her to her lover, the King plans a large ball and demands the she wear the token. As her lover is a military attache, he is not in the palace, and the queen must send her lady-in-waiting to bring it back. En route, the lady meets a thief and they team up. She does not know that he has been dispatched by the King to steal ring from the attache.
Paul Newcast
Jay Rountree, a young, rising businessman and a son of a wealthy manufacturer gets caught up in a web involving an escort service or 'party girls' and trapped into an unhappy marriage.
Dr. Change Dorfman
A bumbling detective sent to investigate a murder at a wealth home is replaced by a sneering second investigator of mixed racial ancestry in this mystery involving an ancient Asian fan.
Billie Dove, as Elena, pulls out all stops as a Russian princess and a woman-of-the-streets in Paris in an exotic romance and hand-wringing drama set in two countries and the way-stations in between.
A renegade police captain sets out to catch a sadistic mob boss.
American Beauty (1927)
The German Officer
The Patent Leather Kid is a 1927 silent film which tells the story of a boxer who scoffs at fighting outside the ring... particularly for the United States once it enters World War I. Eventually, he is drafted, is shipped overseas, and performs a heroic act, which results in his being severely wounded.
Spanish Joe
Jack Banning is a motorcycle cop by day and undercover agent by night. Disguising himself as "Strongarm Samson," Banning infiltrates a gang of smugglers headed by Richard Courtney.
Nicola Riccobini, a puppet master in New York's Italian quarter, is an energetic and domineering man in the family, in contrast to his dreamy, poetic cousin Bruno.