Soroosh Gholampur

참여 작품

덩케르크 이스케이프
Sound Recordist
세계 2차대전, 영국군 ‘대니’는 이송작전에 합류하기 위해 ‘덩케르크’로 향하던 중, 독일군에 생포되어 포로수용소에 갇히고 만다. 복싱 챔피언인 ‘대니’를 알아본 독일군 장교는 ‘대니’에게 독일 병사와의 불리한 시합을 종용한다. 적군의 놀잇감이 되길 거부하던 ‘대니’는 그러나, 이 복싱 시합을 이용해 동료들과 탈출할 계획을 세우는데…
Pure Gold
Sound Recordist
In the grip of a famine, a farmer must provide for his starving family, however his desperation is exploited by a mischievous being, that tempts him with something precious.
The Wake
Sound Recordist
The Wake follows a young Englishman as he is brought to an Irish wake in an isolated house in the middle of the Irish countryside. Little does he know that this wake contains a lot of customs that aren’t so traditional…
The Pigman
Sound Recordist
An outcast creature pines to be accepted by his local village. One night, outside his mountainous home, an opportunity arises.