Helen Jones

참여 작품

White Settlers
Art Direction
Young urban couple Ed and Sarah are set to begin a new life when they move from London into an isolated borders Scottish farmhouse. After falling in love with the 19th century Castle Farm and seeing its potential as a fixer-upper they are anxious to get started on the renovations. In bed on their first night Sarah thinks she can hear noises in the darkness but Ed is disbelieving saying it’s her imagination playing tricks. Persisting in her fear they are not alone in the house, she forces Ed to investigate. When he doesn’t return after a scarily long period, she goes downstairs to investigate only to be confronted by a welcoming committee of masked intruders. As she desperately searches for Ed, a terrifying game of cat and mouse ensues with the mysterious assailants. But what do they want and what horrors do they have planned for the two newcomers?
Protect Me From What I Want
Art Direction
Saleem is an Indian student living in Leeds with his parents. He meets Daz at a gay cruising spot, and they have a night of mutually enjoyable sex. Saleem is nonetheless ashamed of himself and what he has done the next day.
Art Department Assistant
아시는가? 가장 무서운 존재의 하나가 아이들이다. 크리스마스 휴일. 두 가족이 모여 연말파티를 하던 중, 아이들이 하나씩 아프기 시작한다. 갑자기 부모를 공격하기 시작하는 아이들. 생지옥으로 변한 휴일에서 어른들은 과연 천사 같던 아이들의 무자비한 살육을 피해 살아날 수 있을까. 작년 피판에서 로 호평받았던 톰 솅클랜드 감독의 최신작.