Alexandra Oppo

Alexandra Oppo

프로필 사진

Alexandra Oppo

참여 작품

Slovak Model 1
패션업계에서 일하는 성공한 커리어우먼이자 40세 싱글맘인 비올렛. 그런 그녀의 삶에 유일한 남자가 있었으니, 그는 바로 20대 초반의 철부지 아들, 롤로. 어느 날 그녀에게 새로운 사랑이 찾아온다. 사랑에 빠져 행복한 비올렛. 자신에게서 서서히 멀어지는 엄마가 불안해진 롤로는 엄마에게서 새 남자 친구, 장-르네를 떼어 놓고자 다양한 방법으로 그를 궁지에 물아가는데…
Le Public / Het Publiek
El Público, The Audience and Le Public / Het Publiek are three films about a theatre audience and the city they live in. They’re also about theatre pieces that we only get to know through the narration of it. The performance is over, the actors step off the stage, the audience leaves the theater. However,in this case, the end marks the beginning. Eleven spectators star in their own tales, intertwined in a collage crafted by life itself. Restaurant and movie theater owners, immigrants and tourists, regulars and passers-by interact with the urban entourage and the people they come across, weaving a mosaic of endless possibilities. Third film of The Audience series by Mariano Pensotti.