Elerin Luuk

참여 작품

The Knocking
Key Hair Stylist
Three adult siblings return to their childhood home, where their parents were allegedly murdered many years ago. Their plan is to get the house and estate ready to be sold but an evil force tries to prevent them from doing so.
진실과 정의
Makeup Artist
1872년 에스토니아, 척박한 땅에서 농장을 일구려는 남자가 고된 노동과 악의적인 이웃에 맞서 고군분투한다. 하지만 생존을 위한 그의 투쟁은 아내와 딸에 대한 외면으로 이어진다.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Pathologist Abrikosov gets a phone call that a fly has taken a refuge inside Lenin's sarcophagus. No one knows how to get rid of it. Its Mayday 1936 and Stalin himself is about to come to inspect the body prior to Mayday festivities.