Ysé Tran

Ysé Tran

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Ysé Tran
Ysé Tran

참여 작품

À vot' bon cœur
Concierge's friend
French independent director Paul Vecchiali playfully bites the hand that periodically feeds him (and many of the nation's other creative filmmakers) in this dark comedy. Writer and director Vecchiali stars as a moviemaker named Paul Vecchiali, who is trying to complete his latest project, a dramatic love story about a young couple whose relationship is complicated by the man's addiction to drugs. Short on funds, Vecchiali approaches the National Cinema Center, who offer loans and grants to independent filmmakers whom they believe are deserving. The NCC is less than impressed with Vecchiali's latest script, and they turn him down, just as they have done a number of times in the past. Angry and determined that the NCC will never break the spirit of another director, Vecchiali and his crew block out a plan to assassinate the nine members of the funding board, though the press and public seem more bemused than outraged by the sudden rash of killings.
Margot Waï
The title reflects the brand of a financial institution, the bank of the Saltim family: Frederic, the younger brother, runs the family bank; his brother Bruno rejected the position of executive director, and chose to fund a theatrical company. Around them, there is a net of family members, friends, and acquaintances who seem to swirl around the banking brothers. Frederic and Bruno are both trying to control the future of their beautiful niece, Vanessa. The coffee shop owners Eve and Jim complicate everybody's life with their intrigues and lies. A strange stage director comes from his foreign exile. And lack of funds suddenly reveals the true colors of everyone - in banking, on stage, and everywhere.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
The guests of the Station Hotel have assembled to play a game of cards. The loser will sleep in room 207, a room rumored to be haunted. It hasn't been slept in for 20 years. As their lives tangle in a paranoid deadlock, the only escape becomes murder.
The Gods Must Be Daring
La fille de l'agence
A priceless statuette "Dancing God" is transfered from Africa to France. Scoundrels of all stripes are dreaming of steeling it. The most clever of them are trying to replace the original with the copy. Chases, adventures, breathtaking stunts, shootouts - life is not worth a penny, when the priceless treasure is on stake.
Le Complexe de Toulon
It is due to some professional obligations that brothers Charles and Fredi turn their attention to theater. Charles, an actor does not want Fredi to write a book on him.
Lily Wang
까르꼬(Antoine Carco: 제라르 디빠르디유 분)는 시내에 유명 나이트 클럽의 사장으로 클럽의 인기 댄서 레지나와 약혼한 사이이다. 하는 일마다 승승장구하던 그에게 어느날 홍콩에서 옛 친구의 전화가 걸려온다. 그 친구는 자신의 5살짜리 아들 바오를 빠리에 있는 그의 중국인 아내에게 데려다 달라고 부탁하고 홍콩 마피아들에게 살해당한다. 친구가 아이에게 전해주라던 4천만 달러에 눈독을 들인 까르꼬는 당장 홍콩으로 날아가지만 그 역시 마피아들의 추격을 받게 된다. 우여곡절 끝에 아이를 만나 수도원에 맡겨둔 채 혼자 돈을 찾아 가려던 까르꼬는 그마저 여의치 않게 되지만 운좋게도 수도원의 신부를 만나 온갖 해프닝 끝에 비행기를 타고 무사히 탈출한다. 하지만 거짓말은 곧 탄로가 나고 신부는 까르꼬에게 후회할 것이라는 말을 남기고 돌아선다. 신부가 장담한대로 까르꼬 앞에는 자신과 똑같이 생긴 수호천사가 나타나 하는 일마다 일일이 잔소리를 해대기 시작하는데...
Fille soirée
A teen party gone out of control provides the focus of this drama which explores the transitions of youth in a transitional time set in the post-disco, pre-punk, early 1980's. Ariane, a teenager, is rebelling against her father and her boyfriend Pierre. She decides to hold a small party. The party is crashed by a large crowd of rude outsiders who proceed to destroy her home. Afterward, Ariane must face her obsessive neatness.
I Can't Sleep
Theatre Actress
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
비터 문
Eurasian Girl
나이젤(Nigel : 휴 그랜트 분)과 휘요나(Fiona : 크리스틴 스콧 토마스 분)는 영국인 부부로 서로의 사랑을 확인하면서 지중해를 여행중이다. 그러던 어느날, 나이젤에게 휠체어에 탄 중년 남자가 접근한다. 그는 오스카(Oscar : 피터 코요테 분)라는 미국인 작가로, 빠리에 살면서 집필을 하고 있었다. 오스카도 아내인 미미(Mimi : 엠마뉴엘 세이너 분)와 여행을 하고 있었다. 오스카는 나이젤을 초대해, 자신의 이야기를 들려주는데... 현실감이 넘치는 미미와의 사랑 이야기였다. 오스카와 미미는 빠리의 시내버스에서 만났다. 사소한 사건으로 두사람은 사랑하게 되었다. 되풀이 되는 사랑의 나날. 둘의 사랑은 더욱 격렬해지면서 차츰 변모해 갔다. 듣고 있는 나이젤의 도덕성을 실험이라도 하려는 듯 전개되는 이야기에 처음에는 혐오감을 느꼈지만, 차츰 그 이야기에 빠져드는데...
Li Siou
A European man sets up a business in Korea to deal in snuff films. The police quickly catch on to his dealings and attempt to hunt him down.
Blanc de Chine
Mathieu is called on by the French government to investigate murders in the Asian community of Paris. With Chinese and Vietnamese engaged in a bloody slaughterfest, the key to the mystery lies with the orphan girl who Mathieu helped to escape during the fall of Saigon in 1975. Now a beautiful young woman, Mathieu is reunited ten years later with the refugee, and together they attempt to solve the case. He uncovers a CIA plot that has carried over from the last days of the Vietnam War and that is related to the Paris murders.