Barbara Lehner

참여 작품

The Best Short Film of All Time
Rosella Pranke
Film festival director Evelyn Bichlinger has only a few hours left until the awards ceremony. Unfortunately, the short film jury has disappeared, without telling anyone which short film will receive an award. An adventurous search begins!
Breaking the Ice
Mira lives for the sport of ice hockey and leads her team as captain with a strong determination. It's a challenge to reconcile this with her role in the family vineyard: with her mother and her adventurous but increasingly demented grandfather, she runs the farm - with all its responsibilities. The new player Theresa completely unsettles her with her nonchalance and openness. And when Mira's missing brother Paul also turns up and all three get lost in late-night Vienna, Mira discovers the freedom it means to break rules, to reinvent herself - and that you can only love if you let go.
파라다이스: 신념
Legio Herz Jesu
마리아는 오스트리아의 중년 여성이다. 그녀는 신에 대한 사랑으로 외로움을 달래며, 포교 활동에도 적극적이다. 그녀는 이민자 이웃이나 무슬림으로 살아가는 남편을 위해서도 헌신적인 태도를 보인다. 그러나 이 맹목적인 믿음은 삶의 공허함을 더 크게 보여줄 따름이다.