Kseniya Yakhnina

참여 작품

The Cage is Looking for a Bird
Makeup Artist
Yakha is 17 and loves roaming about the fields with her friend Madina. Her home is a village in Chechnya where she lives with her mother and little brother. She is self-composed by nature and knows what she wants, but is also open to life – which begins to take shape in the form of certain cultural and social concepts. Madina wants to get married; Yakha’s older sister wants a divorce. Her mother is against it – after all, she herself managed to persevere. Together they visit the grave of their father who died in the second Chechen war.
Makeup Designer
Tembot's dream is to be needed, and, finally, to take his place at least in someone's heart. But in the coveted maternal, there is not even a corner for him, because because of the resemblance to her father, she rejects him over and over again. He is also excluded from the heart of a close friend - he sets him up in a big way. There is no place for an insensitive father, whom he misses. This pain gives him a new beginning...
To Stumble
Makeup Designer
The "To Stumble" comedy is based on "Death of an Official" story by Anton Chekhov. Trying to catch the ironic intonation of the writer, in whom the comedic side by side with the tragic, the director blurs the boundaries of time and talks about the present day.
카고 200
Makeup Artist
페레스트로이카 이전 시대를 배경으로 한 잔인한 스릴러물. 광적인 경찰관과 그의 어머니, 지역 공산당 지도자와 그의 딸, 그리고 레닌스크의 여러 사람들을 이야기를 다루고 있다. 발라바노프는 구소련의 죽어가는 '몸체'를 그려내면서 최근 일어나고 있는 소비에트에 대한 향수에 대해 항변한다. 작은 뉴스기사 하나가 부식 되어가는 이 시기를 반추하는데 영감을 제공했다. 지역 공산당 지도자의 딸이 디스코 클럽을 떠난 이후 흔적도 없이 사라지고 잔인한 살인사건이 마을 변두리에서 일어나게 된다. 두 가지 중요한 사건들을 해결해야만 하는 광적인 한 경찰이 자신만의 법으로 기이한 사건을 만들어가게 되는데... 80년대의 소비에트 러시아에 관한 극단적인 사실주의 스릴러.