Ryan Terk

출생 : 1998-12-12, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

참여 작품

보 이즈 어프레이드
VFX Production Coordinator
아버지가 누군지 모른 채 사랑하는 독단적인 어머니와 살며 상처받은 중년 남자 보는 매사 두렵고 불안하지만 그렇지 않은 척하기 일쑤이다. 그런 그가 어머니를 만나러 고향으로 돌아가던 길에 초현실적인 상황과 직면하게 되는데…
Here Comes Kermit Williams
A young sports memorabilia reseller and cockfighter prepares for the release of his incarcerated father.
Here Comes Kermit Williams
A young sports memorabilia reseller and cockfighter prepares for the release of his incarcerated father.
Here Comes Kermit Williams
A young sports memorabilia reseller and cockfighter prepares for the release of his incarcerated father.
Here Comes Kermit Williams
A young sports memorabilia reseller and cockfighter prepares for the release of his incarcerated father.
Speedy 1-2-3
After crashing his electric wheelchair when going approximately 90 mph on the side of the highway, Chuggs McKenzie waits idly on the pavement for someone to help him…meanwhile, Ryan is having the worst day of his life and on his walk home, spots a collapsed figure calling for help in the distance…
탑건: 매버릭
VFX Production Coordinator
최고의 파일럿이자 전설적인 인물 매버릭은 자신이 졸업한 훈련학교 교관으로 발탁된다. 그의 명성을 모르던 팀원들은 매버릭의 지시를 무시하지만 실전을 방불케 하는 상공 훈련에서 눈으로 봐도 믿기 힘든 전설적인 조종 실력에 모두가 압도된다. 매버릭의 지휘 아래 견고한 팀워크를 쌓아가던 팀원들에게 국경을 뛰어넘는 위험한 임무가 주어지자 매버릭은 자신이 가르친 동료들과 함께 마지막이 될지 모를 하늘 위 비행에 나서는데...
Betsy And The Whale
Two young men are exploited in the making of a documentary about brain injury patients. Confusion and tension between the two rise just hours after wrapping.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
Sound Mix Technician
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
There’s Nothing You Can Do
Ronny Wynn
On the biggest day of his career, a scheming street photographer runs from debt collectors, chases an ex-girlfriend, and tries to turn his bad luck around.
I Want to Live I Want to Die
He lives in the tunnels beneath an abandoned movie theater. At night, he talks to friends and strangers on his Mickey Mouse phone and dreams of the end of the world.
아르테미스 파울
Visual Effects Production Assistant
오언 콜퍼의 동명의 소설을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 12살 아르테미스 파울의 환상적인 모험을 담았다. 유서 깊은 천재적 범죄자 가문의 후계자 아르테미스 파울은 납치당한 아버지를 구하기 위해 온 힘을 다한다. 아버지의 몸값을 지불하기 위해서는 지하 세계에 사는 요정들의 고대 문명에 침투해 가장 강력한 요정의 마법 도구 아큘러스를 대령해야 한다. 잡기 어려운 아큘러스를 유인하기 위해 위험한 계획을 꾸미는 아르테미스. 하지만 이 계획은 아르테미스 자신마저 강력한 요정들과의 전쟁에 휘말릴 수 있는 위험한 계획이었는데…
Mmhm! Tiger Man
A Tiger Man extravaganza.