One Life to Blossom is a documentary film that follows the life of black transgender activist and entertainer Blossom C. Brown as she undergoes her dream of getting face feminization surgery all within a year before making headlines at the 2019 CNN LGBTQ Town Hall. Raised in Jackson, Mississippi, Blossom struggled with her identity and her health when she became infected with H.I.V. at seventeen years old, but that didn’t stop her from going after her dreams. She overcame racial and gender prejudices to become the first transgender woman to graduate from Mississippi University for Women. However, her dreams of becoming a nurse was unsuccessful when she was not accepted into nursing school after applying six times. However, Blossom chose to not give up on her dream.
One Life to Blossom is a documentary film that follows the life of black transgender activist and entertainer Blossom C. Brown as she undergoes her dream of getting face feminization surgery all within a year before making headlines at the 2019 CNN LGBTQ Town Hall. Raised in Jackson, Mississippi, Blossom struggled with her identity and her health when she became infected with H.I.V. at seventeen years old, but that didn’t stop her from going after her dreams. She overcame racial and gender prejudices to become the first transgender woman to graduate from Mississippi University for Women. However, her dreams of becoming a nurse was unsuccessful when she was not accepted into nursing school after applying six times. However, Blossom chose to not give up on her dream.
Production Coordinator
오래전 “컬트” 집단에서 탈출한 ‘저스틴’과 ‘애런’. 두 형제 앞으로 어린 시절 함께 지냈던 ‘애나’의 메시지가 담긴 비디오 테이프가 배달되고 그들은 환영 받지 못할 ‘그곳’으로 다시 돌아가게 된다. 돌아온 형제를 경계하는 사람들. 비밀을 감추고 있는 사람들. 그리고 그들을 둘러싼 설명할 수 없는 현상들. 형제가 마주할 어두운 진실은 과연 무엇일까? 오래전 사이비 집단에서 탈출했던 두 형제는 그곳에서 전해지는 터무니없는 이야기가 어쩌면 진실일지도 모른다는 두려움에 휩싸인다. 최근 장르 영화계에서 재능을 알린 듀오 저스틴과 애론이 함께 연출한 세 번째 장편으로, 영화 속에서 진실을 찾아 나선 두 형제를 직접 연기했다. (2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)