Aaron Chung

참여 작품

Life in 24 Frames a Second
"Life in 24 Frames a Second" is a film about hardship, misfortune, perseverance and triumph. The personal stories of John Woo (The Killer), Anurag Kashyap (Sacred Games), Rithy Panh (The Missing Picture) and Lav Diaz (The Woman Who Left), who survived extreme poverty, disease, sexual abuse, genocide and civil war to go on to become maestros of world cinema. 'Survivors' united by their abiding love of the movies.
Days of the Turquoise Sky
Follows the everyday life of Ali, a 15-year-old boy who has to come to terms with growing up with a single father and a nosey neighbour, seemingly eyeing for his affection. With the arrival of a new teacher, Miss Liew, Ali finds himself developing a crush on her. At the same time, he and his best friend, Hassan experience the awkward stage of being a teenager, spending their day fishing and getting bullied, and learning to deal with that.