블리스'는 현실을 초월하는 사랑 이야기로, 최근에 이혼과 실직을 겪은 그레그(오언 윌슨)는 거리에 사는 수상한 여인 이저벨(살마 하이에크)을 만나 그들이 사는 타락한 세계가 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션임을 깨닫는다. 처음엔 의심했던 그레그도 이저벨의 터무니없는 이야기가 사실일지도 모른다고 생각하는데..
Still Photographer
Following the death of their estranged father, Joni and Wes Carver travel to Arkansas to deal with their inheritance: a rundown house in a rural town, arriving just in time for Decoration Week-end - wherein former residents return to celebrate their ancestors. It is here, in a sea of strangers living and dead, that Joni and Wes finally find their place in the story of their own lives.
Camera Operator
Following the death of their estranged father, Joni and Wes Carver travel to Arkansas to deal with their inheritance: a rundown house in a rural town, arriving just in time for Decoration Week-end - wherein former residents return to celebrate their ancestors. It is here, in a sea of strangers living and dead, that Joni and Wes finally find their place in the story of their own lives.