Nancy / Greengrocer's Wife (voice)
The story of a man who rescues a German Shepherd and how the two become fast friends. Based on the 1956 memoir of the same name by BBC editor, novelist and memoirist J. R. Ackerley.
Famous New Yorkers and the pooches they love are the focus of this refreshingly honest and endearing series of interviews that celebrates the meaningful connections people share with their pups. Gossip columnist Cindy Adams, playwright Edward Albee, designer Isaac Mizrahi, and actors Glenn Close, Edie Falco and Richard Gere are among the many celebs who pay tribute to their beloved canine companions.
Drunken Lady at Ball
새 직장? 안돼도 그만! 새 남자? 생기면 좋고! 새 핸드백? 무조건 사수! 멋진 훈남보다 그녀를 더 설레게 하는 것은 바로 쇼핑! 의 그녀, ‘레베카’는 고해성사하듯 자신을 그렇게 소개한다. 괜한 말이 아니다. 지칠 줄 모르는 그녀의 쇼핑 본색. 그녀의 친구는 레베카를 타박하면서 걱정스러운 듯 쳐다 본다. 문제는 지나친 쇼핑으로 인해 카드명세서에 파묻힐 지경이라는 것! 이제 레베카는 빚을 청산하기 위해 월급이 더 쎈 직장을 찾아 나서게 되고, 하필 재테크 잡지사에 덜컥 취직하기에 이른다. 하지만 연이자율이 뭔지도 모르는 그녀. 과연, 새 직장에서 어떻게 살아 남을 것인가?
어느날 다른 여자를 사랑하게 되었다며 이혼을 요구하는 남편때문에 우울증에 걸린 '실비아'를 위해, 조셀린과 엘레그라,베네뎃은 제인오스틴의 소설에 대한 북클럽을 만들게된다. 하지만 오스틴 대표작이 6권이기에 2명의 맴버가 더 필요한 상태. 그러던차에 우연히 만난 SF소설 매니아 그릭에게 조셀린은 북클럽에 들어오기를 권유하고, 또한 극장에서 우연히 푸르디를 알게된 베네뎃 역시 제인 오스틴에 대해서 너무나 잘 알고 있는 그녀를 북클럽에 초대한다. 그렇게해서 만들어진 북클럽은 첫 모임에서 책에 대한 이야기를 하지만, 각자 자신이 가지고 있는 고민들과 연결시켜 해석하기에 책속의 이야기와 인물들에 대한 상반된 의견들이 나오기 시작하는데... (
After Eloise s tutor Philip quits, nanny enrolls her in the prestigious Hawthorne academy. Eloise can t wait to being real school, but soon finds out it isn t exactly what she was expecting. There are mean girls on the playground, very strict teachers and so many rules rules rules! Eloise decides it s time to make school fun again, she s teaching her new friends to stand up to bullies, helping her teacher understand there are a lot of different ways to learn and having tons of adventures. Can Eloise fit in at her new school? Will she be able to follow all the rules while remaining true to herself? Imagination runs wild and being bored is neer allowed in this fun filled animated adventure featuring the talented voices of Lynn Redgrave, Tim Curry, Neil Patrick Harris and Doris Roberts!
It s almost Christmas Even for Eloise, the Plaza s most famous six-year old. She and her friends have decided to put on a holiday show like no other! With different traditions from many cultures, it is sure to be the best show the Plaza has ever seen. Chaos abounds, at the last minute as Mr. Salamone must cancel the show. Will Eloise be able to find a way to keep the arrive for the party? The kids scramble to find a way to save their show and in the end learn the true spirit of the season is having the people you love all happy and together. There s holiday fund for everyone in this hilarious adventure starring the talented voice of Lynn Redgrave as nanny and Tim Curry as Mr. Salamone!
Olga Belinskya
1936년 격동의 중심지이자 정치적 음모의 중심지 상하이. 러시아 귀족으로 부와 명예를 누렸던 백작부인 소피아(나타샤 리차드슨)와 그 가족들은 혁명으로 모든 것을 잃고 상하이로 탈출했다. 소피아는 식구들의 생계를 위해 바에서 손님들과 춤을 추고 어울리는 바걸 호스테스로 일하고 있다. 앞을 못 보는 미국 외교관 토드 잭슨(랄프 파인즈)은 일본 외교관 마트다를 만나 호감을 갖고, 소피아는 자신의 바를 찾은 잭슨을 도와 준 것을 인연으로 만남을 갖는다. 잭슨은‘화이트 카운티스’라는 고급 바를 내고 소피아를 고용하고, 화이트 카운티스는 상하이의 모든 정치, 권력 그리고 음모가 한데 어울리는 최고의 클럽이 되는데...
Final Interview Subject
선생님이자 주일학교 목사였던 보수적인 아버지 밑에서 자란 킨제이. 엄격한 신앙심을 가진 그의 아버지는 킨제이가 공대에 진학해 기술자가 되길 바랬지만, 그는 아버지의 반대를 무릅쓰고 어릴 때부터 키워왔던 꿈을 이루기 위해 생물학과에 진학한다. 킨제이는 하버드 대학을 졸업하고 인디애나 대학에서 생물학 교수로 재직하던 중 그의 제자이자 재치 있고 아름다운 여성 맥밀란을 만나 결혼한다. 킨제이는 현실적인 성교육을 바라는 학생들의 요구에 따라 '결혼강좌'라는 강의를 맡게 된다. 하지만 '섹스'와 관련된 학생들의 궁금증을 해결해줄 만한 학술적인 자료가 전혀 없다는 것을 알게 된 그는 유례없는 섹스 리서치에 돌입한다. 그리고 킨제이의 열정적인 노력에 의해 현대인의 비밀스러운 성생활에 대한 놀라운 사실들이 밝혀진다. 킨제이의 보고서가 발표되는 동시에 전세계는 엄청난 충격과 혼란에 빠져들었다. 미국 사회는 파격적이고도 진보적인 그의 보고서의 내용을 받아들이기에는 성(性)에 관한 편견과 무지로 가득했고, 킨제이의 연구는 예상치 못한 격렬한 논쟁에 휩싸이게 된다. 결국 그를 후원하던 록펠러 재단은 사람들의 여론을 의식해 연구비 지원을 중단하고 만다. 킨제이는 사람들의 비난과 질시로 곤란한 상황들에 처하게 되고 그 충격과 분노로 점차 심리적, 육체적 고통에 시달리게 되는데......
Aunt Millicent
사랑과 모험을 동경하는 웬디. 어느날 밤 그녀의 방으로 날아든 피터팬은 모든 걱정을 잊고 환상으로 가득찬 네버랜드로 떠나자고 그녀를 유혹한다. 비밀의 키스를 간직한 웬디는 네버랜드에서 피터와 문라이트 댄스를 추면서 사랑에 빠지지만, 피터는 사랑이 뭔지 모른다. 둘 사이에 대한 팅커벨의 질투가 극에 달할 무렵, 웬디는 피터에 대한 복수심에 불타는 후크에게 납치당하는데...
Grandma Lewis
Charlie's War is the story of Charlotte Lewis, a woman who is experiencing serious emotional and mental turmoil brought about by nightmares of increasing intensity. In the dreams, she is a young girl, and she runs from unknown terrors. Trying to understand her troubling dreams, Charlotte revisits part of her childhood, which comes back to her in a series of impressionistic memories. Charlie, her sister, Jobie, and her mother move in with her grandmother. It is 1944, and World War II rages in Europe and the Far East. Though Grandma's farm seems to be a peaceful refuge, there is an undercurrent of fear and brooding menace in their surroundings.
Cordelia Thornberry (voice)
아빠, 엄마, 언니 데비, 동생 도니, 그리고 우리의 주인공 엘리자 등 쏜베리 가족은 아프리카의 이곳저곳을 돌아다니며 대자연의 놀라운 모습을 카메라에 담는다. 침팬지 다윈과 함께 종종 사라졌다가 나타나는 엘리자를 가족들은 이상하게 생각하지만 사실 엘리자에겐 굉장한 비밀이 있다. 이 꼬마숙녀는 동물과 말을 할 수 있는 능력이 있다는 것. 동물을 사랑하는 그녀의 착한 품성을 갸륵하게 여긴 아프리카의 주술사로부터 비밀을 지키는 조건으로 능력을 얻은 엘리자. 만약 이 사실을 누군가에게 말하면 능력은 없어지고 만다. 그런 어느 날, 엘리자는 늘 어울리던 치타 가족을 찾아가 새끼 치타들과 경주를 벌인다. 그러나 어미 치타의 경고를 무시하고 너무 멀리까지 간 것이 화근. 새끼 한 마리가 헬리콥터를 타고 추격하는 밀렵꾼들에게 잡혀가고 만다. 엘리자는 목숨을 걸고 새끼를 구하려 했지만 결국 놓쳐버린다. 때마침 가족을 찾아왔던 할머니와 부모님은 이런 엘리자를 염려한 나머지 영국으로 보내기로 결정한다.
Mrs. Omerod
Meena, a 12-year-old living in a mining village in the English Midlands in 1972, is the daughter of Indian parents who've come to England to give her a better life. This idyllic existence is upset by the arrival in the village of Anita Rutter and her dysfunctional family.
Mrs. Wilkinson
스파이더(랄프 파인즈)는 오랜 세월을 정신 병원에서 보내다가 지역사회로 돌아가기 위한 절차로 윌킨슨 부인이 운영하는 사회 복귀 시설에 오게 된다. 알아들을 수 없는 소리로 중얼거리며 끊임없이 메모를 하면서 거리를 헤매고 다니던 그는 30년전 자신이 살던 집 앞에 다다르게 되고 10살 소년 시절의 과거로 되돌아가 자기 자신을 바라보게 된다. 그는 배관공인 아버지(가브리엘 번)와 조용한 갈색머리의 어머니(미란다 리차드슨) 밑에서 자랐다. 아버지는 퉁명스럽고 성질 급하고 주로 펍에서 시간을 보내는 등 가정적이지 않은데 반해 어머니는 친절하고 자애로우며, 아버지와 함께 외출할때나 겨우 립스틱 정도를 바르는 소박함을 지녔을 뿐 아니라 어린 스파이더(브래들리 홀)에게는 거의 절대적인 위치를 차지하는 완벽한 엄마다. 그러나 스파이더는 펍에서 만난 금발의 매춘부(미란다 리차드슨)가 아버지를 유혹해 섹스를 하게 되고 어머니 자리를 빼앗는걸 목격하고는 다음이 자기 차례라는 두려움에 떨게 되고 모종의 계획을 세우게 되는데…
Woman / Witch
Hansel and Gretel is a 2002 film adaptation of the Brothers Grimm children's story. It stars Jacob Smith and Taylor Momsen as the eponymous characters. It includes the Sandman, played by Howie Mandel and Sinbad as a raven.
Nola Fox
After her husband leaves her, a woman travels to London for the funeral of the pop star, Victor Fox, she's adored all her life. There, she meets the lover of the dead pop star, and convinces him to come back to Chicago with her to figure out who killed the singer.
The story of Peter McGowan, a chain-smoking, impotent, insomniac playwright who lives in Los Angeles. Once very successful, he is now in the tenth year of a decade-long string of production failures. He finds himself bonding with a new neighbor's lonely young daughter who has mild cerebral palsy; and during one of his middle-of-the-night strolls, he encounters his oddball doppelgänger.
Helen Margaret Chapman
Two sisters take a journey of discovery and reconciliation based on the memoirs of Margaret Moorman. Christine has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and must rely on others for support even though she longs for and independent and ordinary life. When her mother dies, her sister Judy becomes responsible for her care. The two are left to face the struggles of finding common ground.
The Simian Line is an American improvisational film, released in 2001. When Katharine (Lynn Redgrave) throws a party on Halloween, a psychic called Arnita (Tyne Daly) predicts that one of the three couples present at the party will break up by the end of the year. The guests don't take her seriously. Arnita doesn't tell them that she can see a fourth couple at the party, the long dead Mae (Samantha Mathis) and Edward (William Hurt). As days go by, Katharine grows increasingly jealous of her lover Rick (Harry Connick, Jr.), and his flirting with her neighbor Sandra (Cindy Crawford). Sandra is married to Paul (Jamey Sheridan). Marta (Monica Keena) and Billy (Dylan Bruno) are rock musicians who live in the same building as Katharine.
A powerful dynasty, headed by a charismatic, manipulative father, falls when he decides to hand over his criminal empire to his three corrupt and power-hungry daughters. Kath runs a brothel down by the docks, Tracy owns a soccer team and Jo, a former junkie -- and prostitute -- rejects her inheritance, pitting sisters Kath and Tracy against each other.
Alma Werfel-Mahler
Varian Fry rescues more than 2,000 artists from Nazi persecution during World War II.
Emily Vogel
After years of absence 26-year old Kay returns to her home town. Her soccer coach died and the girls from the team all gather for the funeral. The stories of Celeste, Lisa and Marie seem to prove what Kay has long suspected: love makes you unhappy. But Kay's mother predicts that when Venus lines up with Mars, Kay will meet the man of her dreams. Then suddenly a mysterious American appears and an unpredictable adventure begins that changes Kay's idea of a happy life.
Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy offers audiences a penetrating look inside the world of Ron Jeremy, America's most unlikely sex star and hero to millions. With nearly 25 years in the adult film industry and over 1,600 films to his credit, Ron Jeremy is huge. In his world, Ron reigns supreme-he's made millions of dollars and slept with thousands of beautiful women, and is indisputably the industry's biggest star. And everyone who's anyone knows Ron-a pop icon to millions, he is a beacon of hope for many American male, since he stands as living proof that pretty much anyone can get some. So how did such a classically unhandsome, big and hairy guy ever get to be suchia super stud? In one of the most fascinating and entertaining comedies of the last year, audiences finally get a chance to get inside the life and times of Ron Jeremy, and find out what's really behind the hardest working man in show business.
Wicked Witch of the East (voice)
Before Dorothy landed on the Wicked Witch of the East with her little farm house, the witch had to contend with another resident of middle America. The Lion, who was once part of the Omaha Circus, comes to Oz with the Wizard and starts on an adventure to stop the witch from obtaining the Flower of Oz. As new friends and strange characters look to him for his courage, Lion could loose exactly what it is that makes him so brave. Based upon the book by Roger S. Baum (Great-Grandson of Oz L. Frank Baum, the original author of the Oz books). Written by Max Vaughn
On Ironbound Island, native Fiona McKay arrives from Europe with her teenage daughter Clair, hoping that the peace of the island will help the girl get over the death of her boyfriend. The girl finds comfort in the company of a visiting American girl and more so in the stories of Celia, a crazy old local who weaves enchanting tales which cleverly combine her own experiences on the island with mystifying legends.
Helen Whittaker
요가 강습을 하는 노처녀 애비는 안정된 가정을 원하는 평범한 여인이다. 어느날, 2년을 사귀던 남자친구 케빈과 헤어지고 상심한 그녀는 게이 남자친구인 로버트와 함께 우울한 마음을 달래다 하룻밤을 같이 지내게 된다. 몇 주 후에, 로버트를 찾아간 애비는 임신을 했다며 아이 아빠가 돼달라고 하는데... 둘은 아이의 아빠와 엄마의 관계일 뿐, 각자의 성생활에는 관여하지 않기로 하고, 아들 샘을 낳은 지 6년이 흐른다. 그러나 애비는 점점 자신의 결혼 생활에 회의를 느낀다. 로버트는 여전히 남성을 만나 데이트를 하고 자신과는 친한 친구관계이며, 아들 샘에게는 한없이 자상한 아빠이기 때문이다. 그러던 그녀에게 한 남자가 나타났으니 뉴욕에서 LA에 사업차 왔던 벤. 결국 애비는 벤과의 결혼을 결심하고, 이제 로버트는 샘을 떠나보내야만 하는데...
Hon. Judge Nancy Jakes
A miracle occurs for a homeless family consisting of two wayward children and their protective aunt with the help of an angel. When a young woman's niece and nephew are threatened with foster care after her sister is hospitalized following yet another overdose, she flees with them until they land in the sleepy town of Bethlehem just before Christmas and a series of kindnesses and coincidences gives the trio a chance at happiness.
A woman who believes a dead composer is in love with her falls in love with a man who constantly fights an imaginary man named Hank.
A young man runs from the voices in his head into the arms of an elderly cowgirl.
Written, co-produced and co-directed by David J. Skal, THE WORLD OF GODS AND MONSTERS is a behind-the scenes chronicle of the making of the 1998 Academy Award-winning film GODS AND MONSTERS starring Ian McKellen, Brendan Fraser and Lynn Redgrave. Narrated by author/ filmmaker Clive Barker, the documentary interweaves the life and career of James Whale, director of the original FRANKENSTEIN, with the making of the acclaimed biopic. Interviewees include writer/director Bill Condon (Oscar winner for best adapted screenplay), Ian McKellen, Brendan Fraser, Lynn Redgrave, and Christopher Bram, author of the novel FATHER OF FRANKENSTEIN, on which the film was based.
Amanda Talmadge
Miss McVane
각기 개성이 뚜렷한 이들 4인방은 그들만의 비밀장소를 두고 토론도 하고 저마다의 꿈을 이야기하며 서로 의견을 나누는 단짝 친구들. 리더격인 버리나는 오데뜨를 자신들의 클럽에 끼워주기로 한다. 미운 털이 박힌 학생장 애비에게 한 방 먹이는데 성공한 오데뜨의 재치와 센스가 마음에 들었기 때문. 리더쉽이 강한 버리나는 반항적이고 시니컬한 성격으로 선생님을 골탕먹이기 일쑤다. 공주병 말기인 팅카의 꿈은 영화배우가 되는 것. 어디서나 예쁘다는 소리를 들어야 직성이 풀리는 팅카는 그야말로 학교의 퀸카다. 고운 마음씨를 가진 트위티는 먹는 것을 너무 좋아해 비만을 방지한다며 토하는 약을 상자째 사다놓고 밤마다 생난리를 부린다. 공부를 잘하는 모모는 특히 과학부문에 소질이 있는 우등생. 이들 네 명은 오데뜨를 자신들의 아지트로 초대하고 그들만의 비밀스런 시간을 즐기는데...
Inga Kolneder
How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic leaders of the neo-nazi organization NIM. Catherine, a first-year university student who feels alienated from the liberal campus, joins a hate group through the Internet and becomes their voice, only to gradually question their beliefs even as she becomes more deeply involved.
30년대 할리우드를 주름잡던 공포영화의 대가 제임스 웨일의 명성은 사라진 지 오래다. 그는 이제 집에서 가끔 찾아오는 남자 연인에게 심통을 부리며 살아가는, 아무도 돌아보지 않는 늙은 괴물의 신세. 어느 날 웨일은 정원사 클레이 분이 잔디 깎는 모습을 보고 그의 근육과 젊음에 매료된다. 그의 동성애 취향을 알고 찜찜해하는 클레이에게 그림 모델이 돼달라고 설득하면서 웨일은 서서히 자신의 죽음을 준비한다.
Monica Brannigan
Edward Brannigan (Brian Dennehy), a veteran lawyer prestige, gives a dinner to celebrate what for him is an honor: his son Eddie Jr. (Reed Diamond) will be working in his office.
A female dentist is cast into limbo after her death in an accident and is given the assignment to act as the Tooth Fairy as her action to be admitted into heaven.
Corin Redgrave presents a portrait of his father, Michael Redgrave, exploring his personality, nature and what he was like as a father. He uses family photographs and letters and his father's diaries and autobiography, and produces a picture of a complicated and troubled man who was bisexual, a heavy drinker and emotionally distant and cold as a father. Includes contributions from Vanessa and Lynn Redgrave and Rachel Kempson, as well as Harold Pinter and Diana Menuhin. Also contains clips from several of Michael Redgrave's films.
빗속을 헤매던 초라한 행색의 한 남자. 막무가내로 찾아 들어간 레스토랑 피아노 앞에 선 그는 사람들의 비난과 야유 속에서 연주를 시작한다. 오로지 손가락이 기억하는 움직임에 따라 자신만의 격정적이고 열정적인 연주를 마치자, 이를 숨죽이고 지켜보던 사람들은 그의 아름다운 연주에 환호를 전한다. 오락가락하는 정신으로 10년이나 세상으로부터 방치된 채 살아온 그는 바로 과거 [라흐마니노프 피아노 협주곡 3번]으로 전설적인 무대를 남긴 천재피아니스트 ‘데이비드 헬프갓’임이 알려지는데……
Narrator / Feline the Cat / Barkley (voice)
An angel named Timmy with help of a dog and mouse tries to give a less fortunate Boy and Girl A Teddy bear and doll for Christmas.
Jane Hudson
An elderly, bedridden former movie star is "cared for" by her sister, who hates her and keeps her a virtual prisoner in the family mansion.
Abby Greyhouwsky
Film highlighting the courtroom antics of the jury.
The sultry Midnight, late-night horror movie hostess, has the highest rated show on TV. Mr. B is scheming to steal the rights to the show. The tug of war begins and soon escalates into a deadly conflict. will Midnight have to get a day job and change her name to High Noon?
Gavin is 31 years old and still lives with his parents. He is awfully shy but before he knows it there are three women interested in him. Lady Minerva Munday has a casual way of life and lives in a basement, Joan is an over-sexed millionairess, married to a Greek architect. But Gavin prefers the ugly assistant in the barbershop. Written by Mattias Thuresson
Pauline Williams
The true story of Pauline Williams, who struggled to bring the people who supplied her son with the illegal drugs that caused his death to justice.
The Woman
A housewife confides to her neighbour about the troubles she has been having with her possessive husband, her romantic lover and her lecherous invalid brother-in-law. In spite of the impressive battery of mod cons in her home, she feels that love and marriage are not all they are cracked up to be.
Nancy Stewart
After seven years in boarding school, Morgan Stewart is finally coming home. He discovers it's not the same happy home it used to be....
Mrs. Hepp
A young paraplegic wants to escape the bonds of gravity by going into outer space.
Marjorie Lloyd
A widow emerges from her mourning after a year. She moves into a new apartment, gets a new job, and a gains a 'gentleman caller,' her late husband's partner and former best friend. Her daughter opposes the relationship and causes considerable confusion. As she tries to work out her problems, she confides in a fellow worker. The friend offers her a shoulder to cry on and ultimately suggests that they have a relationship. Surprised and more confused than ever, she does find herself drawn to her friend.
Monica Breedlove
Rachel is a 9-year-old girl who is perfection itself - unless she's crossed or challenged. Several disturbing recent incidents have led Rachel's mother Christine to suspect that her child is a latent murderess. Upon discovering that she herself is the daughter of a convicted killer, Christine becomes convinced that sweet little Rachel is a "bad seed" - an inherent killer who feels no remorse because she doesn't know any better.
Adaptation of Shakespeare's play.
Monica Welles
A year after his fiancée's death, a playwright schedules a rehearsal for his new play, which proves to be a trap for her killer.
Steve Martin's fourth NBC special was in the spirit of his previous association with Saturday Night Live. It was broadcast live from Studio 8H, produced by Lorne Michaels and featured some original cast members of the show.
A tribute to American musical theater, featuring scenes from "Show Boat", "South Pacific," "Sweet Charity," "Finian's Rainbow," and "Lady in the Dark", among others. There is also discussion of the various creative aspects of the plays.
“Linda In Wonderland” is Linda Lavin’s variety television special that aired on Thanksgiving Day, 1980. Special guests include; Lynn Redgrave, Anthony Newley and Ron Leibman. Her characters of “Alice Hyatt” and “Sam Butler” from her television show “Alice” also make appearances as Ms. Lavin plays dual roles for both. Ms. Lavin and her guests perform Broadway and other musical numbers in various settings and medleys, mixed in with solo performances and Linda giving us a little background about herself growing up, along with some humor and pizzazz.
Lady Davina (sketch 'Maître en la demeure')
A sex comedy anthology containing four stories, each from a different country (England, France, USA and Italy). "An Englishman's Home" "The French Method" "Armando's Notebook" "Skippy"
Leona DeVos
An unmarried, reclusive college teacher is torn between a married maintenance man who has been repairing her house and her former professor and lover.
Mette Gad
Based on the turbulent life of the temperamental French painter, Paul Gauguin, and his compulsive search for creative freedom which caused him to abandon his wife and five children in Paris for a life of contentment in Tahiti.
Kate Jordache
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
Thirteen-year-old Jessie is in love with Michael, a 17-year-old guitar instructor and aspiring musician. When she finally captures his interest, she lies and tells him she's 16. But what will Michael do when he discovers the truth?
Dr. Van Helsing
National Lampoons mockery of everything that is wrong with cable TV.
Camille Levy
The ultimate disaster film parody. A nuclear-powered bus is making its maiden non-stop trip from New York to Denver. The journey is plagued by disasters due to the machinations of a mysterious group allied with the oil lobby. Will the down-on-his-luck driver, with a reputation for eating his passengers, be able to complete the journey?
Xaviera Hollander
Having emigrated to New York and immediately got the kiss-off from her mother-besotted fiance, a Dutch lass takes a well-paid office job and starts liberally sampling the local male talent. After a while she decides to make her pleasure her business too, and as her reputation grows she graduates to a high-class bordello. Soon she realises she has the right talents to make a real success of a place of her own.
Senhorita Jane Cubberly
An English governess is hired to take care of two adorable orphans, who turn out to be not exactly what they seem to be.
Eliza Doolittle
The most famous and beloved of Shaw's plays, Pygmalion is a witty exploration of class and gender, Professor Henry Higgins bets his friend that they can take a poor flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, and pass her off as a duchess. They teach her perfect English, mannes, and how to dress like a lady, but proves to more than a match for her tutors.
Nurse Sweet / Nurse Betty Martin
Peter Nichols adapted his own hit play to the screen, based on his experiences in hospitals. A riotous black comedy that's as timely today as ever, it contrasts the appalling conditions in a overcrowded London hospital with a soap opera playing on the televisions there. In an ingenious touch, the same actors appear in the "real" story as well as the "TV" one, thus blurring the distinctions even further. Jack Gould directs such outstanding British actors as Lynn Redgrave, Colin Blakely, Eleanor Bron, Jim Dale, Donald Sinden, Mervyn Johns, and, in only his second film, Bob Hoskins. The renowned Carl Davis composed the score.
양치기 사내는 양과 관계를 가진 후 사랑에 빠지지만 얼마 뒤 양이 변심한 것 같다며 양을 병원에 데려간다. 한편 데이트 도중 분위기가 무르익자 남자의 머리 속이 분주해진다. 모든 기관은 바짝 긴장하고, 섹스에 대비해 정자들은 당장이라도 뛰쳐나갈 태세에 돌입한다. 이외에도 오르가즘을 느끼지 못하는 아내, 여자 옷을 입고 즐거워하는 남자의 이야기 등 섹스에 대한 7가지 에피소드가 이어진다.
Miss Poole - Nanny
An Englishwoman turns nanny and kidnaps the son of an Italian gangster who took over her dancing school.
Mary O'Donnell
A spaghetti western in which three adventurers team up during the Mexican Revolution. Mary O'Donnell, a radical Irish journalist, wants to foment a peasant revolt in Mexico. She enlists the help of a seedy bandit, Lozoya, by saving him from a death sentence in Utah. They meet a man calling himself Prince Dmitri Vassilovich Orlowsky, who claims to be a Russian prince, not to mention a man of the cloth. Wallach pretends to be a Mexican folk hero. The trio crosses the border, the two men seeking a cache of gold while O'Donnell pursues her revolution.
Myrtle Kane
A new bride gets caught between her decadent husband and his black half-brother.
Phillipa Raskin
The core of the plot is the romantic triangle formed by the protagonist, a conscripted soldier named Private Brigg; a worldly professional soldier named Sergeant Driscoll, and Phillipa Raskin, the daughter of the Regimental Sergeant Major. The location is a British army base in Singapore during the Malayan Emergency.
Two young women arrive in London to make it big in show business, and become corrupted by money and fame in the process.
뚱뚱한 20대 아가씨 조지는 남자한테서 한 번도 구애를 받아보지 못했다. 반면 그녀와 함께 사는 매력적인 메리디스는 남자들에게 헤픈 편이다. 그러던 어느 날, 조지는 부유한 유부남 제임스 리밍튼이 자신을 정부로 삼고 싶어한다는 사실을 아버지를 통해 알게 된다. 한편 메리디스는 미혼모가 될 위기에 처하는데...
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
Baba Brennan
Catholic-Irish farm girl Kate, along with her gregarious best friend Baba, moves to Dublin to pursue a more exciting life.
Susan, Uptown Inn
버려진 아이로 태어나 대 지주의 저택에서 자란 톰 존스는 명랑하고 자유분방하지만 경솔한 행동과 모략으로 인해 대지주의 가호까지 받지못하게 된다. 사랑하던 연인에게도 버림받았지만 이런 고난들을 착한 성격으로 극복하여 나가는데..
Bit Part (uncredited)
A showbiz reporter gets involved with political intrigue.