Garrett Fort

출생 : 1900-06-05,

사망 : 1945-10-26

참여 작품

The Mad Room
Ellen Hardy gets a rude awakening when she discovers that her brother and sister are scheduled to leave their mental institution. As children, they were put there after killing their parents. Ellen, who now lives in the house of an old widow, Mrs. Armstrong, takes them in. But if their secret gets out, it could jeopardize Ellen's plans to wed Mrs. Armstrong's stepson. She struggles with anxiety -- until Mrs. Armstrong suddenly turns up dead.
Inside Job
A pair of married ex-convicts trying to go straight get jobs at a department store. A gangster who knows about their past threatens to expose it unless they agree to help him rob the department store.
Blood on the Sun
Nick Condon, an American journalist in 1945 Tokyo, publishes the Japanese master plan for world domination. Reaction from the understandably upset Japanese provides the action, but this is overshadowed by the propaganda of the time.
The Man in Half Moon Street
A British doctor and painter must kill for the glands he needs to stop the aging process.
During Japan's invasion of the Philippines in 1942, Capt. Henry Lassiter, Sgt. Bill Dane and a diverse group of American soldiers are ordered to destroy and hold a strategic bridge in order to delay the Japanese forces and allow Gen. MacArthur time to secure Bataan. When the Japanese soldiers begin to rebuild the bridge and advance, the group struggles with not only hunger, sickness and gunfire, but also the knowledge that there is likely no relief on the way.
Street of Chance
In this Cornell Woolrich thriller, a man's memory is recovered after being injured by falling construction material. Discovering a year-long lapse, he returns to his old life and discovers a lot of mysterious happenings.
레이디 포 어 나이트
Gambling boat operator Jenny Blake throws over her gambler beau Jack Morgan in order to marry into high society.
Among the Living
A mentally unstable man, who has been kept in isolation for years, escapes and causes trouble for his identical twin brother.
Ladies in Retirement
Ellen Creed is a housekeeper who looks after Leonora Fiske, a retired actress living in the English countryside. When Ellen's eccentric sisters visit their sibling at Leonora's home, tensions soon lead to murder.
쾌걸 조로
돈 디에고는 베가 알레한드로의 아들로서 스페인에서 생도 생활을 하다가 아버지의 부름을 받고 고향인 캘리포니아로 돌아오게 된다 돈 디에고가 스페인에 머무는 동안 베가 알레한드로는 부패한 관청으로부터 뇌물을 먹인 악인 돈 루이스 꾸안테로에게 시장 자리를 뺏기고 그의 수하인 에스테반 대령과 합심하여 시민들의 세금을 갈취하고 강제 노동을 시키는 등 민심을 흉흉하게 만든다. 고향에 돌아와 이 모든 사실을 알게 된 돈 디에고는 겉으로는 철부지 인척 어리광만 부리다가 밤이면 정의 실현을 위해 조로로 변신하여 가난한 노동자들을 위해 돈을 나눠주고 어려움에서 구해준다 결국 조로 때문에 큰 위험에 처한 꾸안테로와 에스테반 대령은 조로에게 높은 현상금을 걸지만 소용이 없고 영웅이 된 조로는 꾸안테로 시장을 찾아가 스페인으로 이주하라며 권고한다 돈 디에고는 꾸안테로의 조카인 로리타에게 한 눈에 반하게 되고 오해가 있었지만 곧 조로라는 것을 알고 그녀도 믿고 사랑하게 된다 하지만 곧 꾸안테로의 덫의 걸려 조로라는 것이 탄로가 나는 돈 디에고, 하지만 곤경에서 빠져 나와 에스테반 대령을 죽이고 궁지에 몰린 꾸안테로 시장에게 시민들에게 직접 사직 연설을 하라고 시킨다 후임으로는 선임 시장이었던 디에고의 아버지 베가 경을 지명하고 꾸안테로 전 시장은 스페인으로 부인과 함께 떠난다. 돈 디에고는 로리타와 결혼을 하게 되고 캘리포니아는 다시 평화를 되찾는다.
The Zero Hour
A celebrated Broadway actress and a wealthy widowed businessman are brought together through their shared affection for a young orphan.
Panama Lady
A weary dance-hall girl in a Panama saloon is given the choice of jail or going with a rough-and-tumble oil driller's jungle oil-field in order to pay him back for being slipped a mickey and robbed.
Twelve Crowded Hours
An ace reporter with a girlfriend nails a numbers racketeer for murders.
The Devil-Doll
Wrongfully convicted of a robbery and murder, Paul Lavond breaks out of prison with a genius scientist who has devised a way to shrink humans. When the scientist dies during the escape, Lavond heads for his lab, using the shrinking technology to get even with those who framed him and vindicate himself in both the public eye and the eyes of his daughter, Lorraine. When an accident leaves a crazed assistant dead, however, Lavond must again make an escape.
드라큐라의 딸
과학자인 제프리는 휴가 중, 반 헬싱 교수가 살인 혐의로 스코틀랜드 법정에 기소되었다는 소식을 드고 반 헬싱 교수를 만나게 되는데, 그로부터 뱀파이어에 관한 얘기를 듣고, 존경하는 교수를 구하기 위해 백방으로 노력한다. 그러던중 매력적인 여인 잘레스키 백작 부인을 알게되는데, 이후에 발생하는 기괴한 사건때문에 백작 부인이 뱀파이어 임을 알게된다. 한편 제프리를 사랑하게 된 흡혈귀 잘레스키는 제프리를 유인하기 위해 그의 여비서를 납치해가는데...
A young poet, accompanied by his new bride, returns home to his large family at their Canadian farm.
Mills of the Gods
Fay Wray plays Jean Hastings, the wealthy and spoiled scion of a factory-owning family led by her irrepressible grandmother. Sparks fly when Jean meets Jim Devlin, the labor leader who’s spearheading a tense worker’s strike against the factory. After circumstances force Jean and Jim to spend a night together in his cabin, she begins questioning her family’s ruthless tactics. This hard-to-see Columbia film by British director Roy William Neill not only features Wray as a brunette but also includes an explosive depiction of labor strife. (Block Cinema)
더 로스트 패트롤
1차 대전이 한창인 무렵의 메소포타미아. 이곳을 지나던 영국 사막정찰대의 지휘관이 아랍저격병에 의해 살해된다. 지휘관을 대신하게 된 하사관은 대원들을 이끌고 가까스로 오아시스에 도착한다. 그는 병사들에게 죽은 지휘관으로부터 부대의 임무와 목적지에 대해 전해 들은 바 없으며 심지어 현 위치 및 앞으로 가야 할 방향 조차 알지 못한다고 털어놓는다. 보초를 서던 신병 하나가 시체로 발견된 데 이어 적의 위치를 살피기 위해 나무에 올라갔던 병사마저 총에 맞고 떨어진다. 집단으로 버티다가는 살 수 없다고 판단한 하사관은 원군을 청하기 위해 병사들을 선발해 은밀히 보낸다. 그러나 그들 모두 싸늘한 시신으로 발견되고, 이들의 죽음을 앙갚음하기 위해 뛰어들었던 대원들 또한 적병들에게 노출되며 차례로 쓰러지는데...
Before Dawn
After the death of a gangster, those familiar with his million dollar stash start mysteriously dying. Police detectives with the help of a clairvoyant try to determine who, living or dead, is responsible.
70,000 Witnesses
College football player is asked to dope a star teammate by his crooked gambler brother. He refuses, but they player is doped anyway and collapses and dies. A detective has the whole game re-enacted to find important clues.
Young Bride
A newlywed discovers her husband is a cheating phony.
Panama Flo
An engineer makes a thieving entertainer work off her debts as a housekeeper at his jungle mining camp.
야심에 가득 찬 젊은 과학자 ‘프랑켄슈타인’은 곱추인 조수 ‘프리츠’와 함께 시체의 신체부위들을 절단해 괴물 인조인간을 만드는 실험을 계속한다. 한편, 프랑켄슈타인의 약혼녀인 ‘엘리자베스’는 약혼자가 시계탑 안에서 하고 있는 이상한 실험에 대해 불안해 하다, 실험을 막기 위해 의대 교수인 발드만 박사와 함께 시계탑을 찾아간다. 하지만 그녀가 도착했을 때, 번개를 맞은 괴물이 생명을 얻게 된다. 약혼녀의 설득에, 프랑켄슈타인은 괴물을 시계탑 속에 가두고, 약혼녀에게 돌아간다. 한편, 범죄자의 뇌가 이식된 괴물은 증오와 살인 욕구에 불타올라 조수인 프리츠를 살해한 후 마을을 찾아간다. 괴물의 위협이 커져가자 마을 사람들과 ‘프랑켄슈타인’은 괴물을 쫓기 시작한다. 그리고 ‘프랑켄슈타인’은 괴물과 낡은 풍차에서 마주친다. 두 사람의 대결에서 ‘프랑켄슈타인’은 간신히 목숨을 건지지만, 마을 사람들은 프랑켄슈타인이 갇힌 풍차에 불을 지른다
동유럽의 카르파티아 산중에 드라큘라 백작이 살고 있다. 런던에 있는 카팩스 수도원 양도 문제 때문에 그를 찾아가는 한 신사에게, 마을 사람들은 드라큘라가 흡혈귀라며 위험하니 가지 말라고 극구 말린다. 하지만 렌필드가 약속 때문에 가야 한다고 단호히 말하자, 한 노파가 그를 보호해줄 물건이라며 십자가를 쥐어준다. 겁도 없이 험난한 산길을 타고 허름하고 음산한 고성에 당도한 렌필드는 백작이 건네준 술을 마시고 정신을 잃는다. 드라큘라에게 피를 빨린 렌필드는 그에게 맹목적으로 복종하는 노예가 되어 함께 배를 타고 런던으로 향한다. 도중에 폭풍우를 만나 배는 난파되고 선원들은 모두 죽는다. 유일한 생존자 렌필드는 정신착란 상태로 발견돼 시워드 정신병원에 수감된다. 시워드 박사와 이웃이 된 드라큘라는 다음 희생타자로 박사의 딸 미나에게 눈독을 들인다. 시워드는 갑자기 쇠약해진 딸의 건강을 염려해 그 방면의 전문가인 홀란드의 밴 헬싱 교수를 초청해 도움을 청한다. 한편 미나의 친구인 루시가 원인 모를 과다출혈로 사망하고, 아이들이 습격을 당해 목을 물리는 사건이 발생한다. 최근 미나의 목에 생긴 자국과, 렌필드가 특정 약초에 대해 민감하게 반응하는 점, 그리고 드라큘라의 반영이 거울에 나타나지 않는 것과, 박쥐와 늑대의 출현 등을 종합해 미루어 헬싱은 백작의 정체를 의심하고 뱀파이어를 물리치기 위해 대책을 세운다. 미나의 약혼자 존 하커는 흡혈귀란 단지 허구 속 인물이라며 교수의 말을 웃어넘긴다. 그러다 정신병원을 탈출해 몰래 수도원으로 가는 렌필드를 뒤따라간 하커는 미나의 비명소리를 듣게 되는데... 순간 해가 떠오르고, 낮 동안 휴식을 취하고자 관 속으로 들어간 드라큘라를 찾아낸 교수는 심장에 말뚝을 박음으로써 그를 영구히 처치한다.
The Letter
Mrs. Lies
Scotland Yard
A soldier is wounded in action. His face is restored by a plastic surgeon to resemble someone else.
Outside the Law
Fingers is planning a half-million-dollar bank robbery in gang boss Cobra Collins' territory. Fingers' moll Connie tries to bluff Cobra into thinking the hit won't be for another week when the call comes through saying it's now.
Dangerous Nan McGrew
Dangerous Nan McGrew is the sharp-shooting expert of a traveling medicine show that is stranded in the Canadian northwest at the snowbound hunting lodge of wealthy Mrs. Benson. Nan is invited to put on a show for the benefit of Mrs. Benson's Christmas-Eve guests. While performing her boop-a-doop songs, Eustace Macy, the saxophone-tooting nephew of Mrs. Benson falls in love with Nan. And, then, the villain, the bank-robbing Doc Foster, makes his entrance. Can Dawes of the Royal Mounted be seen slushing in pursuit behind the gangster? Could Be.
The Big Pond
A singing Frenchman meets an American heiress and gets a job at her father's chewing-gum factory.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
The Return of Sherlock Holmes was the first sound film to feature Sherlock Holmes.
This early example of the "backstage" musical genre tells the story of Kitty Darling, a fading burlesque star who tries to save her convent-educated daughter April from following in Mom's footsteps.
The Lady Lies
Much to the disapproval of his snooty children, a wealthy widowed attorney takes up with a beautiful but "lower-class" woman.
Yvonne, proprietor of a Paris gown shop, marries Pierre, a poor artist, concealing from him an affair she had with Rigaud, an elderly boulevardier who bought the shop for her.
The Letter
A planter's wife shoots a neighbor, but tells conflicting stories of what happened.
Naughty Baby
A cloak room girl (Alice White) falls for a rich boy who may not actually be rich.
The Prince of Headwaiters
Pierre, the maitre d' at the swanky Ritz Hotel in Paris, discovers that he has a son from his former marriage, which was broken up by his wealthy wife's upper-class relatives. His son, now a young man and unaware that Pierre is is father, is in danger of becoming the victim of blackmailer Mae Morin. Pierre sets out to save him from the notorious Mae.
The Yankee Clipper
A race between a British clipper ship and an American ship of a new design will determine the right to transport Chinese tea.
White Gold
A sheep farmer brings his new wife to his father's ranch and the old man takes an instant dislike to her.
The Bachelor's Baby
Directed by Frank R. Strayer. With Helene Chadwick, Harry Myers, Midget Gustav, Edith Murgatroyd.
The heir to a family business travels to Paris to try to stop his youth-obsessed mother from squandering the family fortune with her new husband, who's married her for her money. After he returns from service in World War I, he finds his mother, now broke and abandoned by her gigolo husband....
Made for Love
A young woman visits her boyfriend, an archaeologist, at the site in Egypt where he is digging up ancient artifacts. Her frustration mounts when it appears that he is more interested in old bones and mummies than he is in the fact that she's traveled thousands of miles to see him. However, there are three men at the site who don't share her boyfriend's attitude towards her, and they make their intentions known.
The Midnight Girl
A corrupt art patron finds himself in love with the same girl as his stepson.
Ports of Call
Rich club-man Kirk Rainsford, attends a charity bazaar at the home of Marjorie Vail, the society girl he hopes to marry. A fire breaks out among the booths and everyone is pulled to safety except little Peggy, Marjorie's kid sister. Marjorie pleads with Kirk to save the child, but he lacks the courage, and Randolph Sherman, Kirk's rival for Marjorie's affections, plays the hero part. For Kirk's public display of cowardice, he is disowned by his father and rejected by Marjorie, who soon marries Sherman. Kirk drifts to the South Seas, eventually landing in Manila, where he becomes a derelict. When Lillie, a fellow drifter, is roughly handled in a bar, Kirk goes to her assistance; she expresses appreciation for his bravery and soon effects his regeneration through her faith in him. Kirk and Lillie journey to the interior, and they obtain work on a plantation recently purchased by Randolph Sherman. During a native uprising, Sherman is killed, and Kirk saves Marjorie from certain death.
The Fire Patrol
In Fast Company
Richard Talmadge as a man who loves to live the fast life which often results in him getting in trouble. Be it throwing wild parties, losing money, getting in the boxing ring and running from gangsters. There's always something.
On Time
A scientist attempts to transplant a gorilla's brain into a man.
Gay and Devilish
Doris May plays Fanchon Browne, a poor girl about to enter into a marriage of convenience with wealthy old Peter Armitage (Otis Harlan). When she falls in love with Armitage's handsome nephew Peter (Cullen Landis), Fanchon is in quite a quandary.