Shay Denison

참여 작품

개목걸이 0
갑자기 길거리에서 납치된 리사. 눈을 떠보니 사람들을 납치해서 개처럼 취급하며 고문하는 거대한 실험실이다. 불복종과 탈출기도 시 목에 채워진 목걸이에서 전기가 발생하고 목이 조여지는 극도의 괴로움을 겪게 된다. 결국 리사는 온순한 반려견처럼 행동하며 탈출 기회를 노리다 그곳에 있는 또 다른 사람들과 만나게 되고, 그들은 실험실에 숨겨진 거대하고 추악한 음모를 발견하고 탈출을 시도한다. 하지만 연구원들 중에 살인에 중독된 사이코패스가 모습을 드러내면서 무자비한 싸움이 시작된다.
A Carolina Christmas
Paradise, South Carolina is a small, quaint, coastal community where everyone gets along, until Ben shows up. Ben has been hired as the new city inspector and little did the city know that Ben hates Christmas and has vowed to shut it down. Tashandra, loved city employee of Paradise is not about to let this new inspector from New York city ruin her favorite time of the year. Ben steps up his campaign to shut down Christmas when a new merchant comes to town and defies Ben at every turn. A Christmas story that will make you believe in the magic of Christmas.
Adam's Package
Professional model Adam finds himself in danger as his hot new romance with fellow model Eve heats up. He encounters a questionable hit-man hired by his ex-wife, and Shadow government agents threaten him after discovering a Top Secret package in his basement. Not to mention a beautiful opera-singing ghost who is haunting his new condo. His only solution may be out-of-this-world.