The history of film and video censorship in Great Britain.
Vic Mathews teaches a remedial class at the Blessed Edith Semple School in Scotland. Some at the school are trying to discover the two more miracles that would promote the late Edith Semple to sainthood; Mathews, a non-believer, wishes the school would concentrate on teaching the children. He becomes confused, however, when he is involved in possibly miraculous events himself! Written by George S. Davis
Documentary about the British film studio. First appeared on the BBC television programme Omnibus.
This 1986 documentary features interviews with director Alexander Mackendrick, actor Burt Lancaster, producer James Hill, and others.
사설탐정 사무소 조수인 미모의 처녀 코델리아는 상관인 탐정이 자살하자 얼떨결에 사건을 맡는다. 대부호인 칼렌다는 외아들 마크가 자살하자 그 이유를 밝혀달라는 사건의뢰를 받는다. 한가지씩 비밀의 껍질을 벗겨가며 코델리아는 사건의 진실에 접근해 간다. 정원사의 아들이었던 칼렌다가 집주인 딸 이브와 도망쳐서 결혼한 후 자식을 낳지 못하자 딸의 친구인 리밍과의 사이에서 아들 마크를 낳고 이브가 낳은 것처럼 꾸민다. 그러나 마크의 할아버지가 사위인 자신을 제쳐놓고 손자인 마크에게 전재산을 상속해 버리자 칼렌다는 마크를 살해하고 자살로 위장했다가 결국 모든 것일 밝혀지고 끝내 죽음을 당한다.
Executive Producer
Powerful, uncompromising drama about two boys' struggle for survival in the nightmare world of Britain's notorious Borstal Reformatory. [This is the feature film version Alan Clarke made after the BBC banned the original before its scheduled TV broadcast (see Scum (1977)].
Executive Harold Pelham suffers a serious accident after which he faces the shadow of death. When, against all odds, he miraculously recovers, he discovers that his life does not belong to him anymore.
Executive Harold Pelham suffers a serious accident after which he faces the shadow of death. When, against all odds, he miraculously recovers, he discovers that his life does not belong to him anymore.
Production Design
The Assassination Bureau has existed for decades (perhaps centuries) until Diana Rigg begins to investigate it. The high moral standing of the Bureau (only killing those who deserve it) is called into question by her. She puts out a contract for the Bureau to assassinate its leader on the eve of World War I.
The Assassination Bureau has existed for decades (perhaps centuries) until Diana Rigg begins to investigate it. The high moral standing of the Bureau (only killing those who deserve it) is called into question by her. She puts out a contract for the Bureau to assassinate its leader on the eve of World War I.
The Assassination Bureau has existed for decades (perhaps centuries) until Diana Rigg begins to investigate it. The high moral standing of the Bureau (only killing those who deserve it) is called into question by her. She puts out a contract for the Bureau to assassinate its leader on the eve of World War I.
The British send an American and a war hero to kidnap and hide an oil-country prince.
The British send an American and a war hero to kidnap and hide an oil-country prince.
Anthony Richmond schemes to get the fortune of his tyrannical, wheelchair-using tycoon uncle Charles Richmond by persuading Maria, a nurse he employs, to marry him.
Set in contemporary Bethnal Green in east London, A Place to Go charts the dramatic changes that were happening in the lives of the British working-class at the time.
A British scientist is discovered to have been passing information to the Communists, then kills himself. Another scientist decides that they might have brainwashed him by a sensory deprivation technique, but he doesn’t know if someone really can be convinced to act against their strongest feelings. So he agrees to be the subject in an experiment in which others will try to make him stop loving his wife.
결혼한 변호사 멜빌 파(더크 보가드 분)가 과거 동성애 장면을 찍은 사진으로 자신을 협박하는 협박범과 한판 대결을 벌인다. 파는 그때 당시 동성애 상대 중의 하나가 동일한 협박범으로부터 협박을 받고 자살했다는 사실을 알게 되고, 명망 있는 변호사로서 자신의 명예는 물론 가정까지 파괴될 운명에 처하면서도 비열한 공갈범과 맞서기로 한다. 형사인 해리스(존 배리 분)은 동성애 금지법이 협박범에게만 이득이 된다는 것을 깨닫고 고통에 시달리는 파를 돕기로 하는데... 인종차별문제를 주제로 한 에 이어 동성애라는 사회적 이슈를 다룬 영화로 개봉당시 매우 논란이 되었다. 미국에서는 한 때 상영금지가 되었고, 여러 장면들이 삭제가 된 후에도 영국 등급위원회에서 X 등급을 받은 (그러나 80년대 후반에 PG-12으로 재등급 분류된) 이 영화는 동성애에 대한 억압된 사회적 틀을 자유롭게 해주는 데 큰 역할을 하기도 했다. (한국영상자료원)
A shipping tycoon with a record becomes a suspect when money goes missing from the company vault.
William is an unsuccessful guinea pig for a medical group interested in researching the common cold. He is soon fired and offered a job by the nearby National Atomic Research Center where they figure anyone who could fail at being a guinea pig is just what they need. They con William into thinking he will continue his guinea pig career by testing out some equipment for them before they send a group of astronauts to the moon.
William is an unsuccessful guinea pig for a medical group interested in researching the common cold. He is soon fired and offered a job by the nearby National Atomic Research Center where they figure anyone who could fail at being a guinea pig is just what they need. They con William into thinking he will continue his guinea pig career by testing out some equipment for them before they send a group of astronauts to the moon.
퇴역 군인인 하이드(Norman Hyde: 잭 호킨스 분)는 본성은 나쁘지 않지만 말이 많은 노인이다. 그러던 어느 날 그는 다시 사회에 나가기로 결심을 한다. 군대에서의 지위를 이용해 참모들의 기록을 입수한 그는 계획하고 있는 일에 필요한 적임자를 한 명씩 찾는다. 그가 고른 6명의 퇴역 군인들은 모두가 자기 분야의 최고의 전문가들이지만 모두 불명예스러운 일이나 비양심적인 일로 군을 빨리 떠났던 사람들이다. 하이드의 계획이란 바로 은행 강도였는데...
연방국가에서 온 이주자들에게 인종적인 적대감을 공공연히 표출하던 1950년대 런던. 임신한 한 음대학생이 살해되는 일이 발생한다. 경시청의 형사 2명(니겔 패트릭, 마이클 크레이그 분)이 수사에 나서게 되면서, 피살자 주변에 있던 모든 사람들이 용의선상에 떠오른다. 실상 그녀는 백인으로 행세하던 흑인 여성이었고, 여자가 흑인임이 밝혀지면 자신의 인생마저 망가질 것을 두려워하는 백인 애인과 그녀의 부모, 그리고 그녀가 백인 사회에 받아들여졌을 때 버림받은 소년들까지 광범위한 수사가 진행되는 동안 형사들은 자신이 갖고 있던 사회적 편견들과 하나하나 만나게 되는데...
A World War II farce that follows the antics of an ENSA (Entertainment National Service Association) group. Fresh from the music halls, they bumble their way from army camp to camp.
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
The Mad Morgans are a family song and dance act touring the British Music Halls. Young Davy is the star of the act but should he stay with his family or strike out on his own ? The last comedy to be produced at Ealing Studios.
After World War II the crew of a motor gunboat join together to buy their old vessel and go into business for themselves. This may sound like a laudable scheme, but the business they choose to go into is smuggling.
After World War II the crew of a motor gunboat join together to buy their old vessel and go into business for themselves. This may sound like a laudable scheme, but the business they choose to go into is smuggling.
Boxing drama following the lives of 5 different fighters and their reasons for becoming boxers.
A drama about parole officers to follow the successful Ealing police story of "The Blue Lamp"(1950) . Various sub-plots follow the parole officers and their charges.
A drama about parole officers to follow the successful Ealing police story of "The Blue Lamp"(1950) . Various sub-plots follow the parole officers and their charges.
A drama about parole officers to follow the successful Ealing police story of "The Blue Lamp"(1950) . Various sub-plots follow the parole officers and their charges.
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Production Design
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
Associate Producer
루이스 마치니(데니스 프라이스 분)는 다스코인 공작의 딸과 무일푼의 오페라 가수 사이에서 태어난 서출이다. 하지만 그는 작위를 물려받겠다는 생각으로 자신의 길에 방해가 되는 사람들을 모두 제거하기로 결심한다. 루이스는 다양한 방법으로 친척들을 제거해 나가기 시작한다. 사고로 죽은 두 사람을 제외하고, 여섯 사람이나 죽인 루이스는 드디어 작위를 차지한다. 하지만 그는 엉뚱하게도 어린 시절 친구이자 결혼 후에도 계속 관계를 가져온 시벨라(조안 그린우드 분)의 남편을 죽인 것으로 체포되어 사형될 위기에 처한다. 다행히 시벨라의 남편은 자살한 것으로 밝혀지고 루이스는 석방된다. 하지만 그는 감옥 안에서 시간을 보내기 위해 썼던 회고록을 감옥 안에 두고 나온다. 그리고 발견된 그의 회고록을 읽은 한 출판 업자가 루이스에게 접근해 그 회고록을 인쇄할 권리를 요구하는데...
Sophie Dorothea is a young woman forced into a loveless marriage with Prince George Louis of Hanover. George Louis is later crowned King George I of England. Despairing of ever experiencing true love, the depressed queen finds life at court no solace. Sophie then falls for a dashing Swedish soldier of fortune, Count Konigsmark.
Art Direction
A fatherless boy tries to make his fortune despite interference from his rich uncle.
Art Direction
A series of stories about the lives and loves of nine men in a Prisoner of War Camp over five years. Location shooting in the British occupied part of Germany adds believability. The main story is of Hasek (Redgrave) a Czech soldier who needs to keep his identity a secret from the Nazis, to do this he poses as a dead English Officer and corresponds with the man's wife. Upon liberation they meet and decide to continue their lives together. The other inmates' stories are revealed episodically.
Art Direction
별장 대축을 의뢰받은 건축가가 별장에서 사람들을 만나고 5개의 에피소드를 듣으면서 이상한 느낌에 싸인다. 전에 자신이 이곳에 왔었다는 생각을 갖게 되는데, 이런 것을 꿈이나 무의식적 경험에 의한 대자비 현상이라고 한다. 이런 현실과 환상, 혼령이 살아나고 인형이 살아나는 아주 독특한 공포적 초현실적인 이야기를 담고 있다.
Art Direction
A man from the countryside becomes London’s newest music hall sensation, and competes with a rival music hall performer for the audience’s attention.
Art Direction
People from different walks of life mysteriously find themselves at the gate of an unknown city
Art Direction
A group of travellers, each with a personal problem that they want to hide, arrive at a mysterious Welsh country inn. There is a certain strangeness in the air as they are greeted by the innkeeper and his daughter. Why are all the newspapers a year old? And why doesn't Gwyneth seem to cast a shadow?
Art Direction
An insane murderer is on the loose, and gunning for the men who put him away. Will Hay is on the list, and co-opts Claude Hulbert to try and stop him from meeting a grisly end.
Art Direction
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
Art Direction
“Shorty” Matthews having recently been released from prison visits his girlfriend in London only to discover her murdered. Fearing he will be wrongly accused of being the culprit he disappears amongst the long-distance lorry driving community. Meanwhile, the real killer, unassuming ex-schoolteacher Walter Hoover, continues to prey on London women. As Shorty had feared he has become the main suspect. He returns to London with old flame Molly to prove his innocence.