Tyler Begg

참여 작품

All Too Human
Key Grip
After struggling with years of severe depression, Mark has decided that today is the day to end his misery. There seems to be no moral or spiritual philosophy that can bring about Mark's salvation and convince him that suicide is not the most pragmatic choice to make. Driven by this cold, hard logic he decides to cut himself off from those around him and end his life, but no matter how he tries to accomplish his task, life frustratingly impedes his goal. Throughout his journey, many would-be saviors attempt to convince him that life does in fact have meaning and is worth living. Can any of them get through to Mark and change his mind?
그리움과 함께 사는 법
Best Boy Grip
20년 전 남편을 잃고 변화 없는 삶을 살던 노년의 여주인공이 자식 같은 반려견의 죽음 이후 새로운 사랑을 만나게 되는 이야기로 2015년 타임지에서 선정한 최고의 영화 10편에 선정되었다.