시몽은 신경쇠약의 공장노동자다. 어린시절 부주의한 장난으로 처참한 부상을 입은 여동생 에스뗄을 간병하며 죄의식과 좌절을 나날을 보내던 시몽에게 단 하나의 희망은 저 우주에서 초월자가 내려와 그들을 구원해 주는 것. 시몽은 ‘그 날’을 준비하는데…
The Cambridge Squatter tells the story of refugees, recently arrived in Brazil who, together with a group of low-income workers, occupy an old abandoned building in downtown São Paulo. Daily dramas, comical situations and different views on the world commingle with the threat of impending eviction.
Simon lives in the ruins of a lonely desert farm. He is not, however, alone. Caregiver to a gravely ill roommate from a childhood long past and in regular contact with beings from a far away place, Simon's home life is very full indeed.