Christoph Wirsing

참여 작품

The Secret and the Sacred: Two Worlds at Los Alamos
Director of Photography
Hidden in the mountains of Northern New Mexico lies the birthplace of the Atomic Age: Los Alamos, home of the „Manhattan Project“. Here Robert J. Oppenheimer and his staff created the first atomic bomb, „Trinity“, the scientific prototype to „Little Boy“ and „Fat Man,” the bombs which hastened the end of World War II by leveling Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although the laboratory is today also a leading center of genetic research, it remains a place of secrecy, for its main mission is to maintain the existing nuclear arsenal – a task that hides behind the name, “Stockpile Stewardship”.
A Different History
A three-part documentary about the long road to women's suffrage in Switzerland.
A Different History
A three-part documentary about the long road to women's suffrage in Switzerland.
Alfred R. - ein Leben und ein Film
The events that lead a man to commit suicide.