Mau follows the unlikely story of design visionary Bruce Mau and his ever-optimistic push for massive change.
2차대전 참전 군인들의 증언을 통해 미국 내 비밀 군부대의 정체를 파헤친 단편 애니메이션 다큐멘터리. 미국으로 건너온 유대인 병사들이 나치 전범을 조사했던 수용소가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
Wirecard: a beacon of hope for Germany's future industries. A FinTech with a dark mucky past and a grandiose future. A company that was set to take over Deutsche Bank in 2019. Until the marvel collapses as a tissue of lies in June 2020, leaving a black hole of 3.2 billion euros in debt.
Wirecard: a beacon of hope for Germany's future industries. A FinTech with a dark mucky past and a grandiose future. A company that was set to take over Deutsche Bank in 2019. Until the marvel collapses as a tissue of lies in June 2020, leaving a black hole of 3.2 billion euros in debt.