1943년 중국침략 일본군은 태평양전쟁으로 인해 표면적으로는 수세로 돌아섰고, 실제로는 상덕회전을 모의하여 대대적인 공세를 펼쳤으며, 간첩을 국군에 침투시켜 최신 개발된 대량살상무기들을 밀반출하여 일본군의 극비기지에 보관하고 있었다…. 팔로군 호두산독립연대 부단장 유원잠이 간첩을 잡아내 일본군의 화학무기 폭발을 저지하였다….
The movie is about a group of ‘floaters’ in Beijing ?people who live and work in Beijing but are not native residents. It is rare for a Beijing floater to have a fixed home, as they move from place to place according to their job requirements. Many Beijing floaters do not feel a sense of belonging. The movie tells the story of Yu Xiaobao, a floater who is trying to hide the reality of his struggling life from his daughter who still lives in their hometown. As a result, he tells her that he has become a film director. When his daughter suddenly decides to visit him, he enlists the help of his other floater friends to put on a show so that she does not find out the truth.