David Abel

출생 : 1883-12-15, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

사망 : 1973-11-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia David Abel (15 December 1883 – 12 November 1973) was a cinematographer. Born in Amsterdam to Russian parents, Abel began his career in 1916. He came to the United States as a child in the first decade of the 1900s and worked as a portrait photographer in New York before entering films with Flying A Studios in 1913. His credits include Grumpy (1930), The Virtuous Sin (1930), Huckleberry Finn (1931), The Gay Divorcee (1934), Top Hat (1935), Follow the Fleet (1936), and The Affairs of Susan (1945). At RKO Pictures during the 1930s, Abel was a favorite collaborator of director Mark Sandrich and was responsible for the photography of five Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers musicals (The Gay Divorcee, Top Hat, Follow the Fleet, Swing Time, and Shall We Dance). Other credits include The Awful Truth, Huckleberry Finn, Hips, Hips, Hooray!, Grumpy, The Virtuous Sin, and History Is Made at Night. He filmed a total of 110 films. He retired in 1937, but Sandrich persuaded him to come back as cameraman for the classic Holiday Inn (1942). After two more films, Follow the Boys (1944) and The Affairs of Susan (1945), Abel left Hollywood film work for good.

참여 작품

The Affairs of Susan
Director of Photography
Susan is about to be married, but the wedding may get called off after her fiancé summons three former beaus. Each reveals a different portrait of Susan: one describes her as a naive country girl who reluctantly becomes an actress, another paints a picture of a gay party girl and and the third describes a serious intellectual.
Follow the Boys
Director of Photography
During World War II, all the studios put out "all-star" vehicles which featured virtually every star on the lot--often playing themselves--in musical numbers and comedy skits, and were meant as morale-boosters to both the troops overseas and the civilians at home. This was Universal Pictures' effort. It features everyone from Donald O'Connor to the Andrews Sisters to Orson Welles to W.C. Fields to George Raft to Marlene Dietrich, and dozens of other Universal players.
홀리데이 인
Director of Photography
시골에서 행복하게 살 계획을 가지고 있는 짐은 도시생활을 탈피하여 휴일에만 문을 여는 여관, 홀리데이 인을 세운다.
쉘 위 댄스
Director of Photography
발레 스타 페트로프는 아틀란트를 건너는 배 위에서 우연히 톱 댄서 린다를 만난다. 하지만 페트로프는 그녀가 유명 스타인지 모르는 상황에서 감정이 통해 사랑에 빠진다. 린다에 대해 아는 사람들은 페트로프와 함께 있는 모습을 보고 그들을 부부로 오해, 이 소문이 기정사실화되면서 두 사람은 갈등을 겪기에 이른다. 1930년대, 프레드 아스테어와 진저 로저스가 제작사 RKO에 막대한 경제적 이득을 가져다주던 시기, 두 배우가 콤비로 호흡을 맞춘 영화들 중 일곱 번째 영화인 . 발레단의 스타인 페트로프, 재즈 댄스계의 스타인 린다를 연기한 프레드와 진저는 이 작품에서도 롤러스케이트 댄스를 비롯한 아름다운 댄스의 하모니를 보여주는데, 영화의 타이틀인 Shall We Dance는 동명의 음악이 라스트에 울려 퍼지며 우여곡절을 겪은 두 사람의 사랑이 이루어지는 상징성을 나타내는 것이기도 하다. 프레드 아스테어는 이 영화에서 우아한 발레와 스피디한 탭댄스까지 완벽하게 선사하는데, 미남형의 배우라고 하기엔 어려운 그가 춤을 추면 완벽하고도 매력적인 남성으로 보이는 것은 그가 가진 타고난 재능과 매력 덕분일 것이다.
역사는 밤에 이루어진다
Director of Photography
미국인 부호 브루스 베일과 결혼한 아이린은 남편의 의처증을 견디다못해 이혼을 결심한다. 브루스가 자신의 새 선박인 '프린세스 아이린'의 처녀 항해를 앞두고 흥분하고 있는 사이 아이린은 이혼 수속을 밟아가고, 이에 광분한 브루스는 운전수를 매수해 파리의 한 호텔에서 아이린의 외도를 꾸미려 한다. 하지만 그런 브루스의 계획은 폴 듀망드라는 프랑스인의 도움으로 수포로 돌아가고 아이러니컬하게도 브르스의 계획으로 인해 만난 아이린과 폴은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 브루스의 기행은 여기서 멈추지 않고 폴을 살인범으로 몰아 아이린으로 하여금 폴을 보호하기 위해서 어쩔 수 없이 자신과 미국으로 되돌아가게 만든다. 이때부터 영화는 아이린을 찾아 미국으로 떠나는 폴과 남편에게서 도망친 아이린, 그리고 남편 브루스의 끈질긴 추적을 보여주는데 이 과정에서 아이린을 찾기 위해 미국에 정착하는 폴의 모습이 로맨틱하다. 결국 두 연인은 재결합하고 사랑을 재확인한다. 아이린은 폴의 살인혐의를 피하기 위해 타히티로 도피하자고 하지만 결국 두 사람은 파리행 '프린세스 아이린'을 타고 정의의 심판을 받기로 한다. 한편 브루스 베일은 두 사람의 '프린세스 아이린' 승선 사실을 알게 되고 두 사람을 빨리 만나기 위해 '프린세스 아이린'의 선장에게 무리한 명령을 내린다. 급기야 프린세스 아이린은 빙하에 부딪치게 되는데. 그들의 사랑은 이런 거대한 재난앞에서도 승리하고 브루스 베일은 자신의 죄를 뉘우치면서 생을 마감하며 영화는 끝을 맺는다.
Criminal Lawyer
Director of Photography
Barry Brandon, a criminal lawyer, visits the night club of Denny Larkin, his primary client, with Betty Walker, a spoiled society girl. The police raid the club and Brandon pleads that the whole group is guilty, just to get even with Larkin for a rebuke. On the same night in court, Madge Carter is on trial for disorderly conduct, and Brandon volunteers to defend her, and proves the case against her if a frame-up. Finding that she is penniless, Brandon hires her as his secretary, and falls in love with her. Brandon is appointed district attorney and has ambitions of becoming the state governor. Having dinner at Betty's home, she maneuvers him, while he is drunk, into marrying her. Later, Madge is a witness when Larkin shoots down a fellow gangster. By threatening Brandon's life, he forces her to commit perjury at his trial, and say he fired in self-defense. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney (who has had his marriage to Betty annulled) knows she is lying but doesn't know why.
Make Way for a Lady
Director of Photography
An imaginative teenager decides to play matchmaker for her widowed father. Director David Burton's 1936 comedy stars Herbert Marshall, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael, Margot Grahame, Clara Blandick, Frank Coghlan Jr., Willie Best and Maxine Jennings.
스윙 타임
Director of Photography
존 럭키 가넷(프레드 아스테어)은 도박가이자 댄서이다. 그와 마가렛(베티 퍼네스)과의 결혼식에 늦게 되자, 마가렛의 아버지는 자신의 딸과 선한 의도에서 결혼하고자 한다면 이를 증명하기 위해 25,000 달러를 가지고 오라고 가넷에게 말한다. 가넷과 친구인 팝 카데티(빅터 무어)는 첫 화물 기차를 타고 뉴욕으로 향하는데 거기서 가넷은 댄스스쿨 강사인 페니(진저 로저스)를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그 둘은 카지노 댄스 무대에서 성공적인 공연을 선 보인다. 25,000 달러를 벌게 된 가넷은 페니와 결혼할 것을 결심하고, 페니를 안심시키고 그녀에게 인정받고자 댄스 밴드 지휘자인 로메로(조지스 메탁사)와의 경쟁에서 이기고자 결심한다.
Bunker Bean
A shy office worker becomes a hero when a fortune teller calls him another Napoleon.
Bunker Bean
Director of Photography
A shy office worker becomes a hero when a fortune teller calls him another Napoleon.
폴로우 더 플릿
Director of Photography
When the fleet puts in at San Francisco, sailor Bake Baker tries to rekindle the flame with his old dancing partner, Sherry Martin, while Bake's buddy Bilge Smith romances Sherry's sister, Connie. But it's not all smooth sailing—Bake has a habit of losing Sherry's jobs for her and, despite Connie's dreams, Bilge is not ready to settle down.
I Dream Too Much
Director of Photography
Opera student Annette Monard meets composer Jonathan Street, and in a buoyant, alcohol-fueled evening, the couple marries. Sincerely falling in love, Jonathan encourages the talented Annette to sing — yet when his own attempt at an opera fails, Jonathan lashes out at Annette's success. Despite her husband's jealousy, Annette embarks on a successful career that allows her to secretly fund Jonathan's opera, bringing their marriage to a crisis.
톱 햇
Director of Photography
쇼맨 제리 트래버스는 프로듀서 호레이스 하드윅이 운영하는 런던의 공연장에서 근무하고 있다. 그날 공연 숙소에 데일 트레몬트라는 여인이 나타나고 제리는 그녀를 보고는 첫 눈에 반한다. 하지만 데일이 제리를 호레이스로 착각하는 일이 벌어진다. 데일에 대한 제리의 감정이 짝사랑이 되면서 영화는 소동극으로 변모한다
The Case of the Curious Bride
Director of Photography
After giving the District Attorney another stinging defeat, Perry plans to take a vacation in China. That is, he was, until Rhoda, his old flame, meets him at a restaurant. It seems that her husband Moxley, who had been allegedly dead for four years, is alive and demanding money as she has married into wealth. The case escalates when the police find the body of Moxley and charge her with the murder.
A Notorious Gentleman
A lawyer sets out to commit the perfect murder.
게이 디보시
Director of Photography
가이 홀든은 뮤지컬 연출자이며 댄서이고 진저 로저스의 캐릭터 미미는 짜증나는 영국인 지질학자와 애정없는 결혼생활에 얽혀있는 미국인 유부녀이다. 가이는 친구인 변호사 에그버트와 런던을 방문했다가 항구에서 만난 미미에게 반하게 된다. 나중에 미미는 에그버트를 변호사로 고용하고 그는 미미에게 불륜의 현장을 연출하라고 제안한다. 미미는 그 연극을 위해 브라이튼으로 가는데, 에그버트와 함께 그곳에 도착한 가이를 그 연극의 상대자라고 믿어버린다. 나중엔 에그버트가 고용한 진짜 전문가인 이탈리아인 로돌포 토네티가 이들 사이에 끼어들게 되는데...
Bachelor Bait
Director of Photography
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Cockeyed Cavaliers
Director of Photography
Two yokels try to crash royal society by posing as the King's physicians.
This Man Is Mine
Director of Photography
The seemingly happy relationship between Tony and Jim is threatened when his manipulative, drama-queen ex-wife visits.
Hips, Hips, Hooray!
Director of Photography
Hips, Hips, Hooray! is a 1934 slapstick comedy film starring Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, and Dorothy Lee.
Ann Vickers
Director of Photography
After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. She then falls for a controversial and married judge and scandal looms again.
Rafter Romance
Director of Photography
A working girl shares her apartment with an artist, taking the place in shifts.
Pick Up
Director of Photography
The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.
The Crime of the Century
Director of Photography
A doctor who is also a “mentalist” confesses to a murder. The only problem is that the murder he’s confessed to hasn’t happened yet – although dead bodies are now starting to turn up all over the place. A reporter sets out to solve the “mystery”.
Madame Butterfly
Director of Photography
Pinkerton marries Cho-Cho San in Japan, whilst on shore leave. When he leaves, she keeps his Japanese home as he left it. He returns three years later, having married again in America, and tells Cho-Cho that their affair is over. She has had a child in his absence, who is sent to her family, before she kills herself.
The Phantom President
Director of Photography
Too bad for presidential hopes of banker T.K. Blair; his party feels he has too little flair for savoir faire. But at a medicine show, the party bosses find Blair's double: huckster Doc Varney. Of course, they scheme to make Varney T.K.'s public spokesman; at first, he even fools Blair's girlfriend Felicia, providing a romantic complication. As election eve approaches, the conspirators face the problem of what to do with Varney...who has difficult decisions of his own to make.
우리는 즐겁게 지옥에 간다
Director of Photography
A drunken newspaperman, Jerry Corbett, is rescued from his alcoholic haze by an heiress, Joan Prentice, whose love sobers him up and encourages him to write a play, but he lapses back into dipsomania.
Sky Bride
Director of Photography
Barnstorming pilots Speed Condon, Bill Adams, and Eddie Smith travel the country with their manager, Alec Dugan, performing at fairs and air shows and hawking rides for the locals. But when Speed's rambunctious flying results in tragedy, he gives up flying in despair and guilt. Alec tracks him down and hopes to get him back on his feet and back in the air.
The Miracle Man
Director of Photography
A gang of crooks evade the police by moving their operations to a small town. There the gang's leader, John Madison, encounters a faith healer and uses him to scam the gullible public of funds for a supposed chapel. But when a real healing takes place, a change comes over the gang.
Ladies of the Big House
Director of Photography
A woman tries to save her husband from the electric chair after both are sent to prison for a murder they didn't commit.
Rich Man's Folly
Director of Photography
The dream of Paul Dombey, the wealthy owner of the shipping company, is to have a son to continue his business. Tragically, Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth to their son.
Huckleberry Finn
Director of Photography
A year after their former exploits, Tom Sawyer's puppy love of Becky Thatcher keeps him home while Huck Finn, chafing under "civilizing" influences like school and shoes, plans to run away. His scapegrace, abusive father intervenes; Tom and black Jim help him escape; and (departing from the novel) all three raft down the Mississippi, where they're joined by two likable rogues and meet pretty orphans Ella and Mary Jane. The latter may change Huck's mind about girls...
The Secret Call
Director of Photography
The Secret Call is adapted from The Woman, a play by William C. DeMille (brother of Cecil B.) Peggy Shannon plays Wanda Kelly, the daughter of a disgraced politician. Reduced to working as a switchboard operator, Wanda is privy to the many secrets and indiscretions of the clients of a big-city hotel. She also finds romance in the form of handsome Tom Blake (Richard Arlen). The huge cast of characters comes in handy for the film's multitude of subplots, none of which ever get their wires crossed. Peggy Shannon acquits herself nicely in her first major role, but by the end of the decade her career was in decline.
Scandal Sheet
Director of Photography
Confirming his principle that no one escapes the news, a tabloid editor prints a scathing story about his wife.
The Virtuous Sin
Director of Photography
Marya gets friendly with General Platoff in order to save her husband Victor from being executed.
Director of Photography
An exhaustingly cantankerous old man solves a jewel robbery.
Swing High
Director of Photography
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.
The Grand Parade
Director of Photography
No one suffered more magnificently in the early-talkie era than the inimitable Helen Twelvetrees. In Grand Parade, the actress is cast as Molly, the sweetheart of minstrel-show performer Jack Kelly. Rising to the top of his profession, Kelly plummets to the bottom thanks to his fondness for intoxicating beverages. Molly nurses and coddles Kelly back to health, giving nary a thought for her own comfort or happiness.
The Racketeer
Director of Photography
A dapper gangster sponsors an alcoholic violinist in order to win the love of a glamorous divorced socialite.
Square Shoulders
Director of Photography
Tad's dream is to attend a military academy so he can grow up to be a great soldier and a war hero, like his father. What he doesn't know is that his father, Slag, is actually a thief and a derelict. Slag robs a factory in order to get the money to send Tad to military school, then gets a job at the academy's horse stables to be close to his son, who doesn't know he's alive.
Show Folks
Director of Photography
Eddie Kehoe is a young vaudeville hoofer who thinks his inability to hit the big time is the fault of stage managers, agents, musicians...everybody but himself. Eddie likes to tell others how good he is, but seldom shows them. Kitty Mayo, an old-time burlesque queen, who is with the McNary Vaudeville Company, advises Eddie to get himself a partner, as his solo abilities can only be stretched so far. He decides to follow her advice and, while in a theatrical supply shop, he sees Rita Carey rehearsing her dancing act that includes a trained duck. Eddie tells Rita he is a good friend of McNary's, and, with him as her partner, her future in show business will be secured. She agrees to join him and Eddie promptly names the act "Eddie Kehoe and Partner". Despite his conceit, Rita likes Eddie, as do others in the troupe, including Cleo a little gold-digger.
Craig's Wife
Director of Photography
Harriet Craig, whose obsession with material possessions and immaculate neatness results in misery for all concerned. Harriet's husband remains blind to his wife's selfishness-until his eyes are opened when he is implicated in a double murder...
Tenth Avenue
Director of Photography
Joe, a weakling gangster, and Bob, an ex-gambler, compete for Lyla Mason, a working girl who also runs a 10th Avenue rooming house in New York city. Bob's desire to show Lyla he can support her leads him back to the gambling table when past-due rent threatens her with eviction. Bob and Joe are both suspected when Fink, a bootlegger, is found murdered in his room.
Midnight Madness
Director of Photography
In Midnight Madness millionaire diamond miner Michael Bream (Clive Brook) discovers that the woman he’s marrying — funfair shooting-gallery hostess Norma Forbes — is a gold digger. So Bream decides to teach her a lesson, and forces her to live with him in the remote African outback where, eventually, she realizes her true affections.
Stand and Deliver
Director of Photography
Our heroine, Miss Velez (despite the fact that she seems to be just along for the ride) is much her usual over-eloquent self (how fortunate she has no sound track!), while Warner Oland makes such an impressive and villainously seedy bandit, he needs no sound track at all. We can just imagine his oily, purring accents all too well.
The Forbidden Woman
Director of Photography
A colonel of the French army in North Africa believes his brother, a sensitive musician, to be in love with the colonel's wife and so arranges for his brother to be drafted into the colonel's own corps. Unknown to either is the fact that the colonel's wife is actually an Arab spy.
The First Auto
Director of Photography
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
The Honeymoon Express
Director of Photography
Footloose Widows
Director of Photography
Department-store models Flo and Marian set their sights on wealthy young soft-drink magnate J. A. Smith. Through a misunderstanding, they pick on the wrong J. A. Smith, a fortune hunter himself who assumes that Marian is a wealthy widow. Meanwhile, Marian falls for the real Smith, never dreaming that he's the millionaire.
The Cave Man
Director of Photography
A bored society girl cuts a hundred dollar bill in half, writes a message on one half for whoever finds it and throws it out the window of her apartment. The person who finds it turns out to be the driver of a coal truck. So she decides to give him a complete makeover in order to make him presentable to her society friends.
Seven Sinners
Director of Photography
Six burglars separately break into the Vickers mansion on Long Island to loot the safe but catch each other in the act. They all pretend to be members of the household when locked in by a well meaning police officer.
Director of Photography
A black-and-white melodrama where France, South Africa and England featured prominently in the narrative about Julie Gmelyn, a bright-eyed, single-minded Red Cross nurse and Peter Graham a clergyman who gives up his chaplaincy and goes to war.
The Dark Swan
Director of Photography
An American drama based on a novel
Beau Brummel
Director of Photography
George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley. Despite her own desperate love for Brummel, she submits to family pressure and marries Lord Alvanley. Brummel, broken-hearted, embarks upon a life of revelry.
Director of Photography
Mixed Faces
Director of Photography
The Primitive Lover
Director of Photography
A free-spirited girl is caught between her love for her husband and her attraction to a handsome adventurer.
Little Miss Smiles
Director of Photography
Rip Van Winkle
The story shows the development of the united state in divergent fields : Political, social and even economic field.
Unseen Forces
In the film, Breamer’s character, Miriam Holt (“the girl who sees around corners”), proves her psychic powers by locating children who went missing during the war. Her childhood love Clyde Brunton (Conrad Nagel) is unhappily married to a social climber, but Miriam’s ability to commune with the spirits of the dead (“those we love are always with us”) finds a way to resolve the problem.
The Woman Gives
Director of Photography
A 1920 film directed by Roy William Neill.
A Daughter of Two Worlds
Director of Photography
She Loves and Lies
Director of Photography
When Marie Callender is left a fortune by a wealthy old admirer on the condition that she marry the man she loves, Marie targets Ernest Lismore but is too shy to ask him to marry her. Instead, Marie disguises herself as an elderly woman of considerable wealth and offers to bail Ernest out of his impending bankruptcy in exchange for marriage, with the understanding that if Ernest ever falls in love with another woman she will grant him a divorce. Then Marie disguises herself as June Dayne in order to make her husband fall in love with her. She succeeds, and when Ernest confesses his love for another woman, Marie discards her disguise and Ernest discovers that the woman with whom he is in love is his own wife.
The Isle of Conquest
Director of Photography
A 1919 film directed by Edward José.
The Way of a Woman
Director of Photography
A 1919 film directed by Robert Z. Leonard.
The Probation Wife
Director of Photography
A 1919 film directed by Sidney Franklin.
The New Moon
Director of Photography
When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
The Heart of Wetona
Director of Photography
After the half-breed daughter of a Comanche chief falls for a young engineer who deserts her, she turns to a white Indian agent who marries her.
Director of Photography
Madame Bo-Peep
Director of Photography
A 1917 filmd riected by Chester Withey.
A Woman's Awakening
Director of Photography
A 1917 film directed by Chester Withey.
The Bad Boy
Director of Photography
Small town youth Jimmie Bates is a well-intentioned, but troubled youth. Jimmie is a rowdy boy who is always getting into trouble and playing pranks on his friends and neighbors. Although deeply in love with young Mary, he eventually spurns Mary's affection for the more outgoing and worldly young Ruth.
A Sister of Six
A young woman and her five little brothers and sisters are left orphans by the murder of their father over gold found on his ranch. Together the seven offspring fight against their greedy neighbors to keep what is rightfully theirs.