Nani Auvinen

참여 작품

벋들의 여름
Makeup Designer
유난히 더운 여름, 기후와 환경을 걱정하던 이디는 학업을 그만두고 양봉을 시작한다. 이디의 엄마 안네는 미래보다 작은 꿀벌을 더 두려워하지만, 마지못해 그녀를 돕는다. 얼마 지나지 않아 그들은 꿀벌을 구하는 일이 쉽지 않다는 것을 알게 된다.​
Guarding Fires
Makeup Designer
The summer ahead is long and hot but the burden of shame from the past is haunting Joonas, 24, and driving him to solitude. A sudden phone call changes the direction of his summer and brings Joonas to an old manor for a summer job, forcing him to open up to his new workmates and to face his shame. Joonas works hard under the burning sun, driven by his past mistakes, whilst the others lounge under the calming shade of trees. On the last day the group loses track of time and misses the last bus home. They are left at the old manor and a magical midsummer night begins.