Anna Telfer

Anna Telfer

프로필 사진

Anna Telfer

참여 작품

Queerfully Departed
When Mimi dies in the middle of a hysteroscopy, she is greeted by a queer archangel, who reveals that her soulmate is the doctor who accidentally killed her. As she realizes she hasn't done much in life, she fights for a second chance.
This Desolate Shore
In early 2021, a machine intelligence spent two days watching several films by the legendary director Jean-Luc Godard. Starting with a blank slate, the A.I. used these films to learn about our visual world for the first time. Later, a separate A.I. was used to write the poetry heard in the narration. It is presented verbatim, edited only for length. To complete the experiment a live action narrative, shot in vintage 16mm, was wrapped around this otherwise A.I. generated film. With machine-generated imagery and narration, the film gives us a glimpse into our world as seen by a new intelligence of our own design.
Planet Dune
A crew on a mission to rescue a marooned base on a desert planet turns deadly when the crew finds themselves hunted and attacked by the planet’s apex predators: giant sand worms.
몬스터 피라냐
남부 캘리포니아 해변에 위치한 `빛나는 바다 수족관`에 서식하는 해양 동물들 사이에 어느 날 원인 불명의 바이러스가 퍼진다. 상어, 불가사리, 바다사자 할 것 없이 바이러스에 감염된 동물들은 마치 좀비처럼 되살아나 사람을 맹공격하며 수족관 직원들은 목숨을 잃어간다. 수족관 관리자 미란다와 대니얼과 건물에 갇힌 사람들은 탈출을 시도하며 바이러스가 외부로 퍼지지 않도록 사력을 다해 좀비가 된 해양 동물에 맞선다.
Harper / Angelica
A young girl struggles to get back home when she starts inexplicably waking up as a different person everyday.