Konrad Ege

참여 작품

The American Führer
The story of the fascist conman Fritz Julius Kuhn is as unknown as it is terrifying: Kuhn is a German immigrant who pretends to be Hitler’s deputy in the USA during the 1930s. He is at the top of the German-American Bund, a fascist organization of Americans of German origin. The followers of this association march in goose-step with swastika flags and in Nazi-uniforms thru New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. They gather in thousands in stadiums and sing the Horst-Wessel-song.
Hollywood's Second World War
For the USA, World War 2 was an all-out war - to mobilize the masses, the US government launched a huge propaganda campaign and cinema, the medium of the masses, was quite simply their most important weapon. Government authorities monitored the production of feature films and the military itself produced documentaries aimed at rallying the American people to support the troops. This film tells the story of four Hollywood directors of European origin, who returned to the "Old World" during the Second World War to make propaganda documentaries for the US Army at the front: William Wyler from Alsace, Frank Capra from Italy, Anatole Litvak from Ukraine and - in post-war Germany - Billy Wilder from Austria.
존 라베: 난징 대학살
제 2차 세계대전 당시 독일 지멘스사 지사장인 존 라베는 중국에서 수력발전 설비를 운영하고 있었다. 그러던 중 일본이 만주를 점령하게 되고 지멘스사에서는 그를 본국으로 돌아오라고 한다. 존 라베의 환송식이 있던 날 갑작스런 일본군의 공습이 시작된다. 존 라베는 중국인 직원들을 회사 안으로 피신시키고 동맹국인 일본의 잔인한 살상에 안전 지대를 만들어 중국인들을 살리기 위해 노력하는데…