Paul Jones

참여 작품

The Disorderly Orderly
Poor Jerome Littlefield. He wants to be a doctor – but that's not exactly the perfect career choice when you're hopelessly squeamish. So he settles for the job of orderly at the Whitestone Sanitarium, a career move that's guaranteed to keep the patients – and viewers – in stitches!
Who's Minding the Store?
Jerry Lewis plays Norman Phiffer, a proud man in a humble life, who doesn't know that his girlfriend, Barbara, is heir to the Tuttle Department Store dynasty. Mrs. Tuttle, Barbara's mother, is determined to split the two lovers, and hires Norman in an attempt to humiliate him enough that Barbara leaves him. Will she ruin their love, or will he ruin her store?
It's Only Money
Lester is a clumsy and awkward TV repair man who is nevertheless gifted technically. In helping out a friend, he is drawn into a mystery involving a missing heir in a rich family. He begins to notice little things, like how much those family portraits look like him. can't be...can he ?
Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang.
You're Never Too Young
When an aspiring barber becomes inadvertently involved in the theft of a valuable diamond, necessity forces him to masquerade as a 12 year-old child - with humorous consequences.
Living It Up
Homer Flagg (Lewis) is a railroad worker in the small town of Desert Hole, New Mexico. One day he finds an abandoned automobile at an old atomic proving ground. His doctor and best friend, Steve Harris (Martin), diagnoses him with radiation poisoning and gives Homer three weeks to live. A reporter for a New York newspaper, hears of Homer's plight and convinces her editor, to provide an all-expenses paid trip to New York.
Casanova's Big Night
Italy 1757, Pippo Popolino, a lowly tailor, disguises himself as the great Casanova in order to romance the attractive widow Francesca. He little suspects what awaits him... Locked into the incongruous role by the desperation of the real Casanova's creditors, Pippo must journey to Venice on a delicate mission far beyond his capabilities.
Here Come the Girls
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
Although the son of a skilled golfer and an outstanding player in his own right, Harvey Miller is too nervous to play in front of a gallery, so he acts as coach and caddy for Joe Anthony, his girlfriend's brother.
The Girls of Pleasure Island
In the spring of 1945, World War II is coming to a close. Roger Halyard, a dignified, strait-laced Englishmen, lives on a South Sea atoll with his three daughters, Gloria, Hester and Violet, along with the housekeeper, Thelma, who has raised the girls since childhood. Other than their father, the girls have never seen another man. Halyard is informed that 1500 U.S. Marines will soon arrive to establish an air base on the island. Halyard is rather apprehensive over the prospect of his daughters, who have never met another man, being thrown together with 1500 Marines who haven't seen a woman in months.
마이 페이버릿 스파이
A burlesque comic doubles for a spy in Tangier and meets the spy's girlfriend, who is also a spy.
Where There's Life
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Dear Ruth
Lt. William Seacroft, on leave from the Italian front, arrives at the New York home of Ruth Wilkins, with whom he has been corresponding. Unknown to both Ruth and Bill, Ruth's younger sister, Miriam, has been writing the letters and signing Ruth's name as part of a program to keep up soldiers' morale. Although Ruth has just gotten engaged to a coworker, she agrees to see Bill and pretend she wrote the letters.
Monsieur Beaucaire
A bumbling barber in the court of King Louis XV becomes engaged in political intrigue when he masquerades as a dashing nobleman engaged to the princess of Spain.
Hold That Blonde!
Ogden Spencer Trulow III is a wealthy kleptomaniac who turned to stealing when he was spurned by a girl. His psychoanalyst advises him to find another girl for a cure. He fastens his interest upon Sally Martin, who happens to be engaged upon helping some crooks steal a valuable necklace. Complications include two scantily attired individuals, one of them drunk, clinging to the cornice of a skyscraper and a large band of crooks in quest of the precious jewels.
유토피아로 가는 길
While on a ship to Skagway, Alaska, Duke and Chester find a map to a secret gold mine, which had been 'stolen' by thugs. In Alaska to recover her father's map, Sal Van Hoyden falls in with Ace Larson, who secretly wants to steal the gold mine for himself. Duke, Chester, the thugs, Ace and his henchman chase each other all over the countryside—for the map.
True to Life
A writer for a radio program needs some fresh ideas to juice up his show. For inspiration, he rents a room with a typical American family and begins to secretly write about their true life antics. The show becomes a big hit, but he begins to feel guilty about his charade when he falls in love with the family's pretty older daughter.
모로코 가는 길
Associate Producer
제프(빙 크로스비 분)와 터키(밥 호프 분)가 밀항을 한 상선이 항해를 하던 중 사고로 침몰하면서 두 사람의 모험이 시작된다. 극적으로 생존한 두 사람은 아프리카 해안에 도착하고, 어렵게 사막을 건너 모로코로 가게 된다. 빈털터리였지만 굶주림에 지친 두 사람은 무작정 식당에 들어가 배불리 음식을 먹는데, 그때 나타난 노예상인이 제프에게 돈을 지불하고 터키를 노예로 산다. 터키가 팔려간 후, 양심의 가책을 받고 괴로워하던 제프는 결국 터키를 찾아 나선다. 그리고 웅장한 궁전에 잠입한 제프는 노예로 팔려간 줄 알았던 터키가 모로코 공주(도로시 라무르 분)와 멋진 시간을 보내고 있는 모습을 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 사실 공주는 세력가인 카심(안소니 퀸 분)과 결혼하기로 되어 있었지만, 첫 남편이 비명횡사하게 된다는 점성술사의 예언을 들은 공주가 터키를 희생양으로 선택한 것이었다. 한편, 공주는 터키를 찾아온 제프에게 반하게 되고, 마침 점성술사로부터 예언이 틀렸다는 말을 전해 듣자마자 제프와 결혼식을 올리게 된다. 하지만 소식을 전해들은 카심이 부하들을 이끌고 쳐들어와 공주와 하녀를 납치해 가고, 제프와 터키는 사막에 버려진다. 하지만 두 사람은 사막을 헤매다 카심의 본거지를 찾아내고, 우여곡절 끝에 공주와 하녀를 구출해낸다. 그리고 두 쌍의 남녀는 함께 미국으로 떠난다.
My Favorite Blonde
Associate Producer
Larry Haines, a mediocre vaudeville entertainer, boards a train for Los Angeles. Aboard, he meets an attractive, blonde British agent carrying a coded message hidden in a brooch—and is being pursued by Nazi agents.
The Fleet's In
Associate Producer
Shy sailor Casey Kirby suddenly becomes known as a sea wolf when his picture is taken with a famous actress. Things get complicated when bets are placed on his prowess with the ladies.
설리반의 여행
Associate Producer
영화감독인 존 설리반은 가난한 서민들의 삶을 다룬 "오 형제여 어디에 있는가?"라는 제목의 영화를 만들려고 계획 중이다. 영화소재를 찾기 위해 가난한 떠돌이처럼 차려 입고 길을 나섰던 그는 예상치 못했던 소동에 말려들고 급기야 감방에까지 갇히게 된다. 코미디 영화의 천재 프레스턴 스터지스의 40년대 클래식 중에서도 최고로 꼽히는 작품이며, 현기증 나는 유머의 코미디와 진지한 드라마가 이상적으로 결합된 작품이다. 코엔 형제의 는 바로 이 작품에 경의를 표한 영화.
Kiss the Boys Goodbye
New York chorus girl Cindy Lou Bethany becomes frustrated when she prepares for an audition for a Broadway musical, but the auditions close and her roommate, Gwen Abbott, is hired to be secretary to Top Rumson, the show's financial backer. Gwen tells Cindy that the director, Lloyd Lloyd, and composer, Dick Rayburn, have been sent to the South on a talent search for a classic Southern belle type to star in the show, although their shows usually feature Myra Stanhope, an actress whose style is hopelessly inappropriate for this show. Desperate for work, Cindy returns to her aunt Lily Lou and uncle Jefferson Davis Bethany's home in the South and schemes to get Lloyd and Rayburn to audition her.
로드 투 잔지바르
Stranded in Africa, Chuck and his pal Fearless have comic versions of jungle adventures, featuring two attractive con-women.
레이디 이브
프레스턴 스터지스가 시나리오를 쓰고 직접 감독한 고전적인 로맨틱 코미디로 헨리 폰다와 바바라 스탠윅이 주연을 맡았다. 재기 넘치고 생기발랄한 남녀간의 밀고 당기는 싸움을 그린 이 영화에서 헨리 폰다는 대부호의 상속자, 찰스 파이크를 연기했다. 뱀에 관한 전문가인 찰스는 아마존에서 일년간의 연구를 마치고 뉴욕으로 돌아오는 여객선에 오른다. 승선하자마자 찰스는 능력 있는 결혼상대자를 찾는 배 안의 미혼여성들의 관심의 초점이 되는데, 찰스를 주의 깊게 보는 사람들 중에 전문도박사들인 해리 해링턴 대령(찰스 코번)과 그의 파트너 제랄드, 그리고 대령의 딸 진(바바라 스탠윅)이 있었다. 만찬장에서 모든 여성들이 찰스에게 눈독 들이는 걸 지켜보던 진은 찰스의 발을 걸어 그의 관심을 끄는데 성공한다. 대령과 제랄드는 찰스를 속이기 쉬운 상대로 보고 게임을 하려고 하지만 진 역시 찰스에게 끌리는 자신을 발견하고는 놀란다. 그러던 중, 어린 시절부터 찰스를 돌봐온 경호원 먹시는 대령과 진이 전문도박사임을 증명하는 사진을 찰스에게 보여준다. 충격을 받은 찰스는 진에게 사기꾼임을 알고 거짓으로 그녀에게 끌리는 척했다고 말한다. 화가 난 진은 복수를 다짐하고 영국의 귀족 여인, 레이디 이브로 행세하며 다시 찰스 앞에 나타난다. 찰스는 진과 똑같이 생긴 레이디 이브를 보며 혼란스러우면서도 또다시 이브에게 빠져드는데…
7월의 크리스마스
An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.
Never Say Die
Bob Hope is being stalked by a predatory widow who is a widow of wealthy husbands many times over. Martha Raye is a Texan heiress who wants to marry her boyfriend Andy Devine, but her father is determined that she marry into royalty. To solve both their problems, Martha Raye and Bob Hope decide to marry, but will they ever find love together?
Give Me a Sailor
Associate Producer
Jim and Walter are two brother sailors in the United States Navy. Walter tells Jim as soon as they get home he is going to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Nancy Larkin to marry him. But Jim is also in love with Nancy so he begs Nancy's ugly duckling sister, Letty to help break Walter and Nancy up. Letty agrees only under one condition, he help her to win Walter!
Law of the Sea
A sadistic, evil ship captain lusts after a beautiful young girl he spots in town. It turns out that she's the girlfriend of a young man whose father the captain had blinded and cast adrift on the ocean many years before.
Law of the Sea
Assistant Director
A sadistic, evil ship captain lusts after a beautiful young girl he spots in town. It turns out that she's the girlfriend of a young man whose father the captain had blinded and cast adrift on the ocean many years before.
Bulldog Drummond
Assistant Director
Bulldog Drummond is a British WWI veteran who longs for some excitement after he returns to the humdrum existence of civilian life. He gets what he's looking for when a girl requests his help in freeing her uncle from a nursing home. She believes the home is just a front and that her uncle is really being held captive while the culprits try to extort his fortune from him.