Alexey Aygi

Alexey Aygi

출생 : 1971-07-11, Moscow, USSR (now Russia)


Alexey Gennadyevich Aigui (Russian: Алексей Геннадьевич Айги; Chuvash: Ahekh Aleksen Gennadievic, Aihi Alexey Gennadievic), born July 11, 1971 in Moscow, is a composer and violinist, conductor of Ensemble 4'33 ". He studied at the Ippolitov-Ivanov School of Music and studied the principles of composition. In 2001 he collaborated with Pierre Bastien and produced the CD La Musique Cyrillique. From Wikipedia (fr), the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Alexey Aygi
Alexey Aygi
Alexey Aygi
Alexey Aygi
Alexey Aygi

참여 작품

The Anger
In post-war Lebanon, Ida, a young Lebanese girl, flees her small village and her alcoholic mother and goes to the big city. There, she starts dating a European man not knowing what is in store for her.
The Adventures of Chuck & Huck
Original Music Composer
Two friendly but mischievous brothers Chuk and Gek live with their loving mother in Moscow and miss their father, who works far in the North. Deciding to meet the upcoming New Year together at all costs, they set off on an exciting journey to the mysterious Blue Mountains. Now they are waiting for the biggest adventure in their lives, because on New Year's holidays any, even the most incredible miracles are possible.
Original Music Composer
An adult man, forced to sacrifice communication with his family for the sake of success at work, invites his mother to a restaurant - to take a break from the hustle and bustle, chat with a loved one and finally get out of the state of permanent stress. But everything goes wrong at once - mom cannot figure out the menu, and the phone is torn from calls at work.
White Snow
Original Music Composer
An inspiring biopic about the legendary skier Elena Vyalbe. Born in a small town in the north of Russia, she had the courage and dedication to overcome a slew of obstacles on her way to becoming the very best in her sport. The film captures a historic skiing event at the 1997 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Trondheim, Norway, where Elena Vyalbe made skiing history by winning five out of five gold medals, which to this day remains a record achievement.
Prisoner in Kimono
Original Music Composer
More than 70 years have passed since the end of world war II, but a peace Treaty has not yet been signed between Russia and Japan. While the diplomats decide, ordinary citizens will hold their peace talks: the Russian, the granddaughter of the head of the pow camp, and the Japanese, the son of a pow who was in this camp. They met in the Khabarovsk territory, where this Stalinist camp was located. On the way, they told each other about how their ancestors were involved in the world war, about where they met the end of this war, about their wives and children… Can they come to an agreement? There's so much that separates them…
The Cardboard Pier
Original Music Composer
Back to the Sarmatian Steppe
A mosaic of unusual destinies of our contemporaries. People shoot, speed forward in Jeeps, gallop on horseback… Strong men and beautiful women, enmity and quest for one’s roots… And all this amidst the beautiful and impressive nature: the steppes of Orenburg, the southern edge of Russian borderline between Europe and Asia, between settlements and nomads, between the familiar and the incredible.
Good As New
Original Music Composer
Found unconscious and robbed on a beach in Thailand, 70-year old Xenophon only knows his own name because it was engraved on his old Soviet watch. He’s been left with no money and no identification…and he doesn’t speak a word of Thai. But Xenophon is a resourceful man. He begins to build a new life with friends and a new business, but there’s something disturbing in his past that he can only glimpse through his shattered memory. Is he really who he seems?
The Lenin Factor
Original Music Composer
Having dedicated his life to the preparation of the revolution in the Russian Empire, Vladimir Lenin, living in exile in Switzerland, desperately seeks a way back to Russia to take control. Options are few when Lenin receives an offer from Alexander Parvus, the most infamous of political opportunists, who has made a deal with Germany to sponsor the revolution under Lenin’s command and smuggle Lenin and his comrades into Russia. Aware that making a deal with 2 devils could cost him everything, Lenin knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver Parvus and the Germans at any cost...
파비안느에 관한 진실
자신의 회고록 발간을 앞둔 전설적인 여배우 파비안느. 이를 축하하기 위해 딸 뤼미르가 남편 행크, 어린 딸 샤를로트와 함께 오랜만에 파비안느의 집을 찾는다. 반가운 재회도 잠시, 엄마의 회고록을 읽은 뤼미르는 책 속 내용이 거짓으로 가득 찼음을 알게 되는데…
파비안느에 관한 진실
Original Music Composer
자신의 회고록 발간을 앞둔 전설적인 여배우 파비안느. 이를 축하하기 위해 딸 뤼미르가 남편 행크, 어린 딸 샤를로트와 함께 오랜만에 파비안느의 집을 찾는다. 반가운 재회도 잠시, 엄마의 회고록을 읽은 뤼미르는 책 속 내용이 거짓으로 가득 찼음을 알게 되는데…
Original Music Composer
In Mira's life, everything is wonderful: she is the owner of a fashion gallery, at home a loving husband awaits. But once on the seashore, a man with amnesia is found who remembers her name. No one knows who he is. It is not in any database. But he knows something about her that only a very close person can know, although Mira has never seen him in her life. The prosperous world of Mira begins to collapse when it turns out that an unknown person spent several years in the Middle East and a real hunt is following him.
Original Music Composer
Moscow. The night on the Eve of 1947. The war veteran Victor is going to a girl that he loves. The day earlier he was unloading railroad cars to buy a nice present for Helya. Helya is from Poland, a student of the Moscow Conservatoire. Victor and Helya will see the New Year in at their friend’s. Only one night when all secrets are revealed, when the feelings are poured out, but circumstances dictate their own rules. Victor and Helya are made for each other, but they are facing a choice — of the country where to live, of love or career. All of us have to make a choice in our life. When the day breaks, the fate of the two heroes will be decided.
Оставивший свет…
Mot Ne
Original Music Composer
Based on a real case in Siberia, a woman lost in the taiga is forced to wander with several families engaged in hunting.
Double Life. A Short History of Sex in the USSR
When Lyudmila Ivanova made her infamous claim during a US-Soviet TV programme in 1986 that ‘There is no sex in the USSR!’, her comment – although roundly mocked at the time – revealed a certain truth about Soviet attitudes towards sex and the ways in which it was controlled by the regime, rendering it largely invisible. With this documentary, the director takes us through 70 years of Soviet history to highlight the interplay between sex, politics and society and the changing meanings attached to sex and sexuality under different General Secretaries.
The Secret
Everybody has a secret. Two young sisters abandoned by their mother. A strange woman sleeping on their couch. A sinister fugitive hiding in their barn. FBI agents snooping around. And the world seems to be coming to an end - with a bang, not a whimper. Yes, this is going to be the best birthday ever!
청년 마르크스
Original Music Composer
1844년, 아내 예니와 함께 프랑스 망명길에 오른 26세의 카를 마르크스. 파리에서 공장주의 아들이면서도 노동자 계급에 대해 연구하는 프리드리히 엥겔스를 만나게 되고, 엥겔스는 마르크스가 새로운 세계의 비전을 구상하는 것에 영향을 미친다. 수많은 폭동과 정치적 격변 속에서 경찰의 검열과 급습에 맞서 당시 체계적이지 않았던 노동운동을 주도하게 되는 두 청년! 르네상스 이후 가장 완전한 이론적, 정치적 변화를 이끈 오만하지만 열정적이며 뛰어난 통찰력을 지닌 역사적 인물, 카를 마르크스와 프리드리히 엥겔스! 두 친구의 젊은 날의 이야기가 시작된다.
아이 엠 낫 유어 니그로
미국의 가장 위대한 20세기 작가, 제임스 볼드윈은 미국흑인민권운동의 중심 인물 마틴 루서 킹, 맬컴 엑스, 메드가 에버스에 대한 이야기를 쓰기 시작한다. 결국 30페이지의 미완성 에세이로 남게 된 『리멤버 디스 하우스』는 사무엘 L. 잭슨의 목소리와 라울 펙 감독의 연출을 통해 생생하게 구현된다. 세 인물의 삶과 피살 사건, 그리고 백인 중심의 세상 속에서 왜곡되어 온 흑인의 이미지에 대한 제임스 볼드윈의 이야기는 흑인민권시대에 대한 훌륭한 기록이자 수십 년이 지난 지금 우리에게 던지는 현재진행형의 질문이다.
Orléans is a typical provincial Russian town on the banks of a salt lake called Yarovoye. The town is 'steeped in evil'. But it isn't some great evil. This evil is of a banal and everyday type: Lida the hairdresser has indiscriminate affairs, followed by numerous abortions; Rudik the doctor enjoys an endless supply of women, thanks to his position, neglecting his paralyzed father who lives with him and hoping the old man will die soon; the local officer of the law has no qualms about committing murder; a magician from the local circus might actually be sawing women in half on stage... One day, a mysterious man appears in this quiet backwater town. He goes by the title of the Executor: at least that's what it says on his business card...
The Cage
They don't really know each other. She lives in penury. He holds a pawnshop. Poverty makes her marry him, despite she doesn't love him and even despises. After the marriage takes place, the family war begins. Based on a novel 'A Gentle Creature' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
В далёком сорок пятом... Встречи на Эльбе
1000년 전, 멸망한 지구를 떠나 ‘행성 XT-59’에 정착한 인류! 사람들은 광활한 늪지와 검은 구름만 가득한 이 행성에 목숨을 걸고 도시를 건설한다. 그러나 새롭게 구축된 정부는 총괄 제어 시스템으로 시민들을 억압하고, 이를 거부하는 사람들은 늪지대로 영구 추방해 버린다. 괴생명체들에게 목숨을 위협받게 된 추방자들에게 모든 상황을 머릿속에서 통제 가능한 천재적 지능의 남자가 다가온다. 이제 그들을 보호하는 건 엄청난 힘이나 살상력 좋은 무기가 아닌 뛰어난 머리뿐! 지금 추방자들의 치열한 생존 싸움이 시작된다.
They live in the steppe. A father and a daughter. Nothing may disturb the eternal order. Tomorrow always comes. And every morning the father goes away to work. And she stays alone. To wait for her father. And to feel. Two men are in love with her. She loves everyone. Her love cannot be divided. One day, the decision comes by itself. It comes from where the sun lives.
네 이웃의 아내를 탐하지 마라
Original Music Composer
가난하지만 작가의 꿈을 가진 젊은 청년 아르튬는 돈을 벌기 위해 어느 부호의 별장에 머물던 중, 휴가차 별장에 내려와있던 레라를 만나 뜨거운 정사를 나눈다. 휴가가 끝나고 다시 도시로 돌아가게 된 레라는 부모님의 뜻에 따라 아버지의 사업 파트너인 이르고와 결혼하고, 용납할 수 없는 이별에 방황하던 아르튬도 여류 사업가 나타샤와 결혼한다. 몇 년 뒤, 다시 재회하게 된 아르튬과 레라는 서로의 남편과 아내를 눈앞에 두고도 뜨거운 욕망을 참지 못한다. 아르튬은 레라와 함께 하기 위해 위험한 선택을 하게 되고, 그들의 사랑은 점차 위태로움과 비극 속으로 치닫게 되는데…
The Last One
Original Music Composer
The old man outlived everyone. His friends, wife, children. But he wasn't lonely. An old fridge buzzed hoarsely in the corridor, and - substituted for friends and family. Every evening he lay down to die. Waking up the next morning he shambled to the fridge. Every day he would sit down opposite the fridge and write: "8.00 - turned on; 9.15 - turned off; 9.47 - turned on...". That day started as usual. The old man woke up alive and headed to the porch. The fridge was in particular nasty. The old man got angry and switched on TV - for the first time in years. It changed his life forever.
The Translator
WWII mini-series
The film is based on the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, one of the most tragic and greatest poets of the 20th century. The authors follow her in Russia, then in immigration in Prague and Paris, and then her return to Russia where she committed a suicide a few month after her arrival.
The film is an attempt to recreate the world of Marc Chagall and his myth within the genre of a folklore ballad. We are not exploiting Chagall's images, but are attempting to create a dramatized projection of his creativity onto the movie screen, relying on both, facts and fantasy (as Chagall himself would).The story is based on real events which occurred at the time of Chagall's short-lived period in Vitebskin in 1917-18, during which time he creates the Academy of Modern Art, inspired by his dreams of a bright and beautiful future. Many pictures by Chagall and Malevich are used in the film.
Original Music Composer
A modern take on the classic novel by Alexander Pushkin. Vladimir is a successful banker and a regular at trendy night clubs. Masha is a diligent graduate of a British college and a loving daughter. It looks like they have bright future ahead. However, an unexpected quarrel between two eccentric fathers forces their offspring to live through the conflict of Pushkin's novel.
Fatal Assistance
Original Music Composer
Haitian born filmmaker Raoul Peck takes us on a 2-year journey inside the challenging, contradictory and colossal rebuilding efforts in post-earthquake Haiti.
Bullet Collector
Original Music Composer
A haunting, violent tale of a youth lost in an uncaring world, Bullet Collector is visual, nightmarish masterpiece. A shy 14-year-old boy, disconnected from home life and school, and sent to a hellish reform school, eventually lashes out on the injustices of his life.
징기스칸 2014
1300년대 몽골 평원, 우즈베크의 아들 티비베크는 프랑스 아비뇽에서 찾아온 평화를 갈망하는 두 사신에게 전쟁을 선포하고, 그 순간 함께 저녁을 들던 동생 자니베크의 손에 죽음을 당한다. 형을 죽이고 칸의 자리에 오른 자니베크는 어머니 타이둘라의 인정을 받아 다음 칸의 지위에 오른다. 어머니 타이둘라가 실명하자 러시아의 성자로 칭송받던 성자 세바스찬을 데려오지만 큰 차도가 보이지 않자 러시아를 피로 물들이는 모습을 그에게 보여주겠다며 잔인한 복수를 다짐한다. 성자 세바스찬의 고행이 계속되는 와중에 기적처럼 타이둘라의 시력이 돌아오고 자니베크는 성자에게 감사를 표하고 그를 러시아로 돌려보내고 축제를 즐기던 와중에 그의 아들 베르디베크의 음모에 휘말리고 마는데…
Looking for Hortense
Original Music Composer
Damien is a professor of Chinese civilization who lives with his wife, Iva, a theater director, and their son Noé. Their love is mired in a mountain of routine and disenchantment. To help keep Zorica from getting deported, Iva gets Damien to promise he’ll go to his father, a state department official, for help. But Damien and his father have a distant and cool relationship. And this mission is a risky business which will send Damien spiraling downward and over the edge...
И не было лучше брата
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
전혀 다른 삶을 살아오던 전직 구조대원들은 일본에서 참사가 발생했다는 소식을 듣자, 모든 것을 뒤로하고 재난 구조를 돕기 위해 비행기를 탄다.
Moloch Tropical
An uprising threatens the president's celebratory dinner.
The Last Day of Bulkin I.S.
Original Music Composer
The last day of Ivan Bulkin’s life has come. Death is at his front door and wants him to confirm with his signature that he was satisfied with his life. But Bulkin thinks he can trick the grim reaper and cheat death.
Пистолет Страдивари
The Quiet Family Life
Very Russian Detective
A retired detective is trying to catch a serial killer who uses Russian letters to find his victims.
Original Music Composer
Some people collect family albums. Sarmīte Sīle, an accomplished arts scholar, takes a nude photo of herself every ten years. Behind this unique series of nude photos that span a lifetime, is her story.
Wild Field
A young doctor relocates to a remote region of central Asia, thinking his fiancee soon will join him ...
The Great Alibi
Like every weekend senator Henri Pagès and his wife entertain guests at their beautiful mansion in a peaceful village near Paris. But this time around, things go awry: Pierre Collier, a psychoanalyst and consummate womanizer, is brutally murdered. Claire, his wife, dazed and confused by his corpse, with a smoking gun still in her hand, seems to be the ideal culprit...
Open Air
Три молодых героя волею обстоятельств оказываются заброшенными в тайге без средств к существованию, а главное – без "винта" – наркотика, без которого они не мыслят своей жизни. И этот вынужденный переход через тайгу превращается для каждого из них в преодоление страшной силы "винта", преодоление ненависти к жизни, своего прошлого, себя... Только одному из героев удается выйти из этого испытания. Тайга отняла у него самое ценное – друзей и веру в отца, но подарила нечто другое – новую жизнь. Без винта.
The Wedding Chest
Aïdar, a young Kyrgyz man returns home from his studies in France, with a beautiful French fiancée in tow. His fiancée is warmly welcomed by the village and captivated by the beauty of the region, but he stubbornly refuses to tell his family that the two are engaged.
Based on a short story "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
Somewhere deep, deep in Russia there is a town called Marks (named after Karl Marks, founder of Communism theory) where all people are working on toy factory and receiving their wages as toys. News from other cities are arriving on very rare occasion. One morning, Boris, a former boxing who is running from something, wakes up in train and see four letters MAR_S. From his first steps he starts to meet new people as Gregori, young man with a dream who is in love with local librarian, Greta, whose dream is to get out from this god-forgotten town. With each new step, he is meeting new people, but the past is hard to escape
My Step Brother Frankenstein
One day Pavel, a young man wounded in the war, suddenly shows up at the home of a Moscow scientist name Krymov and claims to be his illegitimate son. Krymov denies this, but out of compassion he helps arrange a necessary operation for Pavel. Then certain things begin happening which suggest to Krymov that he may have a psychologically unstable fellow on his hands.
The Lover
This is a remarkably subtle film–a character study that focuses on Mitya’s attempts to cope with each new startling phase of discovery. At first he mourns for his dead wife, but then he discovers that he didn’t really know her.
Private Chronicles: Monologue
The collective life of the generation born as Jurij Gagarin became the first man in space. Vitaly Mansky has woven together a fictional biography – taken from over 5.000 hours of film material, and 20.000 still pictures made for home use. A moving document of the fictional, but nonetheless true life of the generation who grew up in this time of huge change and upheaval.
Retro Threesome
Set in contemporary Moscow, this comedy drama from 72-year-old director Pyotr Todorovsky is a remake of Abram Room's controversial silent film Bed and Sofa (1927). Actor Sergei leaves his wife and drops in on friend Kostya, married to Rita. Rita and Sergei pair off after Kostya goes away on a business trip, and when Kostya returns, they become a threesome. Shown at the 1998 Berlin Film Festival.
Country of the Deaf
Original Music Composer
Strana Glukhikh is about an unusual relationship between two women, one of them a deaf-mute dancer and the other on the run from the mafia. Yaya, the deaf girl, offers to hide Rita whose boyfriend, Alyosha owes gambling debts to the mafia, but in return she wants her to leave the young man and run off with her to an imaginary paradise where material values do not exist.
Montevideo Unit
Original Music Composer
A film about the drama of a talented doctor who fell into a chain of tragic accidents - the death of his wife, psychological trauma that led to the loss of his voice, imprisonment, his daughter's drug addiction and a suicide attempt - but who found the strength to turn the tide, not lose heart and save himself, his daughter and granddaughter .