Eero Yves Francisco

참여 작품

사랑에도 예산이 있나요?
Production Design
불확실한 시대 속에서도 성실히 살아가는 두 마트 점원. 서로의 꿈을 지켜줄 수도, 혹은 둘 모두를 좌절시킬 수도 있는 관계가 시작된다.
The Missing
Production Design
When an alien comes back to take him, a mouthless young man's life twists and turns as his memories untangle.
레오노르는 죽지 않는다
Production Design
레오노르는 한때 여러 편의 액션영화로 성공을 거둔 적이 있는 필리핀 영화계의 주요 작가다. 하지만 현재 그의 가족은 집세와 생활비를 벌기 위해 고군분투하는 처지다. 어느 날 시나리오 모집 광고를 본 레오노르는 이전에 완성하지 못했던 시나리오를 손보기 시작한다. 깡패들의 손에 살해된 형제를 위해 복수를 결심한 청년 론왈도에 대한 이야기다. 어느 날 TV에 머리를 맞는 사고를 당한 뒤 레오노르는 혼수상태에 빠지고, 미완성 영화 속으로 들어간다. 이제 레오노르는 거친 꿈을 펼치며 이야기의 완벽한 결말을 찾을 수 있다.
The Tigers of Infanta
Production Designer
Creative Consultant
A mysterious young woman wanders around what seems to be a city of distraught, only to discover humanity's social collapse and the true monsters behind it.
Production Design
한 경찰이 ‘죽음의 바탄 행진’이 자행되었던 길을 되돌아간다. 놈들에게서 벗어나기 위해. 한 치의 오차도 없는 복수를 위해.
Production Design
ASUANG, the God of Sins, was once a ruthless and fickle God of Bicol, but now he is a loner and a loser who has no place in the world that is overrun by sinful human beings. He resorted to social media to regain his former glory and fame but to no avail. On his track to retirement, he was approached by the Seers to help them stop Armageddon. Along with a group of sinful misfits, Asuang will go on a quest, against his nature, to help mankind… Or so he thinks he will.
Production Design
An ailing biker takes to the rail for one last adventure that pits him against nature and the woman he desires.
Production Design
Discriminated by employers for being a gay misfit, odd Kaye struggles to make ends meet selling her bewildering home-grown beauty soap when her half-transexual best friend Bonn appears with her son for help.
Hiblang Abo
Art Direction
Infinite struggles among four men in their twilight years, confined in a hospice facility or home for the aged. Their gray hair grows and fades unnoticed, their lives enter the void of oblivion. Everything unfolds so naturally into their swan song until their body pains and heartaches yield the same intensity, when their hearing and their feelings become permanently impaired; and when their blurry vision and memories become “clear” signs that the inevitable state of death is as fleeting as the vibrancy of life itself.
Blessed Art Thou
Art Direction
In an old house replete with images of Catholic icons and symbols, a young lady struggles with the demented religious fanaticism of her mother, who it seems cannot differentiate between pious fervour and demonic possession for both exist simultaneously in her being.