Production Design
A re-edited Italian-language dubbed version of Godzilla, using as a basis the U.S. version Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), plus WWII newsreel footage and clips from other monster 1950's movies. The re-edited film was then colorized via a process called Spectrorama 70 consisting of applying various colored gels to the black and white footage. The film's opening and ending also features new music composed by musician Vince Tempera (under the pseudonym Magnetic System).
Art Direction
A re-edited Italian-language dubbed version of Godzilla, using as a basis the U.S. version Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), plus WWII newsreel footage and clips from other monster 1950's movies. The re-edited film was then colorized via a process called Spectrorama 70 consisting of applying various colored gels to the black and white footage. The film's opening and ending also features new music composed by musician Vince Tempera (under the pseudonym Magnetic System).
Production Design
When a space probe crash-lands on a far-flung Pacific atoll, the craft's alien stowaways decide to take over their new world one creature at a time. Soon, the parasitic life forms latch onto three indigenous critters -- a squid, a crab and a snapping turtle -- and transform them into colossal mutant monsters.
Production Design
Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.
Production Design
Japan and Russia clash in what comes to be known as the Russo-Japanese War. An attempt by the Japanese fleet and army to take Port Arthur fails, and a Russian fleet bears down on the Sea of Japan. Admiral Heihachiro Togo sends his fleet to confront the Russians, with results which stun both nations. Meanwhile, Major Genjiro Akashi makes secret negotiations with the Bolshevik revolutionaries in Russia, negotiations that have repercussions far beyond the conflict at hand.
Production Design
A massive underwater volcano erupts and puts a group of investigative scientists in danger. They are rescued by an atomic super submarine named The Alpha under the command of Captain McKenzie. The group is quickly taken to a vast underwater city known as Latitude Zero, a fantastic, Atlantean type utopia, a world beneath the ocean with its own sun. It is soon discovered that Captain McKenzie is at war with the evil Dr. Malic, a cruel scientist who wishes to rule mankind all the while conducting genetic experiments on humans and animals. Malic sends his agents to kidnap Dr. Okada, a human scientist who has created a serum that can immunize exposure to radiation.
Art Direction
미·일 전쟁을 피하고자 했지만 이를 더이상 피할 수 없게 되자 진주만 기습 전격전을 기획해 전쟁을 일찍 종결 짓고 일본의 승리와 종전을 얻어내고자 했던 야마모토 이소로쿠 제독의 용단과 고뇌.
Set Designer
고지라 시리즈에 등장한 괴수들은 물론이고 토호에서 만든 바란 등의 비고지라 계열 단독작품 괴수들도 나오는 올스타전과도 같은 작품이다. 이 작품의 배경은 1999년으로 쇼와 고지라 시리즈 타임라인 상으론 마지막이라고 봐도 무방할 정도의 특징이다. 즉 이때는 메카고지라의 역습의 이후 시점을 다루는 시퀄인 셈. 물론 이미 30년 넘었긴 했지만, 당시 미니어처는 나름대로 나쁘지 않은 수준이다.
Production Design
태평양의 외딴 섬인 소겔 섬에 주둔하고 있는 과학자 팀은 기상관제 시스템을 완벽히 하려고 시도한다. 그들의 노력은 거대 사마귀와 늘 소란스러운 기자인 마키 고로가 섬에 도착하면서 방해받는다. 기상관제 시스템의 첫 번째 테스트는 순조롭게 진행되다 싶더니 섬의 중심에서 발생한 알 수 없는 신호로 인해 방사성 풍선의 리모컨이 걸려버리면서 실패하고 만다. 풍선이 폭발하면서 방사능 폭풍을 일으켜 거대 사마귀는 카마키라스로 변한다. 과학자들은 카마키라스들이 흙더미에서 알을 파내는 것을 발견한다. 알이 부화하면서 미니라가 태어나고, 과학자들은 미니라의 울음소리가 그들의 실험을 망친 방해의 원인이었다는 것을 깨닫는다. 곧 고지라가 미니라를 지키기 위해 돌진하면서 우연히 과학자들의 근거지를 밟으며 섬에 상륙한다. 고지라는 상륙하자마자 카마키라스 두 마리를 박살낸다. 한 마리는 반복되는 슬램을 뚫고 산산조각이 나고 다른 한 마리는 고지라의 방사열선에 폭사당한다. 세 번째 카마키라스는 고지라에 의해 몸이 꺾이면서 죽고, 마지막 한 마리는 결국 달아난다.
Production Design
An adaptation of the Rankin/Bass cartoon, "The King Kong Show". King Kong is brought in by the evil Dr. Who to dig for Element X in a mine when the robot Mechani-Kong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle atop Tokyo Tower.
Art Direction
모스라가 사는 인펀트섬을 점령한 테러리스트들, 일명 '붉은 대나무'는 이곳을 기지로 삼고 주민들을 강제로 일을 시킨다. 바다에는 에비라랍스터가 지키고 있어서 탈출은 불가피하다. 그때 주인공 일행이 동굴에서 고지라를 발견하고 고지라 머리에 칼을 올려놓고 고지라를 깨운다 깨어난 고지라는 테러 리스트들의 기지를 파괴하고 에비라와 한판 뜬다. 그때 모스라가 돌아오고 고지라랑 협공해 에비라를 해치운다.
Production Design
모스라가 사는 인펀트섬을 점령한 테러리스트들, 일명 '붉은 대나무'는 이곳을 기지로 삼고 주민들을 강제로 일을 시킨다. 바다에는 에비라랍스터가 지키고 있어서 탈출은 불가피하다. 그때 주인공 일행이 동굴에서 고지라를 발견하고 고지라 머리에 칼을 올려놓고 고지라를 깨운다 깨어난 고지라는 테러 리스트들의 기지를 파괴하고 에비라와 한판 뜬다. 그때 모스라가 돌아오고 고지라랑 협공해 에비라를 해치운다.
Production Design
프랑켄슈타인의 세포에서 태어난 인간형 바다 짐승 가이라가 도쿄의 해안을 공격한다. 일본군이 행동을 취할 준비를 하는 동안, 가이라의 가르간투아 형제인 산다는 그의 친척을 지키기 위해 산에서 내려온다. 선과 악의 싸움이 이어지며, 형제들은 분열되고 도시는 폐허가 된다.
Production Design
Japanese war movie.
Production Design
태양계에서 새롭게 발견된 수수께끼의 별 X성을 탐사하던 P-1호는 X성에서 고도의 문명을 지닌 X성인을 만나게 된다. 모든 것을 숫자로 부르는 X성인은 그 곳이 공포의 괴수 ‘몬스터 제로’에게 공격받고 있다고 말하는데, 몬스터 제로의 정체는 다름 아닌 우주대괴수 킹 기도라였다. X성인들은 지구인들에게 킹 기도라와 싸우기 위해 ‘몬스터원=고지라’와 ‘몬스터투=라돈’을 빌려달라고 요청한다. (2014년 18회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Production Design
1965년 일본과 미국 합작으로 제작된 괴수영화로 거인 프랑켄슈타인과 괴수 바라곤의 싸움이 주된 내용이다.
Production Design
In 1943, the Aleutian island of Kiska was fortified by a small contingent of Japanese soldiers. When word arrived of an impending attack by an overwhelming force of Americans, the Japanese Navy attempted one of the most daring and unlikely evacuations in military history. This is that story.
Art Direction
일본에 이상기후가 갑자기 닥쳐 1월인데도 불구하고 무더위가 이어지고 있었다. 지구뿐만 아니라 우주에서도 이상한 현상들이 일어나고 있었고, 어느 천문대에서는 이 현상을 규명하기 위해 UFO와 교신을 시도하나 이는 유성우로 밝혀진다. 천문학자들이 실망하는 사이에 지구로 여러 운석들이 떨어진다. 일본을 방문하려던 세르지나 공국(セルジナ公国)의 마아스 도오리나 사루노(マアス・ドオリナ・サルノ) 왕녀는 전용 비행기를 타고 오던 도중 누군가의 텔레파시를 받고 타고 있던 비행기에서 뛰어내린다. 그와 동시에 비행기는 갑자기 폭발한다. 한편 지구로 계속 떨어지던 유성 중에 하나가 쿠로베 댐 부근의 산 중 계곡에 떨어진다. 이곳으로 운석을 조사하기 위해 과학자들이 파견된다.
Production Design
일본에 이상기후가 갑자기 닥쳐 1월인데도 불구하고 무더위가 이어지고 있었다. 지구뿐만 아니라 우주에서도 이상한 현상들이 일어나고 있었고, 어느 천문대에서는 이 현상을 규명하기 위해 UFO와 교신을 시도하나 이는 유성우로 밝혀진다. 천문학자들이 실망하는 사이에 지구로 여러 운석들이 떨어진다. 일본을 방문하려던 세르지나 공국(セルジナ公国)의 마아스 도오리나 사루노(マアス・ドオリナ・サルノ) 왕녀는 전용 비행기를 타고 오던 도중 누군가의 텔레파시를 받고 타고 있던 비행기에서 뛰어내린다. 그와 동시에 비행기는 갑자기 폭발한다. 한편 지구로 계속 떨어지던 유성 중에 하나가 쿠로베 댐 부근의 산 중 계곡에 떨어진다. 이곳으로 운석을 조사하기 위해 과학자들이 파견된다.
Art Direction
Mixed-race children in Japan become involved in the petty theft of car parts.
Production Design
A floating amorphous life-form descends from the atmosphere to consume carbon in the form of diamonds.
Production Design
폴리네시아에 거대한 태풍이 오고, 인펀트 섬에 있던 모스라의 알이 이 때문에 바다로 떠내려가고 만다. 모스라의 알은 일본 시즈노우라 앞바다까지 떠밀려온다. 거대한 모스라의 알은 화젯거리가 되고, 신문기자 사카이 이치로는 알을 취재하기 위해 온다. 그러나 해피 공업의 쿠마야마라는 사람이 나타나 자신이 알을 최초 발견자로부터 샀으니 알에 대한 권리는 모두 자기에게 있다며 알을 조사하는 과학자와 기자들을 모두 쫒아낸다. 해피 공업은 모스라의 알을 구경거리로 삼아 돈을 벌 생각이었다. 이들 앞에 소미인이 나타나 알을 제발 돌려달라고 부탁하지만, 쿠마야마와 해피 엔터프라이즈의 사장은 소미인도 잡으려고 든다. 도망친 소미인들은 이번에는 사카이 일행의 앞에 나타나 모스라의 알을 되찾는 것을 도와달라고 부탁한다. 사카이 일행은 소미인들과 함께 해피 공업에 정식으로 찾아가 모스라의 알을 돌려달라고 요청하지만 매몰차게 거절당한다. 실망한 소미인들은 모스라와 함께 인펀트 섬으로 돌아간다. 한편, 간척사업이 진행중인던 땅에서 방사능이 검출되고 이곳을 취재하러 간 사카이 일행은 땅 속에서 고지라가 솟아오르는 것을 목격한다. 킹콩에게 패배해 바다로 떨어졌던 고지라가 다시 깨어난 것이다. 고지라는 요코하마로 향하며 중공업지대를 파괴한다.
Production Design
A 1964 war film directed by Kengo Furusawa
Production Design
The legendary empire of the lost continent of Mu reappears to threaten the world with domination. While countries unite to resist, an isolated World War II Captain has created the greatest warship ever seen, and possibly the surface world's only defense.
Production Design
An adventurous and daring sailor sets sail to the castle of an ailing king to stop an evil premier, hungry for power and wealth, from succeeding the throne and marrying the king's beautiful daughter. Along the way, with the help of some courageous rebels and a lustful wizard, he must overcome the powers of a bewitching witch, a band of ruthless pirates, and the castle's Imperial guards. He must also free those kidnapped into slavery and restore the king's reputation.
Production Design
Lt. Col. Senda resists the idea of sending Japanese fighter pilots on suicide missions. He believes that what is really necessary for Japan to regain momentum in the war is for the air force to gather its most brilliant pilots into an elite squadron and use the unit to pinpoint attacks on the Americans. Disrespected by the kamikaze pilots who think the "non-suicidal" pilots are afraid, the unit redeems itself by stunning victories. But success leads the military leaders to expect too much of the unit, and new orders portend disaster.
Production Design
세계적인 제약회사의 회장인 다코는 연구원인 사쿠라이 오사무와 후루에 긴자부로를 파로 섬으로 보낸다. 파로 섬에서만 자라는 소마 열매는 강력한 마취 성분을 갖고 있으며 중독성이 없는데, 그는 이 열매로 신약을 개발하려 한다. 또한 다코 회장은 연구원들에게 킹콩의 존재 여부 또한 알아올 것을 부탁한다.파로 섬에 도착한 사쿠라이와 후루에는 킹콩을 발견하고, 소마 열매로 킹콩을 마취시켜 일본으로 데려온다. 한편 7년 전 빙하에 갇혔던 고질라가 깨어나고 바다를 건너 일본에 출몰한다. 일본으로 끌려온 킹콩도 탈출하는데 성공하여 마침내 두 괴물이 격돌하게 되는데...
Production Design
In 1980, a giant planetoid named Gorath is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. Even though it is smaller than Earth, its mass is huge enough to crush the Earth and destroy it. A mission sent to observe Gorath is destroyed after all the orbiting ships are drawn into the planetoid. A later mission is sent to observe and the crew barely leaves before suffering the same fate. However Astronaut Tatsuo Kanai is left in a catatonic state due to his near death experience. The Earth's scientists then come up with a desperate plan to build giant rockets at the South Pole to move Earth out of Gorath's path before it is too late.
Production Design
This Japanese film speculates on the events which lead the U.S. and the Soviet Union into a nuclear Armageddon.
Art Direction
자그마한 여자 요정이 남쪽의 섬나라 로실리카의 정부관리인 클락 넬슨에게 붙잡혀 사람들의 구경거리로 전락한다. 요정은 자신들의 고향인 베이루 섬에 살고 있는 모스라의 알에 텔레파시로 구원을 요청하고 알에서 깨어난 모스라는 거대한 몸집을 이끌고 도쿄로 향한다.
Production Design
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic.
Production Design
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic strip
Art Direction
A semi-documentary story about the vicissitudes in the life of an elderly fisherman.
Art Direction
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
Production Design
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
Art Direction
Lord Taro must deliver a money chest but is robbed by brigands led by Jibu. One of Jibu's men, Rokuro, steals the money from Jibu, but after meeting and befriending Taro, Rokuro decides to return the money to Taro. But Taro's unscrupulous brother Jiro falsely accuse Taro of the theft, and Taro reactively joins the outlaw band and encourages them to steal from the nobles and give to the poor.
Art Direction
The mythical adventures of the legendary Chinese trickster Monkey, who must outwit a variety of wily demons who stand in the way of him and his fellow Buddhist travelers. Though portrayed as a literal, if rather anthropomorphized, monkey in the original legends, this film substitutes the spindly comic actor Norihei Miki, sans makeup.
Production Designer
An Ishiro Honda film.
Art Direction
An American scientist tells two colleagues about the finding of an abominable snowman living in the Japanese alps, where it is worshipped by a remote tribe as a god, and how it was discovered by modern man after it raided a ski-ers' shelter following an avalanche, killing all inside. This is an adaptation of the Japanese film Ju Jin Yuki Otoko with added American-made footage, narration and music track.
Art Direction
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip. The first entry in the series shot in TohoScope.
Production Design
Production Design
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Art Direction
Two residents of Edo city Yaji and Kita make a journey to the temple of Ise, as part of a religious pilgrimage, but actually to get away from their wives for a little while. As they travel, they are constantly beset by complications involving women, mistaken identity, and misunderstood events. Another film adaptation of the famous novel Ikku Jippensha Footing It Along the Tokaido (Tokaidochu Hizakurige)
Production Design
Adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip. The first entry in the series shot in color.
Art Direction
The actor Koheiji is terribly in love with the wife of his best friend, the playwright Takuro; to get her, he would even kill Takuro.
Production Design
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
Art Direction
Historical drama about a sleep-eyed ronin
Art Direction
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
Production Design
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic strip. The first entry in Toho's Sazae-san series.
Art Direction
During an assignment, foreign correspondent Steve Martin spends a layover in Tokyo and is caught amid the rampage of an unstoppable prehistoric monster the Japanese call 'Godzilla'. The only hope for both Japan and the world lies on a secret weapon, which may prove more destructive than the monster itself.
Production Design
Masahiko Koseki, a judo master, gets in several fights as a result of protecting a young woman. Despite his success, Koseki is expelled from his judo school because of his propensity for street fighting. He goes to work for a gangster named Joji, but when he realizes that Joji is mixed up in the slave trade, Koseki helps the police in their attempts to foil Joji.
Art Direction
Period romantic drama.
Production Design
Forced on the road by yakuza obligations, a man sets out on a reckless journey to Tsumagoi. Movie posters for local cinemas were often displayed at sento (public baths) too. The handwritten text on the bottom here announces the film will play at Hassen for 3 days.
Art Direction
1955 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Production Design
1955년에 개봉된 고지라 시리즈의 두번째 작품. 1954년에 개봉한 고지라가 대히트를 치게 되자 당연히 후속작에 대한 이야기가 나오게 되었다. 그러던중 칸사이의 스폰서가 강력하게 요구한 탓으로 두번째 작품의 배경은 오사카로 옮겨가게 되었다. 무려 3개월 만에(!) 뚝딱 해치운 이 영화는 츠부라야 에이지가 특촬감독으로 단독 기명된 최초의 작품이기도 하다. 이전 작품에는 고지라만 등장했으나, 이 영화에선 최초로 고지라와 맞서는 상대편 괴수가 등장한다. 안기라스[3]가 그 첫 타자로서 고지라와 오사카성에서 대혈투를 벌인다.
Production Design
Art Direction
수만년동안 태평양에 잠들어있던 고질라가 핵폭탄 실험으로 인해 깨어나 선박들을 납치한다. 이어 고질라는 도쿄까지 상륙하지만, 핵실험의 영향으로 괴력을 갖게 된 고질라에게는 어떤 최첨단 무기도 통하지 않는다. 도시는 고질라가 내뿜는 방사능와 불길에 휩싸여 초토화되지만, 손쓸 방법이 없어 많은 희생자들이 발생한다. 이 고질라를 쓰러뜨릴 에너지인 오키시젠 디스트로이어를 개발한 과학자 세이자와 다이스케는 그 방법을 알리길 거부하고, 희생자는 점점 늘어만 가는데...
Production Design
수만년동안 태평양에 잠들어있던 고질라가 핵폭탄 실험으로 인해 깨어나 선박들을 납치한다. 이어 고질라는 도쿄까지 상륙하지만, 핵실험의 영향으로 괴력을 갖게 된 고질라에게는 어떤 최첨단 무기도 통하지 않는다. 도시는 고질라가 내뿜는 방사능와 불길에 휩싸여 초토화되지만, 손쓸 방법이 없어 많은 희생자들이 발생한다. 이 고질라를 쓰러뜨릴 에너지인 오키시젠 디스트로이어를 개발한 과학자 세이자와 다이스케는 그 방법을 알리길 거부하고, 희생자는 점점 늘어만 가는데...
Art Direction
Art Direction
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Art Direction
Jirocho and his followers chase the Kurokomas into the Kai Province.
Production Design
Art Direction
Art Direction
Art Direction
Period film about a feudal era judge living in Edo
Production Design
Production Design
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Production Design
Soldiers Hayate and Yaheiji secretly escape from their besieged castle. Hayate has left behind his lover, Kano. On his way, Hayate is wounded and cared for by O’Ryo, who falls in love with him. But when Hayate accidentally kills her caretaker, he flees, with O’Ryo in pursuit. Subsequently, Hayate's comrade Yaheiji falls in love with Oryo. Kano, the lover left behind by Hayate, believes him dead, and becomes involved with another soldier, Jurota. When Jurota defects to the opposing army, he takes Kano with him. A double set of love triangles has developed, wherein each man and each woman loves one and is loved by another. Finally only combat and self-sacrifice can untangle the weave.
Art Direction
A Japanese adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story Boule de Suif, directed by Kimura Keigo
Production Design
Two sisters, one a dancer and the other a script supervisor at a big movie studio, become embroiled in union activities when a strike is called in sympathy with striking railroad workers, one of whom boards with the sisters and their parents. The girls' father argues with them about their strike, but finds his views changing when he himself loses his job.
Art Direction
A 1943 film.
Art Direction
Song of the White Orchid was a co-production of Toho and Mantetsu, the railway that served the colonial region of Manchuria, and the first film in the Kazuo Hasegawa/Shirley Yamaguchi (Ri Koran) “Continental Trilogy.” Handsome Hasegawa (representing Japan) runs up against an impertinent Yamaguchi (representing the continent); not surprisingly, in the course of the film the woman comes around and realizes the benevolent intentions of the Japanese. In Song of the White Orchid Yamaguchi leaves Hasegawa, who plays an expatriate working for the railway, because of a misunderstanding. She joins a communist guerilla group plotting to blow up the Manchurian railway. Learning of the subterfuge that led to the misunderstanding, she renews her faith in Hasegawa—and by extension Japan—and tries to undermine the plot.
This film attempts to reconstruct the tension of the Battle of Shanghai through an episode in an understated way, introducting its story in a documentary mode. In the film story, Japan's marine regiment protects Japanese residents and Chinese refugees-women and young children-from rampant street fighting, Shanhai Rikusentai unsparingly uses its first eight minutes for an official-mannered self-justification of the war. From the viewpoint of explaining Japan's military operation,the narration refers to the city s spatial division in sync with maps on screen.
Art Direction
A half brother and sister work at a hotel in Hakone respectively as a porter and a souvenir shop clerk. They are close. One day a woman named Hasegawa checks into the hotel in order to recuperate in a calm environment with fresh air. She is the mother of the store employee. The mother and daughter were separated due to the Kanto earthquake. The girl was practically raised by her older half brother.
Art Direction
Japanese adaptation of LES MISERABLES. The last film of director Itami took inspiration from Les Miserables. Transpiring during the Southwestern War of 1877 in Japan, which was the last civil war in the country, a criminal escapes prison only to be found by a monk. The criminal decides to turn a new leaf based on their conversation and goes on to become a town's mayor. He hears news of a mistaken arrest and identity. The revelation of truth is the start of a series of miseries.
Art Direction
“Widely acclaimed as the first full-scale historical film epic in Japan, Kumagai’s adaptation of Ogai Mori’s celebrated novel is an indictment of the bushido tradition of saving face through harakiri. The 19 vassals of Lord Hosokawa ask permission to commit harakiri with him, as a demonstration of their loyalty. Only Yaichiemon Abe is refused permission, forced instead into the vassalage of his lord’s successor. Humiliated and derided, Yaichiemon eventually commits harakiri without permission. His eldest son is then punished for Yaichiemon’s suicide, and when he resists, is sentenced to death. The entire Abe clan rebels upon the son’s execution, and the clan is annihilated.” --Alan Poul, Japan Society
Part 2 of a 2-part romance (fist part - Kafuku zempen) based on a story by noted author Kikuchi Kan. In the second half, we discover that Toyomi is pregnant -- and while Shintaro and Yurie are on their extended honeymoon, she bears his child, a girl named Kiyoko. She is supported in adversity by Michiko -- and gets considerable moral support from not only her own mother but also from Shintaro's mother and siblings. Even more surprisingly, Yurie strikes up a friendship of sorts with her. When Yurie learns that the child is Shintaro's, she convinces Toyomi that it would be best to let Shintaro (and her) raise Kiyoko, so Toyomi can get on with making a proper life for herself. Tearfully, Toyomi agrees. Sometime later, Michiko goes to visit Toyomi -- and sees her at work, as a kindergarten teacher.
Production Design
The study of a one-year marriage that begins to crumble. A married man is torn between the love of his wife, and the attraction to a cousin of his wife.
Production Design
Story of a bandit king.
As suggested by the title, this film takes up the theme of the city, beginning with a series of traveling shots from Chiyo's point o view on a bus leaving the countryside and entering the metropolitan cityscape. After some fruitless job hunting in downtown Tokyo, Chiyo accepts a job as a bar hostess in Shiba ward. Well away from glamorous Asakusa and Ginza, this is a neighborhood bar where the women are dirt poor, each having only one kimono to their name....
Art Direction
The otherwise promising young man Asaji (Heihachirô Ôkawa) and his younger brother Yuji (Hideo Saeki) face blighted lives because of society's disapproval of their illegitmacy and déclassé family.
Production Design
The story picks up from Part 1 as Enoken's young scion forsakes his wealth and takes a department store job – in drag and sometimes blackface – to prove to the girl of his dreams that he be a hard-working, serious man.
Production Design
Enoken plays a cloistered rich kid whose father hires a disreputable tutor to teach him how to really be a millionaire: by drunken debauchery, women, and song.
Production Design
This film is based on a real Meiji era performer -- and tells of Tochuken's partnership with his wife (played by Chikako Hosokawa) who played shamisen for his songs/recitations), his affair with a geisha (Sachiko Chiba), and the deterioration of his partnership and marriage.
Production Design
Adaptation of Fumiko Hayashi's novel.
Production Design
1935 P.C.L. adaptation of Natsume's novel.
Set Decoration
가난한 성악가 후지무라 요시오는 낡은 방에서 호텔 청소부 아야코와 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 어느 날 우연히 요시오의 노래를 들은 한 부자의 딸이 그에게 도움을 주고 후지무라는 큰 성공을 거둔다. 그러나 유명해진 후지무라는 아야코를 무시한 채 상류사회의 달콤함에 빠져든다. 실제 테너가수로 유명했던 후지와라 요시에가 직접 출연해 주목을 받았던 작품.