Peter Best

출생 : 1943-10-18,

참여 작품

My Husband, My Killer
Based on the true story of an Australian woman that was murdered in bed next to her husband.
My Husband, My Killer
Original Music Composer
Based on the true story of an Australian woman that was murdered in bed next to her husband.
My Mother Frank
Original Music Composer
When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son, old and new worlds collide with awesome consequences.
Doing Time for Patsy Cline
Following a passion for country music, Ralph leaves his father’s sheep farm in a remote Australian town, armed with a guitar and a plane ticket to Nashville, Tennessee. He hopes to hitchhike to Sydney Airport where his take-off into a successful country/western singing career will hopefully begin. However, fate and his naivety find him hitchhiking with a psychotic drug thief named Boyd, and Boyd's mesmerising girlfriend, Patsy. The plot then splits into a series of parallels, flash forwards and flashbacks. One depicts Ralph’s imprisonment after being framed for drug trafficking. The other follows the dramatic ascent of his career to hype status and the pairing between the dynamic Patsy and himself.
Country Life
Original Music Composer
Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920s. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.
뮤리엘의 웨딩
Original Music Composer
가족에게도, 친구에게도 사랑받지 못하는 뮤리엘은 스스로에게 새로운 삶을 선물하기로 한다. “내 이름은 M-a-r-i-e-l, 마리엘! 새로 태어났어” 새 장소, 새 친구, 새 직장! 그리고 평생을 꿈꿨던 결혼까지 했지만, 뮤리엘의 꿈처럼 마리엘의 삶은 행복하지 않고… 과연 뮤리엘은 ‘아바’ 노래보다 더 근사한 인생을 쟁취할 수 있을까?
Original Music Composer
Lawyer Jeff Warren takes over a compensation case after the sudden death of one of his legal partners. His subsequent investigations, and growing obsession with the enigmatic Ellen Fielding, compromise his values and his view of himself as a winner. His attempts to solve the complex intrigues lead him to be accused of the murder of Ellen's husband, Harry, and even his longtime partner and friend, Alison, finds it difficult to believe that he is innocent. His moral dilemma leads him into a final graphic confrontation, with unexpected results.
1492 콜럼버스
Sound Editor
서쪽 바다로 항해하면 인도에 도착한다는 신념을 가지고 에스파냐 왕국으로 이민 온 이태리 출신 탐험가 콜럼버스. 그는 어린 아들 페르난도를 데리고 바다를 바라보다가 지평선 너머로 사라지는 배의 모습을 보고 지구가 둥글기 때문이라는 확신을 가진다. 지구는 평평한 땅이라 끝까지 가면 지옥으로 떨어질 것이며 그곳에는 괴물이 살고 있다는 공포와 미신이 난무했고 기존의 권리와 질서를 유지하려는 귀족들의 탁상공론까지 콜럼버스의 제안에 제동을 건다. 그러나 이자벨 여왕은 콜럼버스의 계획을 지원하여 1492년, 드디어 산타마리아 호를 비롯한 3척의 배로 항해를 시작한다. 극심한 공포와 난관을 헤치면서 예정의 2배가 넘는 2개월여 동안 서쪽으로 항해하던 콜럼버스 일행은 태초의 모습을 간직한 과나하니 섬을 발견하고 그곳을 인도의 일부라 생각하고 식민지로서 개척한다. 본토 대륙을 발견하기 위하여 2번째 항해를 한 콜럼버스는 서인도 제도에 민주적이고 이상적인 신세계를 건설하던 중 시련이 닥친다. 원주민과의 갈등과 동행한 귀족 목시카의 반란과 더불어 불어닥친 허리케인으로 그의 신세계는 황폐화되는데...
Clowning Around
Follows a boy who realizes there is more to being a clown, than just clowning around.
크로커다일 던디 2
Original Music Composer
믹 크로커다일 던디(폴 호건)는 뉴욕의 신문기자 수 찰톤(린다 코즈로브스키)과 결혼해 즐거운 나날을 보낸다. 그러던 어느날 수는 괴한에게 납치를 당한다. 마약업자에게 납치당한 수는 사진이 든 편지를 갖고 오라는 전화를 한다. 마약 단속반의 수사망이 수의 집까지 미치자 믹은 수의 안전을 위해 경찰을 따돌린 채 수를 구출하러 나선다.
High Tide
Original Music Composer
A rock'n roll singer gets stranded in a small Australian town after losing her job in a band. She winds up in a trailer park only to encounter, by accident, the teenage daughter she deserted following her husband's death.
크로커다일 던디
Original Music Composer
뉴욕 뉴스데이 신문의 여기자 수 찰톤(린다 코즈로브스키)은 악어에 물렸다가 기적같이 살아난 호주남자의 뉴스를 듣고 그를 찾아간다. 사건의 주인공 믹 크로커다일 던디(폴 호건)는 시골 마을에서 사냥 안내를 하며 살고 있는 전형적인 시골남자다. 취재를 위해 크로커다일 던디와 함께 정글로 여행을 떠난 수는 여러 해프닝을 겪으면서 그에게 묘한 매력을 느끼고 함께 뉴욕으로 돌아온다.
Morons from Outer Space
Sound Editor
The story begins on a small spaceship docking with a refueling station. On board are a group of four aliens, Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian. During a particularly tedious period of their stay at the station, the other three begin playing with the ship’s controls while Bernard is outside playing spaceball. They accidentally disconnect his part of the ship, leaving him stranded while they crash into a large blue planet close by...
Goodbye Paradise
Original Music Composer
The plot centres on Queensland's Gold Coast in the early 1980s, when a disgraced former cop, Michael Stacey writes a book exposing police corruption, does an investigation resulting in 2 murders, exposes a religious cult and watches the army begin a military coup.
We of the Never Never
Original Music Composer
Based on the well-loved Australian classic by Mrs. Aeneas Gunn, this is the remarkable true story of Jeannie Gunn, a woman who fought to overcome sexual and racial prejudice amid the harsh beauties of the outback. Leaving her Melbourne existence for a new life on her husband's isolated ranch, Jeannie's feisty, good-natured attitude soon wins over the misogynistic stockmen, but she faces a much tougher challenge in trying to change their racist attitudes towards the indigenous aboriginal population.
Born to Run
Sound Editor
Journey to the land down under for a warm, thrilling story of a once proud racehorse stableowner, his adventurous grandson, and their dream to revive the golden days of horseracing glory.
End Play
Original Music Composer
And just when you believe there is nothing more to fear, you will begin to experience the ultimate terror of the END PLAY.
Lucky Lady
Sound Editor
When an American booze smuggler gets murdered in Prohibition-era Mexico, his widow, a nightclub singer, joins forces with her lover and a desperate loner to become rum-runners to the U.S.