During a casting session, Hugo, a young actor, is invited to be the narrator, actor, and director of a story he has to improvise. He embarks on a story about sex, illness, and emancipation.
빈민가 출신으로 마약 단속반 형사가 된 드리스는 어릴 적 같은 동네에서 지냈지만 지금은 범죄 조직에 가담해있는 임마한느와 내통해 조직을 일망타진하려 한다. 그러던 중 임마한느가 살해당하고, 현장에 함께 있던 마누엘은 용의자로 지목된다. 범죄 소탕과 복수라는, 서로 다른 이유로 같은 목표를 가지게 된 마누엘과 드리스는 진짜 살인범을 잡기 위해 손을 잡지만, 마누엘마저 표적이 되어 목숨의 위협을 받게 되는데…
Jeune Arener
In a near future, the world order has changed. With its 10 millions of unemployed citizens, France has now become a poor country. Its people wavers between rebellion and resignation and find an outlet in the shape of TV broadcast ultra brutal fights in which the players are legally doped and unscrupulous.
At the edge of a cliff, three naked men perform a strange ceremony. Suddenly, a creature emerges and kills the three pagans. At this point, we switch to another space-time, where some hybrid beings are born. Together, they celebrate the victory of falsehood and artifice…