As a severe drought punishes the vast expanses of rice fields in eastern Spain, the natural region of Laguna Blanca is named a Nature Preserve. A prestigious biologist, Ricardo, arrives in San Pedro to protect it. His family, however, is going through tough times but Ricardo is convinced that a change in their lives will help them move on. And it’s also an opportunity to get back to his roots, to his origins, to where he grew up as a boy and to reclaim this spot that had been buried in his fondest memories. Ricardo’s mission is to hinder the abusive and illegal use that everyone makes of the lagoon. But pressure and threats from the locals just keep getting worse. They consider Ricardo a traitor because all they are trying to do is defend their existence and their livelihood. Ricardo eventually comes to the realization that his life and that of his family are in danger.
Vera, a 26-year-old girl, wants to gain the trust of Daniela, a “bad” girl, and to do so, she will put herself at her service in a mission of which she will not be proud.
Second Second Assistant Director
7명의 아이들이 동시에 실종되는 전대미문의 사건, 단 한명의 아이만이 생환한다.. 40년 후… 마르코(아이언 글렌) 가족은 새로운 삶을 꿈꾸며 미국에서 스페인의 한적한 시골주택으로 이주해온다. 행복할 것만 같은 가정생활… 모두들 의심치 않았다. 하지만 집안을 감도는 분위기는 조금씩 어두워져만 가고 어린 폴(스테판 엔키스트)의 얼굴에는 이유를 알 수 없는 어둠이 드리운다.