Han-jun Bang

Han-jun Bang

출생 : 1905-12-30,


Baek Un-haeng was a Korean film director.

프로필 사진

Han-jun Bang

참여 작품

Dear Soldier
Two Korean conscripts undergo Imperial Japanese Army training, much to the pleasure of their families.
A whaling vessel hunts its quarry on the open sea while its crew undergoes many hardships. During the course of their journey, they dream of their wives and families and pray for the chance to provide for the loved ones and nation.
In the previous year, the harvest had been very poor and many farmers starved durng the winter. With the new growing season, it looks as if the harvest will again be bad because of a lack of rain. Young, idealistic farmer Eun-gi asks rich Kim Han to share his bounty, but the request is refused. Eun-gi's rightous fury is turned to rain by the heavens, giving the poor farmers a cause to celebrate
승리의 뜰
A propaganda film used by the Japanese military to recruit young Korean men as soldiers to defend the northwest border from possible Chinese attacks during World War II
경성일보의 경일소학생신문사의 작문공모에서 조선총독상을 받은 소학교 4학년 어린이의 수기를 영화로 만든 작품이다. 부모가 놋수저 행상을 떠나고 할머니는 병들어 누워있는 어느 가정의 한 소년이 수업료때문에 갖은 고생을 다하는데 다행히 고모의 도움으로 수업료를 준비하게 되었고,마침 학급에서도 우정함 모금을 하기로 하였다. 더욱 기쁜 일은 보모가 며칠후에 돌아와서 다음부터는 꼭 수업료를 마련해 주겠다고 약속한 것이다.
A couple lived in the mountains of Dume who were grilling charcoal. Although it was a poor life, Hyun-bo (Choi Woon-bong) was happy whenever he saw his wife (Hyun Soon-young). Her wife had a small dream to try on a pair of white rubber shoes. Her husband buys her rubber shoes by selling charcoal to the marketplace to please her wife. At that time, the forest supervisor (Jeon Taek-i) sees her beautiful Hyun Soon-young and tries to rape her. Hyeon-bo, who witnessed the scene, kills the forest supervisor with an axe. Looking at her husband's back as she was being dragged away by the police, Soon-young's long-awaited white rubber shoes were in her hands.
A couple lived in the mountains of Dume who were grilling charcoal. Although it was a poor life, Hyun-bo (Choi Woon-bong) was happy whenever he saw his wife (Hyun Soon-young). Her wife had a small dream to try on a pair of white rubber shoes. Her husband buys her rubber shoes by selling charcoal to the marketplace to please her wife. At that time, the forest supervisor (Jeon Taek-i) sees her beautiful Hyun Soon-young and tries to rape her. Hyeon-bo, who witnessed the scene, kills the forest supervisor with an axe. Looking at her husband's back as she was being dragged away by the police, Soon-young's long-awaited white rubber shoes were in her hands.
Original Story
The film depicts the reality of Joseon at the time through the conflict between the old and the new generation and the ethics between father and son. Park No-in (Yoon Bong-chun) is a boatman who believes in his profession. He intends to pass the ferry he inherited from his ancestors to his son (Lee Geum-ryong). But he doesn't want to be a boatman. When his father's compulsion grows stronger, one night he goes out alone to the riverside, caresses the oar stained by his father's hands, and then abruptly leaves.
The film depicts the reality of Joseon at the time through the conflict between the old and the new generation and the ethics between father and son. Park No-in (Yoon Bong-chun) is a boatman who believes in his profession. He intends to pass the ferry he inherited from his ancestors to his son (Lee Geum-ryong). But he doesn't want to be a boatman. When his father's compulsion grows stronger, one night he goes out alone to the riverside, caresses the oar stained by his father's hands, and then abruptly leaves.
Every morning, after driving his street cleaning car around the city, Seong-chun visits Il-hae's noodle shop. One particular morning, Seong-chun helps Il-hae and his daughter drive away gangsters who were trying to extort money from the business. This earns the honest laborer the gangsters' wrath
Every morning, after driving his street cleaning car around the city, Seong-chun visits Il-hae's noodle shop. One particular morning, Seong-chun helps Il-hae and his daughter drive away gangsters who were trying to extort money from the business. This earns the honest laborer the gangsters' wrath