Se-ung Yang

출생 : 1905-12-29,

참여 작품

그들의 행복
Director of Photography
똘똘이의 모험
Director of Photography
안중근 사기
Director of Photography
Biographical film about guerrilla resistance leader An Jung-geun, who assassinated former Japanese resident general Ito Hirobumi (signer of the "Treaty of the Protectorate of Japan over Korea", 1905) in Harbin on October 29, 1909.
Director of Photography
감격의 일기
Director of Photography
A pro-Japanese film showing documentary footage of a dance troupe made up of Koreans comforting Koreans and their families during conscription on the Japanese mainland.
Look Up at the Blue Sky
Director of Photography
A pro-Japanese film showing the bravery of soldiers defending the country and promoting the power of the Japanese Air Force among Korean youth, which teaches students to acquire model aircraft skills to enhance their aviation spirit.
반도의 봄
Director of Photography
영화 춘향전을 만들던 중 이영일에게 친구의 동생이자 영화배우 지망생인 김정희가 찾아온다. 영일은 영화에 마땅한 자리가 없어 정희를 음반회사에 소개시켜주고 돌봐준다. 춘향전의 여주인공 안나는 영일에게 호감을 보이지만 정작 영일은 그녀에게 관심이 없고, 안나의 애인이자 뒤를 봐주던 음반회사의 문예부장 한계수 역시 정희에게 관심을 보인다. 한편 영일과 함께 영화 춘향전을 촬영하던 감독 허훈은 안나가 말썽을 부리자 다툼 끝에 그녀를 내치고, 대신 정희를 춘향으로 기용한다. 정희의 투입으로 촬영이 순조롭게 진행되던 즈음, 영일과 허훈은 제작비 부족으로 곤란을 겪게 되고, 영일은 공금에 손을 대고 감옥에 갇힌다. 정희는 영일의 면회를 가지만 만나지 못한다. 영일이 안나의 도움으로 이미 풀려나왔기 때문이다. 수감 생활로 심신이 허약해진 영일은 안나의 극진한 간호를 받아 건강을 회복한다. 그 사이에 영화인들의 의기투합으로 반도영화주식회사가 설립되고, 회사의 든든한 지원으로 춘향전이 완성되어 대성공을 거둔다. 춘향전 개봉을 축하하기 위해 영일이 돌아오지만, 내심 영일의 행방을 걱정했던 정희는 그의 옆에 안나가 있는 것을 야속해하며 쓰러진다. 이후 정희는 영일에 대한 오해를 풀고, 둘은 동료들의 배웅을 받으며 일본영화계 시찰을 위해 기차에 몸을 싣는다.
Director of Photography
Electrician Dol-soi who was from an orphanage loved Soon-yi who was a daughter of the pub in town. Soon-yi, however, loved handsome electrician Eun-ki and refused Dol-soi's proposal. One day, an awful electrician Ba-woo tried to rape Soon-yi in a dark place. But, Dol-soi rescued her. As usual, Soon-yi loved Eun-ki. Frustrated Dol-soi left the town alone.
Director of Photography
Young peasant Seong-bo and his wife, unable to bear the poverty, leave for their hometown. After 20 years of hard work, you will be able to enjoy a more leisurely life. They had two sons. The eldest son, Cheol-su, resembled his father and was a hard worker, but his younger son, Cheol-min, was a playboy. Her mother, who was struggling with her younger son, dies, and her family begins to decline. The father leaves a letter to his two sons and sets out on a hopeless journey. The two sons are shocked and weeping, vowing to make a fresh start.
Director of Photography
A film based on the 1939 Dong-A Ilbo's New Year's Literature. The female protagonist loves a handsome young man who lives in the same village and is a musician. However, her parents plan to marry her by arrangement. Around that time, the young man leaves to study in Japan, and she decides to get married at the behest of her parents. The day the young man returned from studying abroad was her wedding day. The young man ran to her wedding hall to no avail. Lost in despair, she wanders and decides to have a concert in her home country, persuaded by her friends. And in the back seat of the presentation, there was a woman in tears.
A film based on the 1939 Dong-A Ilbo's New Year's Literature. The female protagonist loves a handsome young man who lives in the same village and is a musician. However, her parents plan to marry her by arrangement. Around that time, the young man leaves to study in Japan, and she decides to get married at the behest of her parents. The day the young man returned from studying abroad was her wedding day. The young man ran to her wedding hall to no avail. Lost in despair, she wanders and decides to have a concert in her home country, persuaded by her friends. And in the back seat of the presentation, there was a woman in tears.
A young man who has come from Seoul to the province falls in love with the daughter of a local farmer who stubbornly opposes this love. But, young people love each other, and, in the end, the father is forced to agree to their marriage.
Director of Photography
A young man who has come from Seoul to the province falls in love with the daughter of a local farmer who stubbornly opposes this love. But, young people love each other, and, in the end, the father is forced to agree to their marriage.
발굴된 과거
Director of Photography
[미몽 1936] [군용열차 1938] [어화 1939] 위 세가지 작품 합본
The film depicts the reality of Joseon at the time through the conflict between the old and the new generation and the ethics between father and son. Park No-in (Yoon Bong-chun) is a boatman who believes in his profession. He intends to pass the ferry he inherited from his ancestors to his son (Lee Geum-ryong). But he doesn't want to be a boatman. When his father's compulsion grows stronger, one night he goes out alone to the riverside, caresses the oar stained by his father's hands, and then abruptly leaves.
Director of Photography
The film depicts the reality of Joseon at the time through the conflict between the old and the new generation and the ethics between father and son. Park No-in (Yoon Bong-chun) is a boatman who believes in his profession. He intends to pass the ferry he inherited from his ancestors to his son (Lee Geum-ryong). But he doesn't want to be a boatman. When his father's compulsion grows stronger, one night he goes out alone to the riverside, caresses the oar stained by his father's hands, and then abruptly leaves.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The daughter of the boarding house owner and the boarder fall in love with each other. The more their parents oppose, the deeper their love grows. As the opposition from both families grows stronger, they leave the house in search of happiness.