Chen Saisai

Chen Saisai

프로필 사진

Chen Saisai

참여 작품

Monster Attack 3
Su Jinfeng, a local citizen, contracted a deserted island in the sea from his village. He has been planting coconut trees and picking coconut fruits on the island for several years. On this day, Su Jinfeng suddenly encountered a dinosaur while working in the coconut grove. He was frightened and fled for his life. Afterwards, Su Jinfeng was puzzled and brooding about the encounter with dinosaurs, and immediately informed a media of the information, hoping to attract attention and solve the mystery of dinosaurs. Media editor Lin Peilun was overjoyed when she heard the news. As a media person, she knew that if the situation was true, the prehistoric civilization of dinosaurs would be an unprecedented major discovery for the contemporary age. She may even be the first to report the incident..
King of Snake 2021
Wu Lanxia
Barbeque Guest
우연한 사고로 초능력을 갖게 된 소심한 대학생 ‘청밍’. 단, 능력을 쓸 때마다 기억도 조금씩 사라진다. 사고 당시 같이 있었던 짝사랑 상대 ‘린’과 절친한 형 ‘훼이’. 세 사람은 청밍의 능력과 일상을 스마트폰으로 찍으며 함께 어울린다. 초능력이 생겼지만 여전히 팍팍한 현실에 지쳐가는 청밍 그는 훼이의 부추김에 떠밀려 현금 수송차를 털기로 하는데…