반란의 불씨를 잠재우기 위해 시작된 잔인한 서바이벌 헝거게임. 헝거게임 10회를 맞아 ‘멘토제’가 도입되고 ‘스노우’는 12구역의 소녀 ‘루시 그레이’의 멘토가 된다. 그는 몰락한 가문의 영광을 되찾기 위해 ‘루시 그레이’를 헝거게임에서 우승 시키려 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는데…
Winnetou's tribe is in dire straits. There is a threat of famine as the all-important buffalo herds are now failing. As the headman's son, young Winnetou wants to prove to his father Intschu-chuna how brave he is and how great a warrior he can be, because he thinks his son still has a lot to learn. To save his tribe, he goes on a dangerous adventure.
Helen tries to do everything right, but the customers are not interested in the middle-aged woman in the sausage grill. As the straps cut deeper and deeper, Helen has to break out and from then on she does everything wrong, or right?
What happens if the global crisis suddenly becomes personal? After her twin sister has simply run away, Emmi goes on a search for clues. Surrounded by overwhelmed adults and terror news, she tries to sound out her perplexity between loss of control and dreamy longing ...