Ged Marlon

Ged Marlon

출생 : 1954-04-10, Paris, France

프로필 사진

Ged Marlon

참여 작품

In the Game
Retired coach driver
A rebellious teenager must travel the country with his sick grandpa to get to his basketball game.
자전거 탄 알세스트
Christophe Meynard, real estate agent
한 때 유명세를 날렸지만 이젠 대중들로부터 잊혀진 배우 세르주. 지난 3년 동안 홀로 고독 속에 살던 세르주의 유일한 낙은, 매일 같이 자전거를 타며 주위 풍경들을 감상하는 것이다. 그의 친구이자 잘 나가는 배우인 고티에는 몰리에르의 희곡 ‘미장트로프’를 연극으로 제작하려 하고 세르주에게 역할 하나를 제안한다. 고티에는 사회와 세상으로부터 멀어지고 있는 세르주가 이 작품을 재기의 기회로 삼아 선뜻 수락할 것이라 믿지만, 세르주는 그리 호락호락하게 넘어오지 않는데... (2015 시네프랑스)
Sex, Lies and Surgery
John - conscientious and romantic - and Michael - thoughtless and unfaithful - are surgeons at their father’s private hospital. John felt madly in love with Priscilla, a wonderful nurse. But he is betrayed by Michael who decides to marry her. Shattered by his loss, John moves to Canada. But Michael’s new project to dedicate the clinic to plastic surgery leads them to bankruptcy, forcing John to come back in the hope of saving the clinic...
Un simple froncement de sourcil
Stage Director
Un simple froncement de sourcil
Theatre Play
Un simple froncement de sourcil
Albert est méchant
Directeur hôtel
Patrick Lechat learns that his father, the famous writer Jo Lechat, whom he never knew, has just died leaving a colossal fortune. "Good thing!" Patrick Lechat and his family are currently in a very bad situation.
Jean-Paul Le Chanois
이 영화에서는 두 남자의 숙명을 이야기 한다. 영화 감독 보조인 쟝 드베브르는 프랑스 영화들을 제작하는 독일 영화사 콘티넨탈에서 일을 하게 되며, 그곳에서 항독 운동자의 은밀한 활동들을 위장하기 위한 방법들을 찾아 낸다. 시나리오 작가이며 시인인 쟝 오렌슈는 독일이 제안하는 모든 일들을 거절 하며 단지 펜과 글로써 독일에 저항한다. (제2회 서울 프랑스 영화제 소개)
Vive nous!
When Valérie's husband Yves confesses he's in love with another woman, she happens into a judo club and begins lessons. She likes it, she's a natural, and she's attracted to Bruno, the quiet instructor. He likes her as well, but sees social class as a barrier, and Yves never seems to be too far away. Valérie's two close friends have their own stories: Annette is continuously looking for a husband, with little luck. Clara cares more about wealth and power, and takes up with the country's finance minister, an older man who flips for her. Meanwhile, Yves's lover doesn't seem in a hurry to leave her husband, so Valérie looks good to him from time to time. Will Bruno ever make a move?
Vincent, a great connoisseur of racing and poker, and therefore in debt, lives in a hotel, as does André who is writing his first novel. Vincent's lenders are getting more and more urgent. To repay he must participate in a big game.
Couchettes express
Le contrôleur 'trois étoiles'
Antoine steward on the night train Paris-Venice. He must cards and identity documents of travelers in 'his' pick wagon. One day, a passenger, Jean-Bernard, for protection. He suffers from an unknown illness and he is not alone on the run for scholars who want to use him as a guinea pig, but also for Brandeburg, a trader in human organs.
Brèves de comptoir
Monofixe employee
La Vis
Un vendeur
Mr. K is a do-it-yourselfer and he works very seriously. One day he has a problem with one of his screws. Furious, he decides to complain at the administration office of the Department Store of Non Ferrous Metals!..
Rendez-vous au tas de sable
A tow truck driver becomes the impresario, then the singer of a new rock band.
A man and a woman quarrel over an old building, a heritage they share. Their opposing characters make the situation conflictual.
Gora, le pique-niqueur
Michel Mortez travels around France hosting a radio game show he created 25 years ago. He is famous among the average Frenchmen. Rivetot, his assistant and technician, always goes with him. He is the only one who knows what really lies under Mortez's appearance of a playful don Juan. When the program is canceled, Rivetot delays telling Mortez as long as possible... Both malicious and tender, this bitter comedy also shows nostalgia.
라운드 미드나잇
1959년, 재즈의 인기가 시들해져가던 시기, 누구도 듣길 원하지 않는 실험적인 음악을 연주하는 색스폰 연주자 데일 터너(덱스터 고든 분)는 알콜과 마약중독에 찌든 삶을 바꿔보기 위해 미국을 떠나 파리로 향한다. 매일 밤 담배연기 자욱한 재즈 클럽 ‘블루 노트’에서 몽크와 버드의 새 음악과 조지 거쉰과 포터의 스탠다드 곡들을 연주하는 데일은 제대로 된 연주를 위해 그가 술을 마시는 것을 감시하는 성깔있는 여주인과 클럽주인의 감시에도 불구하고 여전히 알코올 중독자로 병원에 들락거리는 신세로 살아간다. 한편, 터너를 세계 최고의 색스폰 연주자라고 생각하는 프란시스(프랑수아 클루제 분)는 클럽에 들어갈 돈이 없어 ‘블루 노트’ 밖에서 장대비가 내리는 것도 아랑곳하지 않고, 터너의 연주을 듣다가 연주를 끝내고 밖으로 나온 터너에게 접근해 맥주를 한 잔 사주게 되고, 두 사람은 그들의 인생을 바꿀 우정을 싹 틔우게 된다. 터너는 항상 술에 절어있었고, 스스로를 통제하지 못했고, 프란시스는 터너의 외로운 삶에 공감하며, 자신이 경배해 마지않는 음악가의 삶을 위해 프란시스는 그의 보호자를 자처하고, 건강을 보살피기 시작하는데.
Seven Women, Seven Sins
(segment "Envy")
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Gilbert Venin
디즈니랜드로 가장한 갱스타 미티 형제들은 부다페스트에서 홀드업을 한탕 치르고 빠리행 기차에 오른다. 기차에서 연극배우인 사촌을 찾아가던 레옹과 만나 그들은 친구가 된다. 미키는 빠리에 도착 후 브냉 형제집을 찾아가 애인 마리를 빼앗고 둘의 약혼 축제를 벌이며 일대소란을 피운다.
The Vengeance of the Winged Serpent
Alix Lefebure
An international intrigue with terrorists threatening to blow up the presidents of the most powerful countries.
프랑켄슈타인 90
French cybernetics genius Victor Frankenstein carries on the work of his notorious ancestor and creates a monster, albeit one with a penchant for philosophy, etiquette and occasional bouts of murderous rage. But when the creature develops a hunger for l'amour, Frankenstein and his understanding fiancé use a cache of freshly murdered strippers to build the creature a beautiful yet dutiful bride. Can the undead find true love in a cold world, or will the French ways of passion unleash some monstrous surprises upon them all?
Long Live Life
Building contractor
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
Rainbow Serpent
François / Ginette
A reporter enters the world of bodybuilding at a time when there has just been a death at the gym. He befriends an unusually gregarious bodybuilder there.