Sylvia B. Naves

참여 작품

Executive Producer
빈곤층 아동을 배경으로 (국가내) 빈곤과 소외, 불평등의 지속과 같은 산재한 문제들을 현실감 있게 그렸습니다.
L'aventure en utopialand
Reconstitution, through photos, films and texts, of the arrival in Brazil of the poet Cendrars, in 1924. Tributes received, visits throughout the country and the desire to make a "100 percent Brazilian film". Testimonials from figures who lived with the intensity of the core of modernist artists: Tarcila do Amaral, Oswald de Andrade, Mário de Andrade and Di Cavalcanti. Scenes from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, São Martinho Farm and the 1924 Revolution. Scenes from the movie LES HEURES CHAUDES DE MONTPARNASSE. Reference to Aleijadinho and Febrônio Indio do Brasil.