DeWayne Etheridge

참여 작품

Slumber Party Slaughter Party 2
Four years after a series of brutal murders took place, a psychotic killer returns to wreak havoc.
Slumber Party Slaughter Party 2
Four years after a series of brutal murders took place, a psychotic killer returns to wreak havoc.
Slumber Party Slaughter Party 2
Four years after a series of brutal murders took place, a psychotic killer returns to wreak havoc.
Season's Grievings
Christmas blaxploiter slasher.
Slumber Party Slaughter Party
Meagan, Amber, Riley, and Da'Shawn are friends that are about to graduate high school. Meagan's parents go out of town for the weekend and the girls decide to have a party, for old times sake. They plan on dancing, drinking, and entertaining guys. Everything is going as planned until an uninvited guest shows up to the party. A psychotic serial killer is on the loose and is taking out everyone that he comes across.