Second Assistant "C" Camera
치열한 경쟁이 벌어지는 헤지 펀드 회사. 예상치 못한 승진으로 최근 약혼한 젊은 커플의 관계가 벼랑 끝으로 몰리고, 두 사람은 약혼뿐만 아니라 더 많은 것들이 와해될 위기에 봉착한다.
Camera Production Assistant
Milena and Marko are visiting Marko's father on a remote mountain. Both Marko and Milena have their own agendas for the vacation: Marko wants to convince father that he should sell the mountain house, while Milena wants to advance their relationship. The couple plays nice in front of the father, and Milena soon realizes Marko isn't the man she fell in love with.