Wang Qing

Wang Qing

출생 : , 中国,山东

프로필 사진

Wang Qing

참여 작품

Zhang Zhen's Ghost Stories: The Girl Who Washed Her Face
Sister Li
The radio series Chang Chen Ghost Stories was first launched in 1999 by anchor Zhang Zhen, and it has become the most successful horror radio program to date in China. "The Legend of the Girl Who Washed Her Face" is another creepy tale from this collection.
음양사: 청아집
The Hair Demon
인간과 요괴가 공존하는 세상. 봉인된 요물이 깨어나고, 법사들이 하나씩 사라진다. 괴이한 일이 끊이지 않는 천도성. 음과 양의 균형이 삼라만상의 이치일지니, 바야흐로 음양사가 활약할 시대가 왔도다.
Zhang Zhen's Three Night Watches
Liu Chaosheng's wife
The radio series Chang Chen Ghost Stories was first launched in 1999 by anchor Zhang Zhen, and it has become the most successful horror radio program to date in China. New horror film anthology «Zhang Zhen’s Three Night Watches» contains three independent classic stories, "Ghost Cabinet", "Please Don't Paint My Face", and "Diary of the Dead". Each story has a different theme. "Ghost Cabinet" is dominated by love obsession, "Please Don't Paint My Face" is dominated by trust and greed, and "Diary of the Dead" is dominated by family affection and desire
공조: 특수용병대
Xiao Ye
특수 용병팀 ‘배드 보이즈’는 납치된 아동 인질 구출 임무에 투입된다. 팀장 ‘천펑’과 죽마고우인 ‘저우융’은 임무 수행 중 실수를 하게 되고, 이로 인해 납치범을 상대하던 전 대원이 목숨을 잃게 된다. 홀로 살아남은 죄책감으로 힘든 시간을 보내던 ‘저우융’에게 어느 날, 죽은 ‘천펑’의 딸 ‘샤오미’와 아들 ‘샤오더우’가 찾아오고, 자신을 살갑게 대하는 아이들 덕분에 조금씩 삶에 희망을 되찾아간다. 한편, ‘저우융’이 살아남은 소식을 접한 과거 납치범의 동생 ‘마하디’는 죽은 형의 복수를 위해 생존자인 ‘저우융’과 아이들을 뒤쫓고 있었는데...
It's Our Promise
Meng Po
The two young men fell in love at first sight and quickly got married. After getting married hastily, they found that their personalities were not appropriate. Their daily life changed from a show of affection to a quarrel. Their marriage was about to end, but because of a sudden car accident, they began a never-ending sadomasochistic race. Only when they are truly lost can they know how to cherish. The two people who were forced to separate because of the car accident slowly realized the importance of each other, and what really waited for them was a bigger problem.
Color of Youth
Fu Lanfang
On November 8, 1937, Taiyuan fell and the army retreated south to Linfen. For a time, this Jinnan town became the center of the War of Resistance in Shanxi and even North China. At this time, a special formation unit of the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army Academy, was established in Liucun Town, Linfen. In more than one hundred days, more than six hundred bloody youths "cast into steel" in this anti-Japanese war furnace.
Knight Of Love - The Sunshine
In the land of Green Mane there is treacherous strife. When the Seventh Prince of the Common Lord disappears from the Blue City, the assassin Shadowless is sent to the Blue City to find out the truth.
The Hunting