Berns De Reaux

참여 작품

Jens Mons in America
Shoeshiner (uncredited)
Jens Månsson has big financial problems and realizes that he probably has to leave his dear Skåne farm Gåsabo. But suddenly, he inherits a fortune from his brother John in America.
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The Swedish officer Mikael Bourg has served with the French army in Africa. When he returns to Sweden after many years abroad to recover from malaria, he meets his son, a student who prefers partying with his frat friends instead of his bank job; a disappointment in his father's eyes. He also meets a young librarian, Ebba Garland, which makes him feel young again and distracts him from the sickness.
Guest House Paradise
Paradiset is a boarding house in the archipelago of Stockholm, run by the strict Elvira Pettersson, and with a large variety of guests. Her maid Lotta quits her job but when she leaves she accidentally forgets to turn off the iron. However, her brother Julle sneaks back one night to turn it off. When he is discovered, he tries to make them believe that he is the great Argentine opera singer Don Carlos they have been waiting for
바이올리니스트 홀거는 예술적 명망을 차곡차곡 쌓아왔으며, 가정에도 충실하다. 한편, 미모와 재능을 겸비한 아니타가 홀거의 아이들에게 피아노를 가르치는데, 그녀의 연주를 들은 홀거는 그녀에게 빠진다. 자신 때문에 가정도 버린 홀거를 보며 아니타는 사랑과 죄책감 사이에서 갈등한다.