A chilling horror anthology comprising five short stories, penned by an unlikely group of aspiring writers, in Sugarton - a small town plagued by the apparent return of an infamous serial killer, dubbed "Cutthroat." They've come to share their scary stories (with each other and the bookstore owner, Peter, who leads the group), but soon discover they've become the stars of a sick killer's own twisted tale.
Kelly Deerdale, Hawaii's wild child or an innocent girl caught up in a lifestyle she doesn't understand? In either case, she forces former Hawaii Skinnydipper Jimmy Chow to re-examine his naturists beliefs.
Kennie Deerdale
Kelly Deerdale, Hawaii's wild child or an innocent girl caught up in a lifestyle she doesn't understand? In either case, she forces former Hawaii Skinnydipper Jimmy Chow to re-examine his naturists beliefs.
A documentary comparing and contrasting the origin of the nudist movement with how it is practiced today. The film also offers a look at the making of a nudist movie and a retrospective of nudist films from the 1930s to the 1960s.