용맹한 중세의 기사가 그녀에게 반했습니다. 동화책에나 나올 법한 이야기가 실제로 일어났다. 사랑을 믿지 않는 고등학교 과학 교사에게. 설마, 크리스마스의 악몽인가?
Mr. Lewis
After his son insists on bringing his boyfriend to practice, a rugby-mad father fears for his son’s chances of getting onto the national team.
Sarah's Father
When the Weatherman puts on his boots it gets frosty, when he puts on his scarf it gets windy, and when he puts on his hat it gets warm. The problem is, the Weatherman's lost his umbrella. Without an umbrella, there will be no more rain.