Edward J. Heim

참여 작품

사느냐 죽느냐
Klotski's Klown
1942년에 나온 "사느냐 죽느냐"의 리메이크 영화. 배경은 막 폴란드를 나치 독일이 점령한 때로, 30년대식 쇼 극단을 운영하고 있던 극장주이자 배우인 주인공 부부가 한 폴란드군 조종사를 도와 나치 비밀경찰과 스파이 활동을 벌인다는 내용
Calamity Jane
A Wild West cow town is starving for entertainment and it falls upon Calamity Jane, a rowdy, gun-toting tomboy, to go to Chicago to bring back a famed stage actress. She brings instead the star's maid, who settles in the town, but Jane's "Secret Love" falls for her. This television special was based on a stage adaptation of the film that was playing regional circuits at the time it aired.
Wonderful Town
Dancer - Brazilian Navy Cadet (uncredited)
Ruth Sherwood and her sister, Eileen, have moved to 1935 Greenwich Village. They're surrounded by colorful Village characters (including an out-of-work football player known as the Wreck, and Mr. Appopolous, a modern painter and their landlord) and embark on various New York adventures. Ruth, who's trying to make it as a writer, meets up with a sleazy newspaper writer named Chick and a kindly editor named Bob, both of whom take an interest in both her career and her.