Ali Jafari

참여 작품

노 베어스
First Assistant Camera
이란에서 출국금지 당한 영화 감독 자파르 파나히. 그는 한 국경 마을에 머물며 원격으로 영화 촬영을 진행한다. 그가 찍는 영화 속에는 터키에서 프랑스로 도피하려는 커플이 등장하고 그가 머무는 마을에는 오랜 관습으로 사랑을 허락받지 못한 연인들이 도피를 계획 중이다. 어느새 감독은 마을을 뒤흔드는 사건 속으로 휘말려 들어간다.
The Death Story of Sohrab
Production Manager
A minstrel named Kamous is standing before Rostam. One out of many stories he has recited for people is: What befell Sohrab with Rostam. Rostam believes that the story the minstrel is narrating-- the Tragedy of Sohrab, is inverted, gone astray and wrongful. And he questions the minstrel "why?" Here, with Rostam questioning the minstrel another story begins which is the opening of our narrative.
The Death Story of Sohrab
Director of Photography
A minstrel named Kamous is standing before Rostam. One out of many stories he has recited for people is: What befell Sohrab with Rostam. Rostam believes that the story the minstrel is narrating-- the Tragedy of Sohrab, is inverted, gone astray and wrongful. And he questions the minstrel "why?" Here, with Rostam questioning the minstrel another story begins which is the opening of our narrative.